Hart County Objectives
A complete listing of the Objectives set by the Hart County Steering Committee is below and can be sorted, filtered, and downloaded as needed. This listing is kept current based on progress made toward these objectives by the Steering Committee. To learn more about the Hart County Steering Committee, click here.
In-Progress Objectives
Completed Objectives
Upcoming Objectives
Category | Hazard Objective? | County Action # | Action | Start Date | Due Date | HMP Goal | CEDS Goal | Hazards Covered | County | Applicable Jurisdictions | FEMA Priority | Local Priority | Proposed Partners | Potential Funding Sources | Status | Proof of Completion | Included in 2017 Plan | Notes/Comments |
Category | Hazard Objective? | County Action # | Action | Start Date | Due Date | HMP Goal | CEDS Goal | Hazards Covered | County | Applicable Jurisdictions | FEMA Priority | Local Priority | Proposed Partners | Potential Funding Sources | Status | Proof of Completion | Included in 2017 Plan | Notes/Comments |
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Allen H.1.1 | By March of 2025, form a housing subcommittee with members from the Housing Authority, Landmark, and other interested parties to research the needs for low to mid housing levels in Allen County. | 02/01/2022 | 03/01/2025 | 2.1, 3.3, 3.4 | H1 | Extreme Temperature | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | Housing Authority Landmark Planning & Zoning Landlords School System Realtors FAITH Coalition | Staff Time | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | Housing Authority struggles with getting applicants who meet the eligibility requirements (applicants either have too high of an income or cannot pass drug test). Outreach has confirmed the need for mid-level housing. | |
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Allen H.1.2 | By June of 2025, create an inventory of existing housing options in each level (low, entry, and mid) and define what each level equates to in Allen County. | 03/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 2.1, 3.4 | H1 | Extreme Temperature | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | Housing Subcommittee | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Allen H.1.3 | By October of 2025, use the inventory created by the housing subcommittee to develop action steps to address identified housing gaps, including but not limited to the identification of needs and resources for homeless individuals throughout the county, including the possibility of a centralized hub of resources for homeless individuals. | 05/01/2023 | 10/01/2025 | 1.1 | H2 | Extreme Temperature | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | Housing Subcommittee | Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Allen L.1.1 | By December of 2023, work with the school system, Scottsville Rotary Club, Interact Clubs, and local media to host a training for county civic organizations on “telling their story” to increase local youth engagement and establish a regular promotion that highlights the activities and mission of Allen County civic organizations, such as success stories. | 07/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 4.1, 4.2 | CLD.2 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | Neutral | Marlyn Crow, School System, Rotary, Interact Club, Local Media | Local Funds, Private, Investment | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Allen L.1.2 | By August of 2023, develop a civic leadership curriculum for high school students to further promote local opportunities. | 04/01/2023 | 08/01/2023 | 4.2 | CLD.2 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Maryln Crow, School System, Local Civic Clubs, Extension Office, Pridemasters | Local Funds, Private, Investment | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Sense of Place | HMP | Allen SP.1.1 | By April of 2023, work with the Heart of Scottsville to explore the opportunities and need for reinstating the Historic Commission and extending the Heart of Scottsville’s coverage area to East Main Street in order to ensure the preservation of historic structures and places in Scottsville and Allen County. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2022 | 1.1, 2.1 | TCD.2 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | Heart of Scottsville. Historic Society, Building Inspector | Main Street Program | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | Initial discussions currently underway. ----- Mayor has to appoint members formally asking state to extend borders. | ||
Sense of Place | HMP | Allen SP.1.2 | By October of 2022, and working through various event-specific committees and boards, encourage and provide support for organizations hosting events in the downtown area of Scottsville and other areas of Allen County by providing a list of support services that could be provided to events by the county, city, and school system. (Also Supports DT.1) | 02/01/2022 | 10/01/2022 | 4.2 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | Medium | City, County, Chamber, School System | Staff Time | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Sense of Place | Allen SP.1.3 | By December of 2022, work with SBDC and the City and County, to include information about the SBDC in business license packets. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | ED.3 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | Low | SBDC, Mayor, County Judge | Staff Time | On-Going | On-going | |||||
Sense of Place | Allen SP.1.4 | By April of 2025, based on the need discovered in SP.1.1, extend the boundaries of the Scottsville historic district. | 04/01/2025 | Allen | Allen County, Scottsville | In progress | ||||||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | HMP | Allen TCD.1.1 | By December of 2024, work with the Extension Office and other appropriate agencies to create maps of producers in Allen County, including but not limited to the Mennonite Community. | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2024 | 5.1 | TCD.3 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | Neutral | Extension Office- Family & Consumer Science Council, City, County, Chamber | Staff Time | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | In progress | ||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Allen TCD.1.2 | By December of 2025, establish the Halcomb House as the Scottsville-Allen County Tourism and Cultural Center. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | TCD.1 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | Low | Halcomb Center, Tourism Commission, City, County | Staff Time | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Allen TCD.2.1 | By Fall of 2024, market at Barren River Lake in order to attract lake tourists to Scottsville-Allen County. Add information for Allen County-Scottsville businesses and events and the Mennonite community at the Barren River Lake Lodge and ACE Office, and identify housing & businesses around Barren River Lake to add brochures about Scottsville-Allen County tourist attractions. | 02/01/2022 | 10/01/2024 | TCD.1 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Barren River Lake Lodge, Army Corps of Engineers Office, Campgrounds, Chamber | Staff Time | Complete | Resources have been gathered. Committee currently checking on putting at locations. ---------- Chamber developing video and brochure to distribute. I-65 coordinate 1 | |||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Allen TCD.2.2 | By December of 2025, identify existing maps, or create new maps as needed, of routes along Allen County streams and creeks that are suitable for kayaking and canoeing, and construct wayfinding markers along identified routes. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | TCD.3 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | City, County, BRADD, Brittany Fisher/Dugas Park, Dennis Arterburn | Staff Time | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Allen TCD.2.3 | By December of 2025, explore options for a Blueways Designation in Allen County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | TCD.3 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | City, County, BRADD, Brittany Fisher/Dugas Park | Staff Time | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Allen TCD.2.4 | By December of 2025, work with BRADD to identify a list of potential funding sources and next steps for the restoration of L&N Railroad Depot as a kickstarter to revitalize the East side of Scottsville. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | TCD.2 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Historical Society, City, Fiscal Court, Rotary, BRADD, Mark Huntsman | Grants | Ongoing | Committee needs a step-by-step listing of what to do next for potential grants. | |||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Allen TCD.2.5 | By December of 2025, identify areas suited for a Rails-to-Trails conversion and explore funding opportunities for the creation of a Rails-to-Trails trail and educate residents on the potential benefits of a Rails-to-Trails trail. | 12/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | PF.1 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | City, Fiscal Court, Mark Huntsman | Rails to Trails Conservancy Grant | Ongoing | ||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Allen TCD.2.6 | By Summer of 2023, work with the Scottsville-Allen County Arts Council to hold annual festivals and events to promote the rich musical and arts history of Scottsville and Allen County. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2023 | SP.2 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Scottsville - Allen County Arts Council | Staff Time | On-Going | https://www.acsarts.org/upcoming-events/norrofest | |||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Allen TCD.2.7 | By April of 2023, create a joint city/county tourism commission to serve Allen County in promoting and supporting tourist attractions throughout the community. | 01/01/2023 | 04/01/2023 | Allen | |||||||||||||
Downtown Development | HMP | Allen DT.1.1 | By February of 2023, create a subcommittee to work with the BRADD Transportation Planner to determine the demand to improve bicycle access in the downtown area, and identify routes/roads where such access is most needed/feasible. (Also Supports T.2) | 01/01/2023 | 02/01/2023 | 1.2, 4.2 | T.5 | Allen | Scottsville | Medium | Low | City, BRADD Transportation Planner | KYTC - TAP | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Downtown Development | HMP | Allen DT.1.2 | By January of 2024, the subcommittee will partner with the BRADD Transportation planner to determine the need to implement bicycle parking on West Cherry Street to increase foot traffic in the downtown area. (Also Supports T.2) | 05/01/2023 | 01/01/2024 | 1.2, 4.2 | T.5 | Allen | Scottsville | Medium | Low | Transportation Subcommittee, BRADD Transportation Planner | KYC - TAP | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Downtown Development | HMP | Allen DT.1.3 | Beginning in October of 2022, promote the efforts of the Heart of Scottsville to increase citizen and business owner awareness and participation in beautification activities in the downtown area by attending the quarterly public forums and cross-publicizing events on Steering Committee Members’ social media pages. | 02/01/2022 | 10/01/2022 | 4.2 | DT.1 | Allen | Scottsville | Medium | High | Heart of Scottsville, Steering Committee Members | Staff Time | On-Going | https://www.wbko.com/2023/02/07/heart-scottsville-aims-revitalize-downtown-square/ | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Downtown Development | HMP | Allen DT.1.4 | By October of 2022, and working through various event-specific committees and boards, encourage and provide support for organizations hosting events in the downtown area of Scottsville and other areas of Allen County by providing a list of support services that could be provided to events by the county, city, and school system. (Also Supports SP.1) | 02/01/2022 | 10/01/2022 | 4.2 | DT.1 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | Neutral | City, County, School System, Chamber | Staff Time | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Downtown Development | HMP | Allen DT.1.5 | By July of 2022, explore options for installing signage directing traffic to designated public parking available in Allen County. | 03/01/2022 | 07/01/2022 | 4.2 | T.2 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | City, KYTC | KYTC or Other Parking Services | Complete | Available upon request | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Downtown Development | HMP | Allen DT.1.6 | By December of 2025, seek out funding opportunities to restart the Heart of Scottsville incentive program for business/property owners for making improvements to downtown businesses and properties. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2025 | 2.1, 3.2 | ED.3 | Allen | Scottsville | Medium | High | City, County, Heart of Scottsville | Private Investment Main Street Program | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Downtown Development | HMP | Allen DT.1.7 | By March of 2023, work with the Heart of Scottsville and KYTC District 3 to install public parking directional signage. | 07/01/2022 | 03/01/2023 | 4.2 | DT.1 | Allen | Scottsville | High | High | City, County, Heart of Scottsville, KYTC D3 | City Funds | Complete | Available upon request | New for 2022 Plan | Have plan in place. Double-sided signs, need clarification on a few additional spots for after-hours open to public? --------- Complete | |
Economic Development | Allen ED.1.1 | By December of 2024, encourage marketing and advertising specifically to promote Allen County as an attractive and viable place for remote workers to live and work at technology-based businesses including promoting local internet providers and the local Chamber of Commerce by developing a “who are we attracting” profile to promote Allen County through published media efforts nationally. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | SP.2 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Chamber, City, County, IDA | Chamber/IDA Funds | On-going | ||||||
Economic Development | HMP | Allen ED.1.2 | By October of 2022, work with BRADD, Area Workforce Board, Chamber, and resources like sizeupkentucky.com to determine the top industry sectors of the county for the purpose of creating and implementing a sustainable retention strategy for existing industries and businesses. | 02/01/2022 | 10/01/2022 | 3.4 | ED.4 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | BRADD, City, County, Chamber, Workforce Board, IDA | Workforce Board | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Economic Development | Allen ED.1.3 | By October of 2022, work with the South Central Small Business Development Center to support and encourage the development of local businesses in Scottsville-Allen Co. by promoting SBDC services in Chamber outreach efforts and developing a one-pager of information on “How to Start a Business in Allen County” to disseminate at multiple locations throughout the county. | 02/01/2022 | 10/01/2022 | ED.4 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | SBDC, Chamber, City, County | SBDC Funding | On-Going | ||||||
Economic Development | Allen ED.1.4 | By July of 2023, work with the Chamber and Local Businesses to put together welcome bags for new residents to promote events and businesses in Allen County to keep local resources local and mitigate leakage to Warren County. | 03/01/2023 | 07/01/2023 | ED.1 | Allen | Scottsville, ALlen County | Medium | High | Chamber, Local Businesses | Chamber, Private Investment | Complete | ||||||
Economic Development | Allen ED.1.5 | By July of 2022, coordinate with the Chamber, City, and County, to promote the SBDC by hosting a training for small business stakeholders in Allen County. | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2022 | ED.3 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | Low | SBDC, Chamber, County, City, IDA | SBDC Funding | |||||||
Workforce Development | Allen WD.1.1 | By December of 2023, work with BRADD’s Transportation Planner to conduct a survey to determine the need for additional transportation services to/from employers or ride-share programs. (Also Supports T.1) | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2023 | T.3 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | Neutral | BRADD, Scottsville Transit, Chamber, Employers, Workforce Development Board | KYTC - OTD 53xx Funds, Private Investment | On-going | ||||||
Workforce Development | HMP | Allen WD.1.2 | By December of 2025, if a need is determined through WD.1.1, put a plan together to address said needs/gaps in transportation to employment. | 03/01/2024 | 12/01/2025 | 1.2, 3.4 | T.3 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | Neutral | BRADD, Scottsville Transit, Chamber, Employers, Workforce Development Board | KYTC - OTD, Private Investments | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Workforce Development | Allen WD.2.1 | By August of 2023, promote existing apprenticeship programs and opportunities available for non-college bound students between young job seekers and employers by developing social media campaigns to be deployed by partner members and with assistance from the regional Workforce Development Board and local school districts. | 08/01/2022 | 08/01/2023 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Workforce Board, Local Industries, School Officials, Chamber | Workforce Development Board, Chamber | ||||||||
Workforce Development | Allen WD.2.1 | By August of 2023, promote existing apprenticeship programs and opportunities available for non-college bound students between young job seekers and employers by developing social media campaigns to be deployed by partner members and with assistance from the regional Workforce Development Board and local school districts. | 08/01/2022 | 08/01/2023 | W.2 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Workforce Board, Local Industries, School Officials, Chamber | Workforce Development Board, Chamber | On-Going | ||||||
Workforce Development | Allen WD.2.2 | By December of 2027, work with institutions of higher learning such as Lindsey Wilson and others to explore the option of offering local night classes for workforce development. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | W.2 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | Neutral | Higher Education, Workforce Development Board | Private Funding | |||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Allen I.1.1 | By January of 2025, greatly reduce issues with infiltration in the sewer system and enhance sewer coverage by 70%. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.2 | I.2 | Allen | Scottsville, | Medium | High | Mayor, Greg Cook | KIA, ARPA Clean Water | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Allen I.1.2 | Using the broadband feasibility study conducted by BRADD, confirm the speed of broadband within Allen County in order to increase coverage throughout the county by December of 2027. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 2.2 | I.5 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storm | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | Judge/Executive, Broadband Providers | ARPA, USDA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | Allen I.1.3 | By January of 2024, evaluate the need for electric charging stations in the community. (Also Supports T.2) | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2024 | T.1 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | Neutral | Private providers, Tri County Electric, TVA, County | Private Investment, TVA, Infrastructure Bill | In progress | ||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.1.4 | By December of 2027, repair and replace pump stations, manholes, and sewer collection lines in the northern area of the City of Scottsville. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Allen | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.1.5 | By December of 2027, construct an electric charging station at the Allen County Extension Office located at 115 South 1st Street. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Allen | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.1.6 | By December of 2027, install new telemetry systems on all pump stations and install electrical connections for emergency generator connection to allow operations of pump stations from the plant, as well as to provide emergency power adaptability to all stations. (SX21003018) | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 2.1 | Allen | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.1.7 | By December of 2027, connect existing hospital pump stations to the new 980 sewer line by constructing a new force main to Dell Hall Drive and Gravit Lane for the purpose of improving flow and reducing the load on the existing collection lines and pump stations that serve half of the city. (SX21003021) | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Allen | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.1.8 | By December of 2027, replace four of the existing out of date and dangerous pump stations at Cottage Drive, Colonial Manor, Woodland Heights, and Highway 98. (SX21003022) | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Allen | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Allen I.2.1 | By December of 2024, conduct a vulnerability assessment of critical infrastructures to determine needs and prioritize actions including, but not limited to, reviewing existing water service delivery systems to eliminate breaks and leaks and determining the need for relocating utilities in public buildings above the base flood elevation. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.2 | I.6 | Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storm | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Very High | High | Emergency Manager, City, County, ACWD | Private, Local Funds | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Allen I.2.2 | By January of 2024, strengthen the electrical grid in the county by evaluating the feasibility of running power lines underground, increasing redundancy and loops in power lines, and looking at areas of power outages and electric capacities. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.2 | I.6 | Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Allen | Scottsville | High | High | Tri County Electric, TVA | Private, Local Funds | On-going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Allen I.2.3 | By December of 2025, construct an additional natural gas feeding station in Allen County. | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.3 | I.6 | Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | City, Gas Provider | Private, Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Allen I.2.4 | By December of 2027, construct a new natural gas distribution station to better serve the industrial park. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Allen | Infrastructure | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.2.5 | By December of 2027, repair and replace natural gas distribution lines throughout the city of Scottsville as most recent lines were placed in the 1970s. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Allen | Infrastructure | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.2.6 | By December of 2027, purchase and install a backup generator at the Scottsvile city water treatment facility. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Allen | Infrastructure | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.2.7 | By December of 2027, purchase and install a backup generators for all of the city pump stations. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Allen | Infrastructure | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.2.8 | By December of 2027, construct a tri-county power substation at the Allen County Industrial Park for redundancy prevention. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Allen | Infrastructure | Allen I.2.9 | 4/15/2024 | 12/1/2027 | |||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Allen I.3.1 | By January of 2026, develop a plan to install larger water lines and replace older ones for the purpose of installing fire hydrants throughout the county. | 12/01/2022 | 01/01/2026 | 1.3, 3.3, 3.4 | I.1 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Severe Storm, Tornado | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Very High | High | ACWD, Planning & Zoning, Fire Chiefs, Emergency Manager | KIA, USDA, Private Investment | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | Allen I.3.2 | By December of 2027, complete the HWY 101 WSI Bridge Hollow Road project to add new water mains to underserved areas. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 2.1 | Allen | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.3.3 | By no later than December of 2024, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to allocate funds to a qualifying project. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 2.1 | Allen | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.3.4 | By no later than December of 2026, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to expand all Cleaner Water Funds. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 2.1 | Allen | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.3.5 | By October 16, 2024, comply with the EPA Lead and Copper Rule, and all revisions, to compile a Lead Service Line Inventory. | 11/01/2023 | 10/01/2024 | Allen | Infrastructure | Complete | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.3.6 | By December of 2027, replace existing or install new water lines in North Allen county with larger diameter pipes to correct the identified water distribution issues. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Allen | Infrastructure | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.3.7 | By December of 2027, construct a booster pump station in the Maysville Road and Holland Road area for the purpose of creating a partial new pressure zone for the city to provide water service to surrounding customers. (WX21003001) | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Allen | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.3.8 | By December of 2027, install PVC line between Sumitomo Water Tank to the existing pump station near Dollar General for the purpose of increasing pressure to supplement demand for approximately 2000 underserved customers. (WX21003020) | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Allen | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.3.9 | By December of 2027, paint and perform necessary maintenance for the Maysville Road water tank in Allen County, add security fencing around the new tank, paint the Sumitomo water tank, and demolish the old out-of-service tank. (WX21003014) | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Allen | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.3.10 | By December of 2027, provide a more direct feed to the existing Walker's Chapel water tank and the proposed tank (WX21003029) that is currently being designed. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Allen | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.3.11 | By December of 2027, rehabilitate and make necessary improvements to the City of Scottsville Water Treatment Plant as outlined in WX210030033, as well as purchasing and installing a generator with an automatic transfer switch at the Scottsville WTP. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Allen | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.3.12 | By December of 2027, construct a new elevated storage tank to replace an existing glass lined standpipe for the purpose of allowing the District to have proper turnover of the tank while providing additional storage for existing customers. (WX21003034) | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Allen | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Allen I.3.13 | By December of 2027, replace water mains with PVC and replace service lines in the downtown area between Bowling Green Rd, E. Locust Street, N. 7th Street, and E. Poplar Street, as outlined in WX21003035. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Allen | ||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Allen T.1.1 | By December of 2026, develop staffing by researching grants to sustain positions supporting the Scottsville Transit System. | 07/01/2023 | 12/01/2026 | 1.2 | T.3 | Allen | Scottsville | Medium | High | BRADD, Scottsville Transit, City | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Transportation | HMP | Allen T.1.2 | By December of 2026, develop a sidewalk improvement plan to include an inventory of existing sidewalks and transit stops for the purpose of determining where improvements to existing sidewalks/transit stops are needed and where the construction of new/additional sidewalks and crosswalks are needed. (Also Serves T.2) | 07/01/2023 | 12/01/2026 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Allen | Scottsville | Medium | High | BRADD Transportation, City Planner/Superintendent, Mayor | KYTC - OTD Planning Funds, USDA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | Allen T.1.3 | By December of 2023, work with BRADD’s Transportation Planner to conduct a survey to determine the need for additional transportation services to/from employers or ride-share programs (Also Serves W.1) | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2023 | T.3 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | Neutral | BRADD, Scottsville Transit, Chamber, Employers, Workforce Development Board | KYTC - OTD, 53xx Funds, Private Investment | Complete | ||||||
Transportation | HMP | Allen T.2.1 | By December of 2026, develop a sidewalk improvement plan to include an inventory of existing sidewalks and transit stops for the purpose of determining where improvements to existing sidewalks/transit stops are needed and where the construction of new/additional sidewalks and crosswalks are needed. (Also Supports.1) | 07/01/2023 | 12/01/2026 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Allen | Scottsville | Medium | High | BRADD Transportation, City Planner/Superintendent, Mayor | Local Funds, KYTC, USDA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Allen T.2.2 | By February of 2023, create a subcommittee to work with the BRADD Transportation Planner to determine the demand to improve bicycle access in the downtown area, and identify routes/roads where such access is most needed/feasible. (Also Supports DT.1) | 01/01/2023 | 02/01/2023 | 1.2, 4.2 | T.5 | Allen | Scottsville | Medium | Low | City, BRADD Transportation Planner | KYTC - TAP | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Allen T.2.3 | By June of 2025, the subcommittee will partner with the BRADD Transportation planner to determine the need to implement pedestrian improvements on West Cherry Street to increase foot traffic in the downtown area. (Also Supports DT.1) | 05/01/2023 | 06/01/2025 | 1.2, 4.2 | T.5 | Allen | Scottsville | Medium | Low | Transportation Subcommittee, BRADD Transportation Planner | KYTC - TAP | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | Allen T.2.4 | By January of 2029, install handicapped and elderly accessible biking and running/walking trails throughout Allen County. (Also Supports PF.1) | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2029 | T.5 | Allen | Allen County | Low | High | County, Dugas Park | Recreational Trails, CDBG | |||||||
Transportation | Allen T.2.5 | By June of 2026, conduct a feasibility study to convert former railroads to walking/biking trails, including possible tie-in locations and possibly extending out to Dugas Park. (Also Supports PF.1) | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2026 | T.5 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | City, County, Dr. Huntsman, Private Landowners | LWCF, Recreational Trails, CDBG | |||||||
Transportation | Allen T.2.6 | By December of 2023, work with BRADD’s Transportation Planner to conduct a survey to determine the need for additional transportation services to/from employers or ride-share programs. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2023 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | Neutral | Scottsville Transit, Chamber, BRADD, Employers | KYTC - OTD, Private Investment | On-going | |||||||
Transportation | HMP | Allen T.2.7 | By January of 2026, evaluate the need for raised crosswalks to signal crossings to drivers (in areas such as on North Court) and evaluate adding additional raised crosswalks if needed). | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2026 | 1.1 | T.5 | Allen | Scottsville | High | High | City, KYTC, Heart of Scottsville | KYTC - TAP | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Allen T.2.8 | By December of 2025, develop and plan for ways to reduce commercial traffic in heavy pedestrian traffic areas (such as the square). | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | City, County Officials, KYTC, Heart of Scottsville | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Allen T.2.9 | By June of 2023, review and update if needed the interagency debris removal plan in order to safely and efficiently remove debris from streams that cause damage to bridges and transportation facilities. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 3.4 | T.7 | Tornado, Severe Storm, Flooding | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Very High | High | City, County Officials, EM | FEMA | On-Going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Transportation | HMP | Allen T.2.10 | By December of 2026, create an inventory of culverts, roads, and bridges that are susceptible to collapse or flooding for the purposes of identifying and implementing needed corrective measures. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2026 | 5.2 | T.7 | Tornado, Severe Storm, Flooding, Winter Storm | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Very High | High | EM, County Road Foreman, City Public Works, KYTC | FEMA, KYTC | In progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Transportation | Allen T.2.11 | By June of 2025, evaluate the need for electric charging stations in the community. (Also supports I.1) | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2025 | T.1 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | Neutral | Private providers, Tri County Electric, TVA, County | Private Investment, TVA, Infrastructure Bill | In progress | ||||||
Transportation | Allen T.2.12 | By December of 2027, purchase an electric bus and install electric vehicle charging stations in the city of Scottsville. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Allen | |||||||||||||
Transportation | Allen T.2.13 | By December of 2027, seek funding to rebuild State Road 101 in Allen County from Scottsville to Smiths Grove. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Allen | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Allen PF.1.1 | By January of 2029, install handicapped and elderly accessible biking and running/walking trails. (Also Supports T.2) | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2029 | PF.1 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Low | High | County, Dugas Park | Recreational Trails, CDBG | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Allen PF.1.2 | By January of 2026, conduct a feasibility study to convert former railroads to walking/biking trails, including possible tie-in locations and possibly extending out to Dugas Park. (Also Supports T.2) | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2026 | PF.1 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | City, County, Dr. Huntsman, Private Landowners | LWCF, Recreational Trails, CDBG | In progress | ||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Allen PF.1.3 | By July of 2025, create a county-wide parks and recreation committee to determine how to best diversify amenities to meet community needs (for example, the development of a dog park and skate park). | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2025 | 4.2 | PF.1 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | City, County Officials, Dugas Park | LWCF, Recreational Trails Program | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Allen PF.1.4 | By December of 2027, seek out funding to complete phase two of the Allen County Recreational Park. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | PF.1 | Allen | |||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Allen PF.2.1 | By January of 2026, develop a plan with the local school system and other institutions of higher education to determine local needs and integrate hazard mitigation and emergency preparedness curriculum. | 01/01/2024 | 01/01/2026 | 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 | CLD.7 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | Low | Schools, PTA, Lindsey Wilson College, SkyCTC, WKU, County Government | Local funds/school | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2024. | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Allen PF.2.2 | By June of 2025, conduct a needs assessment to determine the need for additional childcare services in the county. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2025 | 1.1, 3.4 | PF.2 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Health department, Schools, Headstart. SACKy, Family Support Services, County Government | USDA, Community Action Funding, Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Allen PF.2.3 | By January of 2025, conduct a feasibility study and explore funding opportunities for an Adult Daycare in the county. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2025 | 3.4 | PF.4 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Health Department, CASKy, BRADD AAAIL | AAAIL Funding, Local Funding | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Allen PF.3.1 | By March of 2025, conduct vulnerability assessment of critical facilities to determine needs and prioritize actions including but not limited to identifying which critical facilities are in need of generators. | 01/01/2024 | 03/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.4, 5.2 | PF.5 | Tornado, Severe Storm, Winter Storm, Earthquake, Flooding | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | EM, City, County, Schools, Utilities, Hospitals | KOHS, FEMA, Private funds, Local funds | In progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2024. | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Allen PF.3.2 | By June of 2025, evaluate the feasibility of flood proofing the Sewer Plant and other vulnerable facilities including identifying possible funding revenues. | 01/01/2022 | 01/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.6, 3.4 | I.2 | Flooding | Allen | Scottsville | Very High | High | Greg Cook, Emergency Manager | KIA, FEMA, CDBG, USDA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Allen PF.3.3 | By June of 2023, create and maintain a GIS database to inventory all critical facilities and structures in each hazard area. | 01/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 1.1, 5.1, 5.2 | PF.5 | Flooding, Kart/Sinkhole | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | BRADD GIS, Emergency Manager | Local funds, FEMA | On-going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Allen PF.3.4 | By January of 2025, evaluate the feasibility of relocating the Adolphus Fire Department for the purpose of flood proofing the department. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2 | PH.2 | Flooding | Allen | Allen County | High | High | Adolphus Fire Chief, Emergency Manager | FEMA, CDBG | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Allen PF.3.5 | By January of 2027, evaluate where there are gaps in existing safe room locations for the purpose of constructing additional safe rooms where needed. | 01/01/2025 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 2.2, 4.3 | PH.4 | Tornado, Severe Storm | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Emergency Manager, City, County | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Allen PF.3.6 | By January of 2027, seek funding to increase warning siren coverage throughout the county, including outdoor warning systems, NOAA weather radios, and other alert systems. | 01/01/2025 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.3, 5.3 | PH.4 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storm | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Emergency Manager, City, County | FEMA | Ongoing | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2025. | Latest application with FEMA unsuccessfull - county is reapplying with new grant cycle. | |
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Allen PF.3.7 | By January of 2027, conduct a feasibility study to determine where additional heating/cooling locations and general shelters are needed in the county. | 01/01/2025 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 4.2 | PF.2 | Extreme Temperature, WInter Storm, Tornado, SEvere Storm | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Emergency Manager, City, County | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Allen PF.3.8 | By December 2022, promote the locations of accessible heating and cooling centers throughout the county by creating and distributing information on social media platforms, newspapers, and radio. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 4.3 | PH.4 | Extreme Temperature | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Emergency Manager | Local Funds | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | On-Going | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Allen PH.1.1 | By April of 2023, conduct research on the need for a homeless shelter, mental health facilities/services, and/or day treatment programs for Allen County. | 04/01/2022 | 04/01/2023 | 3.4 | PF.2 | Extreme Temperature | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Health Department, LifeSkills, Housing subcommittee, CASEKy | Local Funds, Private Funds | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | In Progress | |
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Allen PH.1.2 | By January of 2027, conduct a needs assessment to identify challenges and opportunities for attracting healthcare providers (including pediatric and kidney dialysis providers) to locate in Allen County. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2027 | 3.4 | PH.3 | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Medium | High | Hospital, Chamber, Health Department | Local Funds, Private Funds | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | Allen PH.1.3 | By June of 2025, seek out funding for the construction of transient/emergency housing in Allen County. | 04/01/2023 | 06/01/2025 | Allen | In progress | ||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | Allen PH.1.4 | By 2027, support local and regional efforts for mental health facilities/services and/or day treatment programs. | 04/01/2023 | 01/01/2027 | Allen | |||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Allen PH.2.1 | By December of 2024, evaluate the feasibility of a 24/7 joint city/county full-time fire department. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | 1.1, 3.3, 3.4, 5.4, 6.2 | PH.2 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storm | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | City, County, Emergency Manager, Fire Chief | FEMA, AFG | No longer feasible | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Allen PH.2.2 | By January of 2023, develop a recruitment and retention campaign for qualified dispatchers, fire, law enforcement, and EMS workers. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 5.4 | PH.2 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storm | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | Very High | High | EMS Board, City, County, Sheriff, Police Department, 911 Director, Fire Chief | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | On-going | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Allen PH.2.3 | By December of 2027, develop a plan for integrated training for disaster/emergency response with emergency safety responders. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 3.4, 5.4, 6.2 | PH.2 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storm | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | EMS Board, City, County, Sheriff, Police Department, 911 Director, Fire Chief | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | On-going | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Allen PH.2.4 | By December of 2024, determine the areas where there are gaps in emergency communications systems for the purpose of becoming P25 compliant throughout the county. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | 1.1, 5.3 | I.8 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storm | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | Emergency Manager, Emergency Service Agencies | KYEM, FEMA, KOHS | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Allen PH.2.5 | By December of 2023, review the existing emergency evacuation plan and make any necessary updates. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2023 | 3.4, 4.3 | CLD.6 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storm | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | Neutral | Emergency Manager | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Allen PH.2.6 | By December of 2027, work with BRADD to appoint local members to the BRADD Citizen Corps/CERT team program. | 01/01/2027 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 6.1, 6.2 | CLD.8 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storm | Allen | Scottsville, Allen County | High | High | City, County, Emergency Manager, BRADD | Staff Time | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2027. | |||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Barren H.1.1 | By May of 2025, work through the comprehensive plan to educate the public on available public housing options, conduct a comprehensive review of building codes and ordinances for the county & each city, and to explore methods to increase housing stock throughout the county. (Also Supports L.1.1) | 06/01/2022 | 05/01/2025 | 3.3, 3.4 | H1 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Medium | Low | County, Cities, Board of Realtors, Housing Authority, Housing Developers | Staff Time | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Barren H.1.2 | By May of 2025, the comprehensive plan will evaluate and educate citizens on standards for renters and owners. | 01/01/2023 | 05/01/2025 | 3.3, 3.4 | H.4 | Barren | Medium | High | Housing Committee, Bridge KY, Boys & Girls Clubs, Renters/Owners groups | Local funds, Private funds | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Barren H.1.3 | By December of 2023, the housing committee will create and maintain a list of available housing property in Barren County. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2023 | H1 | Barren | Medium | High | Housing Committee | Staff Time | No longer feasible | |||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Barren H.1.4 | By December of 2027, the housing committee will explore methods for supporting increased residential code enforcement across Barren County. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | H.4 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | High | Housing Committee, Cities, County, JCCPC, Building Inspectors | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Barren H.1.5 | By December of 2026, review and compile a comprehensive listing of current county, city and state license standards and processes for residential contractors, for the purpose of identifying needed updates and gaps to be filled. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2026 | 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | H.4 | Barren | High | High | Housing committee, Code Enforcement, JCCPC | Staff Time | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Barren H.1.6 | By December of 2027, increase opportunities in Cave City for housing developments. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | ||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Barren L.1.1 | By May of 2025, work through the comprehensive plan to educate the public on available public housing options, conduct a comprehensive review of building codes and ordinances for the county & each city, and to explore methods to increase housing stock throughout the county. (Also Supports H.1.1) | 06/01/2022 | 05/01/2025 | 3.3, 3.4 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Medium | Medium | County, Cities, Board of Realtors, Housing Authority, Housing Developers | Staff Time | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Barren L.1.2 | By July of 2024, the committee will develop an information guide for the public and local officials on existing building codes in the county and each incorporated city, to make it more accessible to the community and builders. | 01/01/2024 | 07/01/2024 | H.4 | Barren | Medium | Medium | Housing Committee | Local Funds | ||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Barren L.2.1 | By June of 2023, form a Hazard Mitigation Awareness Committee to develop a Public Outreach Plan for educating citizens on disaster preparedness and hazard mitigation strategies, including but not limited to storm alert systems and educating citizens on the locations of storm shelters throughout Barren County. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | CLD.7 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | High | Bridge KY, Emergency Manager, Caveland Environmental Authority, Emergency Response Agencies, Army Corps of Engineers, Mammoth Cave National Park, Local Media, Cities, County | Local Funds | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Barren L.2.2 | By March of 2025, the Hazard Mitigation Awareness Committee will share the Public Outreach Plan throughout the county through a variety of media channels, including publication on county and city websites and social media channels. | 12/01/2022 | 05/01/2025 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | CLD.7 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Barren | High | High | Hazard Mitigation Awareness Committee | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Barren L.2.3 | By December of 2024 and annually thereafter, review the Public Outreach Plan and update as needed. | 12/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | CLD.7 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Barren | High | High | Hazard Mitigation Awareness Committee | Staff Time | On going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Barren L.3.1 | By January of 2024, develop a Storm Water Management Plan and a Flood Plain Management Plan to reduce flood & erosion damages for all of Barren County. | 01/01/2024 | 3,4 | PH.4 | Flooding | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Very High | High | Emergency Manager, Floodplain Coordinator, Caveland Environmental Authority, Stormwater Manager, County, Cities | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Barren L.3.2 | By January of 2025, work with volunteer fire departments across Barren County to host an annual or semiannual training event for citizens in basic emergency response and disaster preparedness. | 01/01/2024 | 01/01/2025 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 6.1, 6.2 | PH.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Barren | Very High | High | City and County Fire Departments, Emergency Management Council | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2024. | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Barren L.4.1 | By June of 2023, encourage Barren County cities and county organizations and committees to contact youth organization sponsors, including 4H, Boys & Girls Clubs, Chamber Youth Leadership program, Lions Club, and Kiwanis Club, to invite students to meetings. | 06/01/2023 | CLD.2 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Medium | Low | Representatives from Youth Civic Organizations, Cities, County | Staff Time | On-going | Committee met with WKU to work on a Fire Science Program. | ||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Barren L.4.2 | By May of 2024, plan and implement a county-wide youth service project day in order to promote service leadership in the county. | 08/01/2022 | 05/01/2024 | CLD.2 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Medium | Low | All Barren County School Districts, Youth Organizations, Cities, County | Staff Time | Complete | https://www.barreninc.com/programs--events.html#:~:text=This%20program%20is%20open%20to,the%20opportunities%20in%20our%20region. Leaders of the Future Information | |||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Barren SP.1.1 | By December of 2023, encourage Barren County and its cities (that do not have the code adopted already) to update ordinates in order to create a pristine and clean community for improved image and presentation of Barren County and its cities by: removing dumpsites, abandoned cars, dilapidated buildings, and other blighted conditions and by preventing future eyesores. | 12/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 3.1 | H.4 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | High | Housing Committee, Cities, County | Staff Time | Complete | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in late 2022. | |||
Sense of Place | Barren SP.1.2 | By May of 2025, incorporate “Green Views” into the Barren County Adopted Comprehensive Plan. | 12/01/2023 | 05/01/2025 | SP.1 | Barren | Medium | Low | JCCPC | Staff Time | In progress | |||||||
Sense of Place | Barren SP.1.3 | By December of 2022, convene a working group of stakeholders to discuss the possibility of establishing cohesive signage and entrances to the County and each city. | 12/01/2022 | SP.2 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Medium | High | Cities, County, Downtown Development Committee (created in D. 1.1), Renaissance Glasgow, Tourism, Chambers, Glasgow Garden Club | Staff Time | Complete | New signs at most gateways at the county level. In process at City levels. | ||||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Barren SP.2.1 | By December of 2025, identify a peer community in Kentucky (of similar size and makeup) that has implemented land use planning in the County and research applicability of these practices in Barren County. | 12/01/2025 | 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 | SP.1 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | High | KACo, County, Cities | Staff Time | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Barren SP.2.2 | By March of 2022 and each year thereafter, host a community cleanup day, including reduced cost for dumping at Glasgow landfill and free storage containers and research the feasibility of conducting a second event each fall and expanding these events to be a week biannually. | 03/01/2022 | 1.6 | I.7 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Very High | High | Cities, County Governments, Glasgow Landfill, Public Works Departments, Barren County Solid Waste Coordinator | DVM Grants | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Barren SP.2.3 | By March of 2022, develop a plan to communicate to the public information about the Community Cleanup Events. | 03/01/2022 | 4.2 | I.7 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Very High | High | County, Cities, Glasgow Landfill, Public Works Departments, Barren County Solid Waste Coordinator | DVM Grants | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Sense of Place | Barren SP.3.1 | By May of 2025, create a County-Wide Historic Preservation Committee to educate citizens on area historic and cultural properties and encourage the creation of additional historic preservation districts throughout the county. (Also Supports TCD.2.1) | 05/01/2025 | TCD.2 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Medium | High | County, Cities, Historic Preservation Commission, Tourism, JCCPC | Staff Time | Complete | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Barren TCD.1.1 | By March of 2023, coordinate a public workshop taught by local media representatives covering how to promote services, how to create press releases, etc. for county-wide nonprofits, civic organizations and public agencies. | 03/01/2023 | CLD.9 | Barren | Medium | Neutral | Sam Terry, Local Media | Staff Time | Complete | ||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Barren TCD.1.2 | By December of 2023, develop a clearinghouse of information regarding events in the county and region for the purpose of creating a comprehensive master digital calendar that each community organization can add to in real-time. | 12/01/2023 | TCD.1 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | Neutral | County, Cities. Chambers, Tourism | Staff Time | Complete | https://www.betterinthebarrens.com/events/ | ||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Barren TCD.1.3 | By August of 2023, host county-wide amenities tour for hospitality workers, front-facing workers, and elected officials to promote local establishments to tourists. | 08/01/2023 | TCD.1 | Barren | High | Neutral | Caveland Marketing Association, Chambers of Commerce | Local Funds | In progress | ||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Barren TCD.1.4 | By December of 2023, begin to hold annual meetings between all Barren County tourism commissions and associations to share information and coordinate on shared goals. | 12/01/2023 | TCD.1 | Barren | High | Neutral | Tourism | Staff Time | Complete | https://www.betterinthebarrens.com/events/ | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Barren TCD.2.1 | By May of 2025, create a County-Wide Historic Preservation Committee to educate citizens on area historic and cultural properties in order to encourage the creation of additional historic preservation districts throughout the county. (Also Supports SP.3.1) | 03/01/2022 | 05/01/2025 | TCD.2 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Medium | High | County, Cities, Historic Preservation Commission, Tourism, JCCPC | Staff Time | In progress | ||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Barren TCD.2.2 | By January of 2027, work with the County-Wide Historic Preservation Committee and Tourism Commissions to determine improvement and preservation needs at historic sites throughout Barren County and identify funding sources to begin to meet those needs. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2027 | TCD.2 | Barren | Medium | High | Historic Preservation Commission, Tourism | Staff Time | ||||||||
Downtown Development | Barren DT.1.1 | By September of 2022, form Downtown Development Committees in all incorporated cities in Barren County to encourage community-led events and “after-hour” activities. | 09/01/2022 | DT.1 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Medium | Neutral | Entertain Glasgow, Tourism, Chamber, Cities, County, Quazibicentential Planning Group, Historic Preservation Committee | Staff Time | ||||||||
Downtown Development | Barren DT.1.2 | By June of 2023, the Downtown Development Committees will propose a plan and schedule of events and activities citizens can participate in 2023, while also seeking feedback from the community on proposed events and activities. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | DT.1 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Entertain Glasgow, Tourism, Chamber, Cities, County | Staff Time | On-going | ||||||||
Downtown Development | Barren DT.1.3 | By February of 2023, the Downtown Development Committees will devise a plan to encourage the attraction and interest of the scheduled events & activities. | 02/01/2023 | DT.1 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | Neutral | Entertain Glasgow, Tourism, Chamber, Cities, County | Staff Time | Complete | |||||||
Downtown Development | Barren DT.2.1 | By December of 2023, the Downtown Development Committees will determine the “successes” of the communities and how they can be leveraged to sustain and grow the economic base in their respective Downtown communities. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | ED.1 | Barren | High | Neutral | Entertain Glasgow, Downtown Committees, Renaissance Glasgow | Staff Time | On-going | |||||||
Downtown Development | Barren DT.2.2 | By December of 2025, the Downtown Development Committees will obtain a needs analysis, with the guidance of regional and state partners, to determine the gaps of needed businesses in the Downtown Areas and how to attract and maintain said businesses. | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | ED.1 | Barren | Medium | Neutral | Renaissance Glasgow, Downtown Committees | EDA, Local Funds | On going | |||||||
Downtown Development | HMP | Barren DT.3.1 | By March of 2022, Downtown Development Committees will determine what specific beautification efforts and blighted properties need to be addressed in their Downtown areas and devise a plan on how to address those efforts. | 03/01/2022 | 2.1, 2.2 | DT.2 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Very High | Neutral | County, Cities, Downtown Committees, Renaissance Glasgow, Downtown Historical Group, Glasgow Garden Club | CDBG, EDA, USDA, Local Funds, Private Investment, Other Funds TBD | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | Complete in Cave City. Efforts ongoing in Glasgow. | |||
Economic Development | Barren ED.1.1 | Within one week of each success, Steering Committee members will congratulate Barren lnc on their work in retaining and expanding businesses in Barren County. | 12/01/2022 | ED.3 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | High | Cities, County, Chambers, BCEA | Staff Time | Complete | |||||||
Economic Development | Barren ED.1.2 | By August of 2023, work with SBDC to encourage small business development and stimulate entrepreneurship in Barren County through training, assistance and capitalization. | 08/01/2023 | ED.3 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | High | Cities, County, Chambers, SBDC | SBDC, USDA, Local Funds, Private Investment, ARPA Small Business Grants | On-going | SBDC & Tourism traning on Digital Marketing Complete. | ||||||
Workforce Development | Barren W.1.1 | By June of 2023, convene a cohort with representatives from SKYCTC, Barren lnc, and other workforce stakeholders to identify gaps in workforce development and identify mitigation measures to fill those gaps. | 06/01/2023 | W.2 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | High | Tech Schools, School Systems, Industries, Cities, County, IDA, Chambers | Staff Time | ||||||||
Workforce Development | Barren W.1.2 | By July of 2022, survey Barren County to determine needs and barriers to workforce participation including transportation opportunities and childcare. | 07/01/2022 | W.3 | Barren | High | High | Glasgow Transit, Industries, Workforce Development Center, TJ Samson Child Care | KYTC - OTD | Removed | No longer feasible | |||||||
Workforce Development | Barren W.1.3 | By December of 2027, seek out funding to build a new campus for SKYCTC, allowing them to expand their classes and services for the betterment of the workforce in the region. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.1.1 | By December of 2025, develop and maintain a solid waste management system for Barren County. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 3.1, 3.4 | I.7 | Barren | Barren County | High | High | Solid Waste Management Coordinator, County, Emergency Manager | Local Funds, Other Funds TBD | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.1.2 | By January of 2025, considering the most current BRADD feasibility study, the committee will explore options to extend broadband connection in rural areas of the county by seventy-five percent. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2025 | 5.3 | I.5 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Very High | High | County, Cities, Utilities, EPD, SCRTC | Local Funds, Other Funds TBD | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.1 | By April of 2022, work with each utility system to identify if they have a written inventory of problem areas, or areas of higher risk, and a replacement plan for those areas; and if not work with the utility system to create one. | 04/01/2022 | 04/01/2023 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | CLD.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Barren | Very High | High | Utility systems, BITS - Patrick Staples, Emergency Manager | Staff Time | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.2 | By December of 2024, utilize the inventory created/identified in I.2.1 to determine any needed corrective measures. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | I.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Barren | High | High | Utility systems, BITS - Patrick Staples, Emergency Manager | Staff Time | On going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.3 | By December of 2025, using the inventory of needed corrective measures created in I.2.2, implement corrective measures. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2025 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | I.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Barren | High | High | Utility systems, BITS - Patrick Staples, Emergency Manager | HMGP, BRIC, Federal Funds | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.4 | By December of 2025, seek funding to fly LiDAR for one foot contour maps | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 5.1 | SP.3 | Earthquake, Karst/Sinkhole | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Very High | High | BITS - Patrick Staples, County, Cities | HMGP | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.5 | By December of 2027, strengthen the electrical grid through installation of underground powerlines, redundancy, and loopfeeds, where feasible. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.6 | By no later than December of 2024, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to allocate funds to a qualifying project. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | Barren | Complete | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.7 | By no later than December of 2026, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to expend all Cleaner Water Funds. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2026 | 1.3, 1.4 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Very High | High | Electric Companies, County, Cities | State & Federal Grants | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.8 | By October 16, 2024, comply with the EPA Lead and Copper Rule, and all revisions, to compile a Lead Service Line Inventory. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | Barren | Complete | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.9 | By December of 2027, seek funding for the expansion of the Water Treatment Plant to serve Allen, Metcalfe, Warren, and Barren counties. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.10 | By December of 2027, extend necessary utilities from Hwy90 to the loop (6880) to promote development in that area. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.11 | By December of 2027, upgrade the Lucas WTP on Barren River Lake Reservoir as outlined in WX21009047. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.12 | Will update as new project profile is made. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.13 | By December of 2027, construct a water line to connect the proposed water tank to Outer Loop/BCEA Industrial Park as outlined in WX21009044. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Barren I.2.10 | By December of 2027, extend necessary utilities from Hwy90 to the loop (6880) to promote development in that area. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Barren I.2.14 | Will update as new project profile is made. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Barren I.2.15 | By December of 2027, construct a new water tank at Grandview Drive in the City of Glasgow as outlined in WX21009031. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Barren I.3.1 | Will update as new project profile is made. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Barren I.3.2 | By December of 2027, install a force main and two lift stations as outlined in WX21009044. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Barren I.3.3 | By December of 2027, upgrade the Glasgow Wastewater Treatment Plant's disinfection basin as outlined in WX21009031. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Barren I.3.4 | By December of 2027, replace the sewer collection system at the Caveland Environmental Authority in Cave City. (SX21009045) | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Barren I.3.5 | By December of 2027, upgrade the Glasgow Wastewater Treatment Plant from 4Mgd to 6Mgd as outlined in SX21009048. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Barren T.1.1 | By December of 2027, and annually thereafter, inspect and inventory roadways to determine areas of need for the purpose of ensuring rights-of-ways and transportation corridor needs, both current and future, including roadway lighting, crosswalks and crosswalk lights. | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2, 6.2 | T.7 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | High | Barren County Road Supervisor, Cities | Road Aid Funds, Local Funds, KYTC | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Transportation | HMP | Barren T.1.2 | By December of 2024, develop a coordinated interagency debris removal plan in order to remove debris from streams that cause damage to bridges and transportation facilities and infrastructure. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.7 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | High | Emergency Manager, Cities, County | Staff Time | On-Going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | |||
Transportation | HMP | Barren T.1.3 | By December of 2022, inventory existing bike and sidewalk facilities for the purpose of improving existing facilities and adding new facilities where feasible. | 12/01/2022 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | High | County, Cities, JCCPC, BITS (Barren Information Technology Systems) - Patrick Staples | RTP, TAP | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Transportation | Barren T.1.4 | By December of 2024, research funding options to create beautification efforts at 31W and other gateways to cities and the county. | 12/01/2024 | Barren | On going | |||||||||||||
Transportation | Barren T.1.5 | By December of 2024, create an inventory of susceptible culverts, roads and bridges in order to implement corrective measures and review inventory annually thereafter. | 12/01/2024 | Barren | On going | |||||||||||||
Transportation | Barren T.1.6 | By December of 2025, create a comprehensive sidewalk improvement and expansion plan for Barren County and each of its cities for the purpose of seeking out funding to implement sidewalk/pedestrian safety improvements and enhancements. | 12/01/2025 | Barren | ||||||||||||||
Transportation | Barren T.2.1 | By December of 2023, work with KYTC to place signage on the Bypass to encourage truck traffic to bypass the square. | 12/01/2023 | T.2 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Very High | High | KYTC, Road Department(s), Cities, County, Glasgow Street Superintendent | KYTC, Other Funding Source TBD | Complete | |||||||
Transportation | Barren T.2.2 | By June of 2024, in cooperation with KYTC and the Tourism Development Cabinet, implement a tourist information and directional signage system to enable visitors to reach tourism and other recreational destinations in Barren County and its cities. | 06/01/2024 | TCD.1 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Medium | High | KYTC, Tourism Cabinet, Cities, County, Tourism | KYTC, Other Funding Source TBD | In progress | |||||||
Transportation | Barren T.2.3 | By December of 2027, in cooperation with KYTC and the Tourism Development Cabinet, add Barren County tourist destinations to Limited Supplemental Guide Signs (“Brown Signs”) to enable visitors to reach tourism and other recreational destinations in Barren County and its cities. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2027 | TCD.1 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Medium | High | KYTC, Tourism Cabinet, Cities, County, Tourism | Local Funds, KYTC, Other Funding Source TBD | In progress | ||||||
Transportation | Barren T.3.1 | By December of 2025, conduct a needs and feasibility study regarding establishing public transit in Cave City, Park City and County-wide. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2025 | T.3 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Medium | Neutral | BRADD, City Street Departments, County Road Department, Schools, Existing transport services | KYTC - OTD, Local Funds | |||||||
Transportation | Barren T.4.1 | By December of 2027, make needed improvements to the Glasgow Airport including the underground fuel system, T hangers, and a new terminal building. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Barren PF.1.1 | By December of 2025, work with the Emergency Manager to compile a list of potential heating and cooling centers in Barren County and publicize the availability of these locations. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1, 4.2 | PH.4 | Extreme Temperature | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Very High | High | County, Cities, Emergency Manager, Boys & Girls Clubs, School Districts, Community Relief | Army Surplus, FEMA Grants | Complete | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | Heating done. | |
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Barren PF.1.2 | By June of 2025, work with the Emergency Manager to compile a list of which critical facilities need generators and assess feasibility of purchasing and installing needed generators. | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.3 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Very High | High | County, Cities, Emergency Manager, Boys & Girls Clubs, School Districts, Community Relief | Army Surplus, FEMA Grants | In progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Barren PF.1.3 | By December of 2027, purchase and install a generator at the Glasgow Police Maintenance Center and Training Center. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | PF.1 | Barren | |||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Barren PF.1.4 | By December of 2027, purchase personal portable generators for use by citizens reliant on life-support equipment | PF.1 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Barren PF.1.5 | By December of 2027, purchase and install a generator at Beaver Trail Park in Glasgow for use as an EOC during post-disaster events. | PF.1 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Barren PF.1.6 | By December of 2027, upgrade the Glasgow City Hall generator to secure the entire building. | PF.1 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Barren PF.2.1 | By September of 2023, work with county parks/recreation, city representatives, tourism director, and other steering committee members to create a marketing plan for the promotion of existing facilities (YMCA, parks, etc.). | 04/01/2022 | 09/01/2023 | PF.2 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Medium | Neutral | County Parks & Recreation, Cities, Tourism | Grant Funds | On-going | ||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Barren PF.2.2 | By June of 2023, create more recreational activities for all ages like intramural sports through partnerships with YMCA, schools, parks, etc. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | PF.2 | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | Neutral | County Parks & Recreation, Cities, Tourism | LWCF Grant, Recreational Trails Grant | In progress | Adding parks @ cave city | |||||
Public Facilities and Services | Barren PF.2.3 | By May of 2025, form a committee (with membership including Barren County Fiscal Court Magistrates) to explore opportunities for creating parkletts in Barren County. | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | PF.1 | Barren | Medium | Neutral | BITS, Magistrates & other elected officials | LWCF Grant, Recreational Trails Grant | ||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Barren PF.2.4 | By December of 2027, construct an AG Expo Center in Barren County. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Barren PF.2.5 | By December of 2027, construct a sports complex in Barren County. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Barren PF.2.6 | By December of 2027, seek funding to construct an indoor recreation facility/aquatic center for the city of Glasgow. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | Public Facilities and Services | Barren PF.2.4 | 11/27/2023 | 12/1/2027 | |||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Barren PF.2.7 | By December of 2027, seek funding to construct an amphitheater in the city of Park City. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | Public Facilities and Services | Public Facilities and Services | 11/27/2023 | ||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Barren PF.2.8 | By December of 2027, seek funding to revamp/expand the Cave City Recreational Park.. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | Public Facilities and Services | Public Facilities and Services | 11/27/2023 | ||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Barren PF.2.9 | By December of 2024, conduct an assessment of programs for elderly and special needs individuals in Barren County | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | Barren | Complete | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Barren PF.3.1 | By August of 2024, compile a list of daycare and childcare facilities in Barren County and publicize them throughout the community. | 04/01/2022 | 08/01/2024 | 1.1 | PF.2 | Barren | Medium | High | School Systems, Health Department | Staff Time | No longer feasible | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Barren PF.3.2 | By August of 2025, promote collaboration between schools and adult daycares to accommodate facilities for young adults with special needs. | 04/01/2022 | 08/01/2025 | 1.1 | PF.3 | Barren | High | High | School Systems, Health Department, BRADD AAAIL, Just Family Center of Barren County | Local Funds | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Barren PF.3.3 | By December of 2025, conduct an assessment of programs for elderly and special needs individuals in Barren County. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1 | PF.3 | Barren | High | High | BRADD, Just Family Center of Barren County | Local Funds, AAAIL Funding, CASKy, Other Funding TBD | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Barren PF.3.4 | By December of 2025, assess options to assist the homeless and precariously housed population in Barren County, similar to the Amon house in Georgetown. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1 | H2 | Extreme Temperature | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | High | Local Fire Departments, Social Services, Health Department, Department of Education, County, Cities | Local Funds, Other Funding TBD | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Barren PF.3.5 | By August of 2025, complete a feasibility study to assess the need for a special needs assisted living facility in Barren County. | 04/01/2022 | 08/01/2025 | 1.1 | H1 | Barren | High | High | Health Department, BRADD AAAIL, Glasgow Intermediate Care Facility | Other Funding TBD | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Barren PH.1.1 | By June of 2023, develop an emergency services recruitment campaign to recruit applicants for emergency response positions (911 dispatchers, first responders, etc.). | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 4.2, 6.2 | PH.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Very High | High | County, Cities, Emergency Manager, Emergency Services Agencies, EMS | Local Funds, Other Funds TBD | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | Need marketing # for campaign | |
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Barren PH.1.2 | By April of 2024, seek out funding for the construction of transient/emergency housing in Barren County. | 04/01/2022 | 04/01/2024 | 5.3 | I.8 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Very High | High | County, Cities, Emergency Manager, Emergency Services Agencies, EMS | FEMA, KOHS | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Barren PH.1.3 | By January of 2025, identify locations suitable for serving as emergency helipad landing locations and assess the feasibility of constructing permanent helipads throughout Barren County. | 01/01/2024 | 01/01/2025 | 1.2 | T.6 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Medium | Neutral | Emergency Manager, Emergency Service Agencies, County, Cities | FEMA, KOHS | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Barren PH.1.4 | By December of 2027, seek funding for the construction of a regional opioid/recovery ready/ "life learning" center in Barren County. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | ||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | Barren PH.2.1 | By June of 2023, reach out to TJ Samson Community Hospital to assess and promote current facilities and services that promote overall health in Barren County, including the increase of bike usage. | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | PF.2 | Barren | High | Neutral | TJ Samson Health, Medical providers, YMCA, School Districts, BRHD | Local Funds, Other Funds TBD | ||||||||
Public Health and Safety | Barren PH.2.2 | By December of 2023, promote local food providers and healthier food campaigns through partnerships with farmers’ markets and local farmers. | 12/01/2023 | PH.3 | Barren | High | Neutral | Farmers, Market, Amish Community, BRHD, Sustainable Glasgow, Extension Office | Health Department Funding | On-going | ||||||||
Public Health and Safety | Barren PH.2.3 | By December of 2027, work with YMCA, Parks & Recreation Department and School Systems to promote more 5Ks and 10Ks in the county to promote health. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | PH.3 | Barren | High | Neutral | YMCA, Parks and Recreation, Schools | Local Funds | ||||||||
Public Health and Safety | Barren PH.2.4 | By December of 2027, seek funding for the expansion of the Water Treatment Plant to serve Allen, Metcalfe, Warren, and Barren counties. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Barren | |||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Barren PH.3.1 | By December of 2025, assess current storm shelters and promote, and look at areas that need more facilities that need to be wind- and tornado-proofed if feasible, and retrofit current storm shelters to be more visible and clearly labeled. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | High | High | Emergency Manager, County, Cities, Fire Departments | FEMA Grants | In progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Barren PH.3.2 | By January of 2026, Identify areas in Barren County that need to be covered by outdoor warning sirens and install new warning sirens to cover any uncovered area. | 01/01/2026 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Barren | Glasgow, Cave City, Park City, Barren County | Very High | High | Emergency Manager, County, Cities | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | Barren PH.3.3 | By December of 2025,purchase portable generators for disaster response, and publicise their availability to electrically-dependent residential properties. | 12/01/2025 | PH.3 | Barren | Complete | ||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Barren PH.4.1 | By December of 2026, implement an active warning system adjacent to low water fords to inform the public of roadway flooding. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2026 | 1.1 | T.7 | Flooding | Barren | High | High | Emergency Manager, Fire Departments, Road Supervisor | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Barren PH.4.2 | By December of 2024, require “ping” cell towers on all old and new towers within the county. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 1.1, 5.3, 6.2 | I.8 | Barren | Very High | High | JCCPC, Building Inspector | Private Investment, Other Funds TBD | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Downtown Development | Butler DT.1.1 | By September of 2023, encourage representatives from all incorporated cities and existing tourism boards in Butler County to join the chamber in order to share responsibility in Downtown Development efforts around the county and act as a Downtown Development Committee. | 01/01/2022 | 09/01/2022 | DT.3 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester | Medium | Medium | Chamber (Tristan Klein, President; Ann Burden, Coordinator), Steering Committee (Amy Hood, Debbie Hammers, Robert Tuck, Ryan Emmick) | Staff Time | In Progress | Joined Cave Country Trails System/Cohort as larger group- Invites issued and starting to convene | |||||
Downtown Development | Butler DT.1.2 | By June of 2024, the Chamber will maintain a plan and schedule of 2024 events and activities citizens can participate in, while also seeking feedback from the community on proposed events and activities. (Also Supports TCD.1 and SP.2) | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | DT.1 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | High | Downtown Development Committee, BRADD | Staff Time | On-Going | ||||||
Downtown Development | Butler DT.1.3 | By June of 2024, the Chamber will devise a plan to encourage the attraction and interest of the scheduled events and activities. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | DT.1 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester | Medium | High | Downtown Development Committee | Private Investment, Other Funding Sources TBD | On-Going | ||||||
Downtown Development | Butler DT.1.4 | By December of 2025, conduct a needs assessment with the guidance of regional and state partners to determine needed amenities in the downtown areas, such as benches, tables, and drinking fountains, to encourage the congregation of people. | 09/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | DT.3 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester | Medium | Medium | Each Mayor, County Judge, Tourism Chair | Local Funds, Private Investment, Americorps Member, Other Funds TBD | In Progress | ||||||
Downtown Development | Butler DT.1.5 | By January of 2024, schedule quarterly meetings and hold an annual planning meeting to encourage the development of a collaborative tourism committee and create a schedule of city and county-wide events. (Also Supports SP.2 and TCD.1) | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | DT.1 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | Medium | Tourism, Chamber | Staff Time | On-going | https://www.betterinthebarrens.com/events/ | |||||
Downtown Development | Butler DT.1.6 | By December of 2025, work with both County and City Tourism Commissions to combine outreach efforts to better tell the local story by promoting local tourism assets and establish a marketing plan for those assets. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2025 | DT.1 | Butler | ||||||||||||
Economic Development | HMP | Butler ED.1.1 | By June of 2023, conduct a needs assessment of how county industrial sites compare to surrounding similar sites in order to continue to develop and promote the IDA of Morgantown and Butler County, encouraging local utility partnership including improvement of broadband access. | 10/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | ED.2 | Tornado, Severe Storm, Winter Storm, Flooding | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | High | BRADD, IDA, IDA President, Cities, Judge | Local, private, EDA, Americorps | New for 2022 Plan | In Progress- Broadband well on way. No IDA land owned by county. | ||
Economic Development | Butler ED.1.2 | By June of 2024, using the needs assessment completed in ED.1.1, create a plan of action to increase the per capita income of the county and increase the number and availability of quality jobs and promote mitigation efforts in the private sector. | 06/01/2023 | 06/01/2024 | ED.1 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Low | High | Economic Development Board, Utilities, Steering Committee, Mayors, Judge, Chamber | Staff Time | On-Going | ||||||
Economic Development | HMP | Butler ED.1.3 | By January of 2023, create a collaborative legislative agenda for Butler County to promote common county-wide goals and needs. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 4.2 | CLD.3 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | High | High | Mayors, Judge, Chamber, IDA, School work ready committee | No additional funding needed | On-Going | https://drive.google.com/file/d/10mSPjdJubpTCG97XMTCHZgz6Gjx_Elca/view | New for 2022 Plan | In Progress- Holding job fair & sharing data based on workforce board info. |
Economic Development | Butler ED.1.4 | By December of 2027, extend necessary infrastructure to the area behind McDonald's to encourage additional development and economic growth. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | |||||||||||||
Economic Development | Butler ED.2.1 | By January of 2023, conduct an analysis with the guidance of regional and state partners to determine the disconnect between business development training programs to support local entrepreneurs across the county. | 06/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | ED.3 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | High | Greg (Extension Office), Amy (Schools) | Workforce Development Fund, Private Investment, EDA, Extension Office | On-Going | In Progress- Met with workforce to start | |||||
Economic Development | Butler ED.2.2 | By July of 2023, develop a clearinghouse of information for “How to Start a Business in Butler County” including business training opportunities and support services. | 01/01/2022 | 07/01/2023 | ED.3 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | High | Greg Drake, County, Cities, Chamber, SBDC, Extension Office | Staff Time | In-progress | ||||||
Economic Development | Butler ED.2.3 | By December of 2022, create a mentorship program in partnership with existing small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs in order to help guide and serve new entrepreneurs in Butler County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | ED.3 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | High | Local Business Owners, Extension Office, Chamber | Americorps Member, USDA: RBDG, SBDG Funds | no longer feasible | ||||||
Workforce Development | Butler W.1.1 | By August of 2022, develop a plan, with the support of local partners, to maintain the state’s goals as a “Work-Ready community.” | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2022 | W.2 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | High | Work-Ready Committee, County, Cities, IDA, School District | Covered in Existing | Committee establish and a plan has been outlined for maintaining status. | ||||||
Workforce Development | Butler W.1.2 | By June of 2022, work with the “Work-Ready” Committee tasked with promoting workforce development in Butler County in order to better utilize existing training facilities, programs, and equipment to provide programs to meet the needs of residents and expand as necessary to stay abreast of the skills needed for the changing economy. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | W.2 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | High | Work-Ready Committee, County, Cities, IDA, School District | Covered in Existing | Ongoing - regular meetings being held | On Going | |||||
Workforce Development | Butler W.1.3 | By December of 2023, the workforce subcommittee described in Objective 2 will conduct a needs assessment to determine what resources and needs exist among workforce stakeholders in Butler County. | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | W.1 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | High | Work-Ready Committee, Local Business Owners, CTE Program through Schools (Perkins) | Workforce, Schools Existing (Perkins) | |||||||
Workforce Development | HMP | Butler W.1.4 | By March of 2023, conduct an analysis with the guidance of regional and state partners to identify barriers to workforce development (including, but not limited to, childcare, transportation, and other support services) for the purpose of seeking out funding and programming to mitigate these barriers. | 02/01/2022 | 03/01/2023 | 6.2 | W.3 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | High | Work-ready Committee, SCWB, BRADD | Covered in existing | Ongoing, a connection has been made to expand resources | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Workforce Development | Butler W.1.5 | By December of 2027, construct a training facility in Butler County for heavy equipment operators and other workforce training needs as identified by area industries. | 11/01/2027 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | |||||||||||||
Workforce Development | Butler W.1.6 | By December of 2027, construct a new Technical School/Center in Butler County. | 11/01/2027 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | Workforce Development | Butler W.1.5 | 11/30/2027 | 12/1/2027 | |||||||||
Workforce Development | Butler W.1.7 | By 2030, work with NCFL family learning community to get Butler County designated as a Family Learning Community. (Also supports L.2) | 01/01/2025 | 01/01/2030 | Butler | |||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Butler H.1.1 | By January of 2023, collaborate with current service providers to identify existing senior and independent living facilities and services that exist in Butler County. | 03/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | H1 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | Medium | BRHD, Senior Center, Nursing Home, Community Action, AAAIL | Staff Time | Complete | ||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Butler H.1.2 | By June of 2025, conduct a comprehensive housing needs survey to include assisted living services currently available in Butler County in order to identify gaps in services or needed service enhancements in housing and facilities. | 03/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 1.1 | H1 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | High | Medium | BRHD, Senior Center, Nursing Home, Community Action, AAAIL, Housing Authority | Staff Time | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Butler H.1.3 | By September of 2025, utilizing the service gap analysis created in H.1.2, begin identifying funding opportunities (including exploring USDA programs) to mitigate gaps and attract additional developers or service providers. | 08/01/2023 | 09/01/2025 | 1.1 | H1 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | Medium | USDA, KLC, Housing Authority | USDA grants, CDBG | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Butler H.2.1 | By August of 2023, collaborate with the County and City of Morgantown to create a comprehensive list of Butler County-based licensed contractors and developers. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2023 | 2.1, 2.2, 6.2 | H.4 | Butler | Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | Low | Chamber, Planning & Zoning, Butler County Conservation District, City of Morgantown, Butler County | Staff Time | Complete | https://docs.google.com/document/d/162xjs5FPMCJYFc8Unzd9opXka-T_rhLb/edit | New for 2022 Plan | In Progress | |
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Butler H.2.2 | By June of 2025, identify areas in the county that would be most appropriate to accept residential expansion from Bowling Green and residential multicultural housing neighborhoods in order to plan for smart growth in those areas, increase infrastructure in those areas, and encourage residential development in areas where infrastructure and public services exist and have capacity. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2025 | 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 | SP.1 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | Low | County, Utility Companies/Providers, Transportation, WRECC, BCWS, AT&T | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Butler H.2.3 | By June of 2025, host a localized housing training in Butler County to educate on the needs of the area and how improvements made to properties could increase value and community pride as well as how housing draws population and impacts school system and economic development opportunities. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 2.1, 2.2, 6.2 | H.4 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | Medium | Association of Landlords and Renters, KY Housing, Community Action, BRADD | USDA, CDBG, KY Housing | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Butler L.1.1 | By December of 2024, conduct a review of existing county-wide policies related to hazard mitigation and, utilizing that listing, identify hazards of focus for the next five years. | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 | CLD.6 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | High | High | County, Cities, EM, BRADD Disaster Resiliency Coordinator, Emergency Response Agencies, Volunteer FDs, Schools | FEMA | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Butler L.1.2 | By April of 2025, work with Emergency Manager to personalize Federal Emergency Management Agency informational brochures regarding identified hazards and distribute this information at county/city events. | 01/01/2023 | 04/01/2025 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | CLD.7 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | High | Ryan Emmick, Emergency Manager, BRADD Disaster Resiliency Coordinator | Staff Time | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Butler L.2.1 | By June of 2023, encourage collaboration between Rural Development Clubs and local elected officials in order to seek and utilize the involvement of all sectors of the community in the decision-making and policy development activities of civic and government bodies. | 07/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 3.1,4.2, 4.4 | CLD.3 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | Medium | UK Extension Office - Betty Pharris | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | In Progress | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Butler L.2.2 | By June of 2023, create a common agenda to foster the collaboration of county and incorporated city governments for the purpose of discussing shared goals, visions, and plans, in order to create a unified vision for Butler County. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 3.1, 4.2, 4.4 | CLD.3 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | Low | Mayors, Judge, Councilmembers, Magistrates, School Districts | Staff Time | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | In Progress | ||
Civic and Leadership Development | Butler L.2.3 | By 2030, work with NCFL family learning community to get Butler County designated as a Family Learning Community. (Also supports W.1) | 01/01/2025 | 01/01/2030 | Butler | |||||||||||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Butler SP.1.1 | By December 2025, all relevant agencies will encourage land development decisions that preserve open space, woodlands, historic features, and prime agricultural sites, and designate areas for future development. | 03/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 2.1, 2.2 | SP.1 | Flooding | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | Low | County, Cities, Farm Bureau, Chamber, Extension Office, Forestry Service, Green River Museum, Butler County Conservation District | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Sense of Place | HMP | Butler SP.1.2 | By December of 2025, the Butler County Fiscal Court will conduct a study researching zoning and code enforcement in similar and like-sized counties with emphasis on common sense practices and industrial zones. | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | SP.1 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole | Butler | Butler County | Medium | Medium | Butler County Fiscal Court | Staff Time | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Sense of Place | HMP | Butler SP.2.1 | By June 2024, encourage the identification, maintenance, and protection of significant historic buildings, structures, and fences. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | 2.1, 2.2 | TCD.2 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | Low | County, Cities, Historical Society | NPS, SHPO | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Sense of Place | Butler SP.2.2 | By December 2025, work toward the renovation of the Woodbury Amphitheater in order to increase opportunities for outdoor events in Butler County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | TCD.1 | Butler | Woodbury, Butler County | Medium | Medium | Green River Museum Board, City of Woodbury, County | LWCF, NPS, SHPO | |||||||
Sense of Place | Butler SP.2.3 | By January of 2024, the Downtown Development Committee will propose a plan and schedule of known events, attractions, and activities citizens can participate in in 2023, while also seeking feedback from the community on proposed events and activities for the goal of a unified calendar. (Also Supports DT.1 and TCD.1) | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | TCD.1 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown | Medium | High | Downtown Development Committee, BRADD | Staff Time | On-going | ||||||
Sense of Place | Butler SP.2.4 | By December of 2024, schedule quarterly meetings and hold an annual planning meeting to encourage the development of a collaborative tourism committee and create a schedule of city and county-wide events. (Also Supports DT.1 and TCD.1) | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | TCD.1 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | Medium | Tourism, Chamber | Staff Time | On-going | ||||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Butler SP.3.1 | By December of 2023, review existing planning, zoning, and land-use policies in all incorporated cities of Butler County. | 03/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 | SP.1 | Floding, Karst/Sinkhole | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | Medium | BRADD, Cities, Planning Commission(s) | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Sense of Place | HMP | Butler SP.3.2 | By December of 2025, research zoning and code enforcement in similar and like-size counties with emphasis on industrial zones and industrial recruitment. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | H.4 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole | Butler | Butler County | Medium | Medium | BRADD, County | Planning and Zoning Training | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Butler TCD.1.1 | By June of 2024, schedule quarterly meetings and hold an annual planning meeting to encourage the development of a collaborative tourism committee and create a schedule of city and county-wide events. (Also Supports DT.1 and SP.2) | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | TCD.1 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | Medium | Tourism, Chamber | Staff Time | On-going | ||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Butler TCD.1.2 | By December of 2024, work with organizations like the Butler County Tourism Commission, Morgantown Tourism Commission, Morgantown Trail Town, city and county government, chambers, etc. to identify local tourism resources and events and capitalize on those assets. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | TCD.1 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | Medium | TrailTown Committee, County, Cities, Tourism, Chambers, Woodburn City Council, Green River Museum Board, USDA RD, Arts Council | Staff Time | On-going | ||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Butler TCD.1.3 | By June of 2024, the Chamber will maintain a plan and schedule of known 2024 events, attractions, and activities citizens can participate in while also seeking feedback from the community on proposed events and activities for the goal of a unified calendar. (Also Supports DT.1 and SP.2) | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | DT.1 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | High | Downtown Development Committee, BRADD | Staff Time | On-going | https://www.butlercountychamber.com/events/ | |||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | HMP | Butler TCD.1.4 | By December of 2023, develop the accessibility of riverways of Butler County to include regular public access stop points. (Also Supports T.3) | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 1.1 | TCD.3 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | High | Trail Town Commission, Butler County Tourism, Morgantown Tourism, Cities, County, BRADD | LWCF | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.1 | By December of 2024, evaluate existing water systems to create an inventory of needs regarding construction, maintenance, improvement, and expansion in order to provide potable water and fire protection to all citizens of the community and to ensure the capacity to accommodate economic development and growth in the community. This should include running new water lines to areas of Butler County currently without water service and areas reliant on well, spring, rain water collection, or hauling in water to meet residential needs. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.2 | I.1 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | High | High | Butler County Water District, Fire Departments, Morgantown Water | KIA, USDA, EDA, CDBG | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.2 | By December of 2027, evaluate existing wastewater systems in order to provide service to all residents, protect the environment, and to accommodate development and growth in the community. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.2 | I.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | High | High | Butler County Water District, Fire Departments, Morgantown Water | KIA, USDA, EDA, CDBG | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.3 | By December of 2024, conduct a feasibility study to identify where it is feasible to place/replace water lines to meet 6” diameter standards for the purpose of installing fire hydrants throughout Butler County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.2 | I.6 | Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm, Drought, Extreme Temperature | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Very High | High | Water Departments | FEMA, CDBG, KIA, USDA | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.4 | By December of 2025, identify storm water drainage valves that cause sinkhole collapse and begin implementing corrective measures, and identify corrective measures for erosion of systems and drainage ways causing exposed waterlines. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.2 | I.2 | Karst/Sinkhole | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | High | High | Butler County Water District | FEMA, CDBG, KIA, USDA | On-going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objecitve is currently in process. | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.5 | By December of 2027 explore the feasibility of installing additional fire hydrants throughout Butler County and create a future installation plan. | 12/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.2 | I.6 | Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm, Drought, Extreme Temperature | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Very High | High | Water Districts, Fire Department, EM | KIA, USDA, CDBG, EPA | Removed | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.6 | By December of 2027, ensure each water/wastewater utility has adequate backup generators to meet growing needs. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3,2.1 | I.1 | Butler | In progress | |||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.7 | By December of 2025, research options for purchasing emergency water purification systems or the purchase of additional water bricks. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.2 | I.1 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | High | Emergency Management, Water Systems/Boards | FEMA, KIA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2025. | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.8 | By no later than December of 2026, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to expand all Cleaner Water Funds. | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | In progress | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.9 | By October 16, 2024, comply with the EPA Lead and Copper Rule, and all revisions, to compile a Lead Service Line Inventory. | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | In progress | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.10 | By no later than December of 2024, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to allocate funds to a qualifying project. | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | In progress | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.11 | By December of 2027, refurbish the existing water storage tank in Morgantown. (WX21031039) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Butler | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.12 | By December of 2027, replace the water intake structure at the Morgantown WTP with more energy efficient models and replace the existing water pumps for the purpose of improving the WTP as outlined in WX21031042. | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.13 | By December of 2027, replace the existing waterline in the Hwy 231 area to prevent leaks and enhance service reliability. (WX21031045) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.14 | By December of 2027, acquire and install a trailer mounted standby power generator and make electrical modifications at 9 pump stations within the Butler County Water System as outlined in WX21031046. | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.15 | By December of 2027, replace the old 100,000 gallon standpipe that is located adjacent to Hwy 70 in Muhlenberg County with an elevated tank for the purpose of improving water quality for the service area. (WX21031050) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Butler | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.16 | By December of 2027, relocate twelve creek crossings within the Butler County Water System to prevent them washing out during floods. (WX21031051) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.17 | By December of 2027, provide access to public water service to the households within the Butler County Water System that are currently without a healthy source of drinking water as outlined in WX21031052. | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.18 | By December of 2027, replace dated gate valves within the water distribution system in the city of Morgantown as outlined in WX21031056. | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.19 | By December of 2027, replace dated gate valves within the water distribution system in the city of Morgantown as outlined in WX21031057. | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.20 | By December of 2027, upgrade the SCADA/telemetry, repair the raw water intake, and repair the clarifier at the Water Treatment Plant in Morgantown. (WX21031060) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.21 | By December of 2027, make the necessary improvements as outlined in SX21031007 to the Morgantown Wastewater Treatment Plant in order to provide efficient and effective treatment of the city's wastewater. | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Butler | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.22 | By December of 2027, repair the existing sewer system in Morgantown by replacing problem lines. (SX21031010) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Butler | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.23 | By December of 2027, extend the sanitary sewer system in the city of Morgantown to better service an underserved area. (SX21031011) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Butler | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.24 | By December of 2027, rehabilitate and replace all lift stations in the wastewater collection system in Morgantown. (SX21031012) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Butler | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.1.25 | By December of 2027, replace and relocate the Chad Johnson Lift Station in the collection system for the purpose of being more accessible and to avoid interference with nearby businesses. | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | Butler | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.2.1 | By December of 2023, develop a public outreach and education program to educate residents on air quality aspects, and to inform residents of the benefits of solid waste collection, composting, and recycling; and identify the negative effects of littering and roadside/sinkhole dumping. | 12/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.2 | SP.3 | Karst/Sinkhole | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | High | Medium | Solid Waste Coordinator, Extension Office, Recycling Coordinator | Division of Waste Management Funding | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.2.2 | By December of 2027, using the broadband feasibility study completed by the BRADD, increase the broadband and cellular coverage of Butler County by ten percent (10%) annually. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.2 | I.5 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Butler County | Medium | High | County, IDA, NCTC, Warren Rural, Spectrum | Other Grant Funds TBD | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.2.3 | By December of 2023, complete a feasibility study regarding the implementation of mandatory solid waste collection and curbside recycling throughout Butler County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.2 | I.7 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | Medium | Solid Waste Coordinator | Existing Solid Waste Funds, Recycling Funds, HHW Funds | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.2.4 | By December of 2023, gather information from electric companies to assess which areas are most impacted by power loss and prioritize how to minimize its impact by running power lines underground, installing redundancy and loopfeeds in power lines, or increasing frequency of tree trimming. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.2 | I.6 | Earthquake, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Very High | High | Warren ECC, Pennyrile ECC, Electric providers, TVA | Local funding, Potentially infrastructure money | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.2.5 | By December of 2027, bury the primary electric lines out of Woodbury to mitigate outages. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3,2.1 | I.1 | Butler | ||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Butler I.2.6 | By December of 2024, make a plan for the construction, maintenance, improvement, and expansion of the natural gas system in order to provide an alternative source of fuel and accommodate the development and growth of the community. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.3 | I.6 | Earthquake, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Very High | High | City of Morgantown, Morgantown Utilities | CDBG, EDA, USDA, Private Investment | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Butler T.1.1 | By July of 2022, develop a City and County Roadway Improvement Plan to identify and prioritize construction and maintenance needs. | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2022 | 1.2 | T.1 | Flooding, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Very High | High | City/County Road Departments, KYTC, BRADD, Legislators, School Districts | KYTC, Local, FEMA | County Listing Complete. Waiting on City Listings. | New for 2022 Plan | On Going | |
Transportation | HMP | Butler T.1.2 | By April of 2022, review existing standards and guidelines for road construction to ensure that the roadway is built to adequate standards based upon the functional class of the facility, adjoining land use, proposed land use, existing and anticipated traffic volumes and the composition of traffic. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2022 | 1.2 | T.2 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Very High | High | City/County Road Departments, KYTC, Emergency Manager, School District | KYTC | Ongoing | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Butler T.1.3 | By July of 2022, create a comprehensive inventory of susceptible culverts, roads, and bridges that are vulnerable and identify corrective measures to be implemented starting September 2022. | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2022 | 1.3 | T.7 | Flooding, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Very High | High | City/County Road Department, KYTC, BRADD, School District | KYTC, Local, FEMA | County Listing Complete, evaluations continually ongoing. Waiting on City Listings. | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Transportation | HMP | Butler T.1.4 | By April of 2024, using the reviewed existing standards in T.1.2 recommend additional measures to ensure that all intersections are aligned to or near 90 degrees where possible, limit the grade and curvature of streets to levels which ensure the smooth flow of traffic, and to limit the distance between new streets and majors intersections. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2024 | 1.2 | T.2 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | High | High | KYTC, City/County Road Departments, BRADD | KYTC, Local, FEMA | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Butler T.2.1 | By January of 2023, develop a legislative agenda to promote/request an interchange on the south end of the county near the Warren County line and construct at the US231/I-165 intersection around the Hadley area. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.2 | CLD.3 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Very High | High | County, Cities, BRADD, Legislators | Staff Time | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | Butler T.2.2 | Using agenda developed in T.2.1, continue to promote the construction of an interchange @ U231/I-165 around Hadley. | Butler | On-Going | ||||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Butler T.3.1 | By December of 2027, Butler County and its cities will create a committee to explore options for expanding public transportation outside the city limits. | 06/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 1.2 | T.3 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | Medium | County, Cities, City of Morgantown Transit | KYTC/OTD (53XX) | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Butler T.3.2 | By June of 2025, develop a needs assessment of existing sidewalks and areas that could benefit from sidewalks in order to improve pedestrian safety. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, | Medium | Medium | Cities, BRADD | KYTC TAP, RTP, Infrastructure Bill | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | Butler T.3.3 | By December of 2025, develop a strategic plan for recreational trails in Butler County and its cities. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2025 | PF.1 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | High | County, Cities, BRADD, Trail Town Commission | In progress | |||||||
Transportation | HMP | Butler T.3.4 | By September of 2022 and annually thereafter, ensure the county and its cities have adequate equipment, supplies, and roadway to promote the safe and efficient travel of people and goods during inclement weather including, but not limited to, salt stockpiling, equipment upgrades, and roadway repair. | 08/01/2022 | 09/01/2022 | 1.2 | PH.4 | Winter Storm, Tornado, Severe Storm | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Very High | High | County, Cities, KYTC | Local Funds, Private Investments, KYTC, FEMA | Ongoing | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | On Going | |
Transportation | HMP | Butler T.3.5 | By December of 2023, develop the accessibility of riverways of Butler County to include regular public access stop points. (Also Supports TCD1.4) | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 1.1 | T.5 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | High | Morgantown Trail Town, Butler County Tourism, Morgantown Tourism, Cities, County, BRADD | LWCF | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | Butler T.3.6 | By January 2023, create a phased plan for sidewalks, trails, and bike paths throughout history. | 01/01/2024 | 10/01/2023 | Butler | |||||||||||||
Transportation | Butler T.3.7 | By March 2024, utilize plan created in T.3.6 to begin seeking funding for implementation of needs. | 03/01/2023 | 10/01/2023 | Butler | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Butler PF.1.1 | By August of 2023, evaluate potential locations and operators for ham radios throughout Butler County. | 04/01/2022 | 08/01/2023 | 5.3, 5.4 | I.8 | Tornado, Severe Storm, Winter Storm | Butler | Morgantown, Butler County | High | Medium | Emergency Manager, Rich Henderson, EMS Director, Fire, Police, HEART | Staff Time | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | In Progress- Opening EOC @ Butler County EMS. | |
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Butler PF.1.2 | By January of 2023, create an inventory of critical facilities in each community and Butler County as a whole. | 04/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 5.1, 5.2 | PF.5 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | High | High | Emergency Management Agency, County, LEPC, Cities, School District | Staff Time | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | On Going | |
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Butler PF.1.3 | By December of 2023, using inventory created in PF1.2, identify mitigation measures to reduce vulnerability at each identified critical facility, including but not limited to installation of generators or pre-connectors, retrofitting buildings to include tornado-resistant shelters, retrofitting buildings to be earthquake resistant or retrofitting buildings to withstand snow, ice, and rain loads and prevent roof collapse, or elevating structures so that the lowest floor is raised above the base flood elevation (BFE). | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 5.2 | PF.5 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | High | Emergency Management Agency, County, LEPC, Cities, School District | HMGP, BRIC | On-Going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Butler PF.1.4 | By March of 2025, using inventory created in PF1.2, review and establish (if needed) emergency operation plans for each facility listed in the inventory. | 01/01/2024 | 03/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.4 | PF.5 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | Medium | Each Facility, Emergency Management Agency, HEART | Staff Time | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Butler PF.1.5 | By April of 2027, using inventory created in PF1.2, design & implement a protection program for critical information systems. | 04/01/2022 | 04/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4 | I.8 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | Medium | Each Facility, Emergency Management Agency, HEART, CISA | KOHS, HPP | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | Butler PF.1.6 | By December of 2027, seek out funding to repair, replace, or expand infrastructure as needed at the regional jail. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | Complete | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Butler PF.1.7 | By December of 2027, obtain funding to purchase bullet proof vests for the county Ambulance Service. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | PF.1 | Butler | Complete | |||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Butler PF.2.1 | By January of 2023, create an inventory of regulated child care and adult day care services in the county. | 04/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1 | PF.2 | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | High | Amy Hood, Community Action, BRHD, Code Enforcement | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | Completed | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Butler PF.2.2 | By December of 2027, complete a feasibility study for a countywide wellness center. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | High | BRHD,County, Cities, BRIGHT | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Public Facilities and Services | Butler PF.2.3 | By June of 2023, establish an open space and green space plan for each community and the county to identify current park and recreation programs and facilities and identify opportunities for the expansion of recreation offerings. | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | PF.1 | Flooding | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | High | County, Cities, Trail Town Committee, Public Works, Road Department(s) | Staff Time | On Going | |||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Butler PF.2.4 | By April of 2024, create an inventory of in-home services for the elderly, independent living support services, assisted living services, and services for other special needs populations in order to identify gaps in services or needed service enhancements and facilities. | 04/01/2022 | 04/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.4, 5.2 | PF.3 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | High | County, Cities, BRADD AAAIL, BRHD, Community Action, United Way | Staff Time | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | Butler PF.2.5 | By December of 2023, research outdoor activities outside of sports for youth in the community (e.g. skate parks). | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | PF.1 | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | High | County, Cities, Family Resource Center, School, Extension Office, Boys and Girls Club | Staff Time | On-going | ||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Butler PF.2.6 | By June of 2027, seek funding to add playground equipment to RV Park. | 06/01/2023 | 06/01/2027 | Butler | In Progress | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Butler PF.2.7 | By December of 2027, construct an indoor/outdoor recreation facility that includes little league fields. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | P.F.2 | Butler | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Butler PF.2.8 | By December of 2027, purchase and install backup generators at each public school campus in Butler County (5 schools total.) | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | P.F.2 | Butler | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Butler PF.2.9 | By December of 2027, construct a county facility for family recreation that could include little league fields/courts in partnership with school programs and events. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2027 | ||||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Butler PH.1.1 | By August of 2022, establish a committee to explore efforts to establish a twenty-four hour combination paid/volunteer fire department to serve the entire county. | 04/01/2022 | 08/01/2022 | 1.1, 3.3, 3.4, 5.4, 6.2 | PH.2 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Tornado, Winter Weather, Severe Weather, Landslide, Sinkhole/Karst | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Very High | High | County, Cities, Emergency Management Agency, EMS, Fire Chiefs | Staff Time | Commitee formed in Summer of 2022. Now looking at ways to implement. See PH.1.5. | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Butler PH.1.2 | By December of 2023, the county will participate with the HEART group in maintaining a regional cache of PPE. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 1.1, 6.1, 6.2 | PH.2 | Butler | Morgantown, Butler County | High | High | Emergency Management Agency, HEART, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Clinics | HPP | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Butler PH.1.3 | By December of 2024, establish and develop a plan to upgrade emergency services communications equipment countywide. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 5.3 | I.8 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Tornado, Winter Weather, Severe Weather, Landslide, Sinkhole/Karst | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Very High | High | County, Cities, Emergency Management Agency, EMS, Police & Sheriff, Rescue Squad | KOHS | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Butler PH.1.4 | By August of 2022, develop a plan for upgrading life saving equipment for all emergency services including but not limited to emergency vehicles, extrication equipment, LifePaks, etc. | 04/01/2022 | 08/01/2022 | 3.4, 4.3, 5.3 | PH.2 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Tornado, Winter Weather, Severe Weather, Landslide, Sinkhole/Karst | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Very High | High | County, Cities, Emergency Management Agency, Fire Department, EMS, Police & Sheriff, Rescue Squad | Staff Time | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | On Going | |
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Butler PH.1.5 | By December of 2022, using the information gathered in PH.1.1, begin outlining a plan for funding the twenty-four hour combination paid/volunteer fire department to serve the entire county. | 07/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | 1.1, 3.3, 3.4, 5.4, 6.2 | PH.2 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Tornado, Winter Storm | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Very High | High | County, Cities, Emergency Management Agency, EMS, Fire Chiefs | AFG, Staff Time, County Funds, City Funds | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Butler PH.2.1 | By January of 2027, establish a county-wide emergency warning system to ensure all residents are alerted of impending disasters, including but not limited to purchase and installation of outdoor warning systems, NOAA weather radios for occupied structures, and mass text notification system. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 5.3 | PH.4 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Tornado, Winter Weather, Severe Weather, Landslide, Sinkhole/Karst | Butler | Rochester, Woodbury, Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | High | Emergency Manager, County, Cities, First response agencies | FEMA | In Progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Butler PH.2.2 | By June of 2025, establish a CERT team within the county. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 6.1, 6.2 | CLD.8 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Tornado, Winter Weather, Severe Weather, Landslide, Sinkhole/Karst | Butler | Butler County | Medium | Medium | Emergency Manager, EMS, Fire, Police/Sheriff, Other Emergency Service Agencies | FEMA, Other Funding Sources TBD, Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Butler PH.2.3 | By January of 2023, identify and promote heating/cooling centers throughout the county. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Tornado, Winter Weather, Severe Weather | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | High | The Mission, Emergency Manager | Staff Time | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | On Going | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Butler PH.2.4 | By January of 2023, identify potential locations for tornado shelters, seek funding to construct those shelters, and promote their locations once constructed. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1, 2.2, 4.3 | PH.4 | Severe Weather, Tornado | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | Medium | High | Emergency Manager, City/County Officials | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | On Going | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Butler PH.2.5 | By January of 2023, explore the requirements and locations for safe spots and custodial exchange locations. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1 | PF.2 | Butler | Morgantown, Butler County | High | Medium | Police/Sheriff, Court System | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | On Going @ city police station or county courthouse | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Butler PH.2.6 | By December of 2027, purchase a new fire truck for the 4th Fire District Volunteer Fire Department.) | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | SP.3 | Drought, Extreme Temperature | Butler | Morgantown, Woodbury, Rochester, Butler County | High | Medium | Emergency Manager, Solid Waste Coordinator, Fire Departments | FEMA, EPA | New for 2022 Plan | On Going case by case | ||
Public Health and Safety | Butler PH.2.7 | By January of 2027, establish a county-wide emergency operations center to consolidate emergency response offices including 911 Dispatch, Butler Co. Rescue Squad, and the Emergency Management Office. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Butler | |||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Butler PH.3.1 | By August of 2022, coordinate with LifeSkills to identify gaps in mental health services in Butler County for the purposes of seeking out programming, services, and/or funding to mitigate those gaps. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2022 | 1.1, 3.4 | PH.3 | Butler | Morgantown, Butler County | Medium | Medium | BRHD, LifeSkills, Police/Sheriff | Other Funding Sources TBD | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Edmonson H.1.1 | By July of 2023, begin researching regulations existing in communities of similar size and demographics to regulate/govern subdivision development to maintain growth. (Also Supports SP.1.1 & SP.2.1) | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2023 | 2.1, 3.1 | SP.1 | Karst/Sinkhole, Flooding, Landslide | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | High | Low | County, Planning Commission, Brownsville City Council | Staff Time | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Edmonson H.1.2 | By December of 2025, create a housing subcommittee with members from various housing developments and other interested stakeholders to identify the barriers to low-income housing and encourage removal of those barriers. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | H1 | Edmonson | High | Medium | Low Income Housing Landlords, Chalybeate Housing Developments | Staff Time | ||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Edmonson H.1.3 | By December of 2025, identify repetitive flood loss homes, if any, for the purpose of purchasing and removing repetitive flood loss homes. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 2.1, 3.2 | PH.4 | Flooding | Edmonson | High | Medium | Emergency Manager | FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Funding | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Edmonson L.1.1 | By December of 2022 and annually thereafter, ensure the county’s Disaster Evacuation Plan, Floodplain Management Plan, and floodplain ordinances are annually reviewed and updated by working with County Emergency Management, Floodplain Management, and City/County officials. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | PF.4 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | High | High | Emergency Manager, City, County | FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Funding | In-Progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Edmonson L.1.2 | By January of 2027, work with County EM, Edmonson County Schools, 911, EMS and other emergency service agencies to educate residents and students on the danger of natural, technological, and human-caused hazards and advise them how to respond by providing information and/or maps. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 4.1, 4.2 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Very High | High | Emergency Manager, Edmonson County Schools, 911, EMS, Emergency Service Agencies | FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Funding | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Edmonson L.2.1 | By December of 2027, begin holding annual meetings between government leaders and community organizations (including chamber, schools, tourism, and others) to solve shared issues and share resources. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 6.2 | CLD.3 | Edmonson | Medium | High | Chamber | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Edmonson L.2.2 | By Summer of 2023, work with the Edmonson County School System to host a Volunteer Community Day for high school students in Edmonson County to offer organizations in need of volunteers an opportunity to share with students about volunteer opportunities in their organization. This should include emergency response agencies like Fire Departments, EMS, etc. | 08/01/2022 | 07/01/2023 | 1.1, 4.2, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2 | CLD.2 | Edmonson | High | Medium | Edmonson County Schools, Emergency Response Agencies | Staff Time | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Edmonson L.2.3 | By September of 2024, work with Community Action to explore additional funding for the LIHEAP program in order to ensure access to utility assistance for those most in need, and search for additional programs for utility assistance for Edmonson County residents. | 02/01/2022 | 09/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.3 | PF.2 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | High | Low | Community Action, City, County, State & Federal Legislators and their offices | Staff Time | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | Edmonson L.3.1 | By December of 2022, work with Leadership Edmonson County to revive the Youth Leadership Program. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | CLD.2 | Edmonson | Medium | Medium | Chamber | ARC | ||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Edmonson L.3.2 | By December of 2022, work with Leadership Edmonson County to create a leadership alum program. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | CLD.1 | Edmonson | Medium | Medium | Chamber | ARC | ||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Edmonson L.3.3 | By May of 2025, work with the Chamber to create an educator of the year and student of the year focused on celebrating community engagement and leadership. | 04/01/2022 | 05/01/2025 | CLD.2 | Edmonson | Medium | Medium | Chamber, Edmonson County Schools | ARC | In-Progress | Co-sponsoring Edmonson County Hall of Fame for Alumni. | ||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Edmonson L.3.4 | By June of 2024, work with Leadership Edmonson County to expand Career Leadership Forums. | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | CLD.1 | Edmonson | Medium | Medium | Chamber | ARC | On-going | |||||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Edmonson SP.1.1 | By June of 2025, begin researching regulations existing in communities of similar size and demographics to regulate/govern subdivision development to maintain growth. (Also Supports H.1.1 & SP.2.1) | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 | SP.1 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | High | Low | Planning Commission, City, County | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Sense of Place | HMP | Edmonson SP.1.2 | By December of 2025, using the research gathered in Objective 1, begin promoting planned development so as to ensure the best possible utilization of land within the county. | 07/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | SP.1 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | Low | Planning Commission, City, County | Local Funding | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Sense of Place | Edmonson SP.1.3 | By June of 2025, work to create attractive, safe, and convenient neighborhoods through targeted beautification efforts including researching and developing guidelines and incentives to promote neighborhood revitalization. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2024 | H3 | Edmonson | Medium | Low | Preserving Edmonson Pride (PEP), Edmonson County Chamber of Commerce | Staff Time | On-going | |||||||
Sense of Place | Edmonson SP.1.4 | By July of 2023, create and disseminate education materials and trainings regarding planning & zoning (including what planning & zoning is, what should be addressed via ordinance instead, and common misconceptions). | 08/01/2022 | 07/01/2023 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | ||||||||||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Edmonson SP.2.1 | By June of 2024, begin researching regulations existing in communities of similar size and demographics to regulate/govern subdivision development to maintain growth. (Also Supports H.1.1) | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 2.1, 3.1 | SP.1 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | High | Low | Planning Commission, Brownsville City Council, Edmonson County Fiscal Court | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Sense of Place | HMP | Edmonson SP.2.2 | By January of 2025, develop educational resources for residents building structures in the county to encourage the preservation of streams, trees, foliage, and other natural features whenever possible and to discourage development in floodplains and sinkhole susceptible areas. | 01/01/2024 | 01/01/2025 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | SP.3 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | Low | County, City, Building Inspector, Soil & Conservation Office, Edmonson County Planning Commission | Local Funding | On-going | https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/conservation-basics/conservation-by-state/kentucky | New for 2022 Plan | |
Sense of Place | HMP | Edmonson SP.2.3 | By December of 2025, work with the conservation office to educate residents and developers on the benefit of adequate open space within neighborhoods and encourage the preservation of natural open space and water resources. | 01/01/2024 | 01/01/2025 | 1.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | SP.3 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | Low | Soil & Conservation Office, Edmonson County Planning Commission, City, County | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Sense of Place | HMP | Edmonson SP.3.1 | By December of 2025, develop, adopt, and implement growth management regulations to ensure all new developments have adequate infrastructure in the interest of providing community services and public facilities to new developments in the most cost effective manner. | 12/01/2023 | 12/01/2025 | 1.3, 1.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | SP.1 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | Medium | Edmonson County Planning Commission, City, County | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Edmonson TCD.1.1 | By June of 2025, begin to work with Edmonson County Historical Society to establish criteria for a site to be designated as “historically important.” | 03/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | TCD.2 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | Low | Edmonson County Historical Society, Tourism, City, County | Staff Time | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Edmonson TCD.1.2 | By June of 2025, using the established criteria for historically important sites, work with the Historical Society to determine how to best memorialize historically important sites. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2025 | TCD.2 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | Low | Edmonson County Historical Society, Tourism, City, County | Staff Time | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Edmonson TCD.1.3 | By June of 2025, work with the Historical Society to identify restorations needed for historically significant sites. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2025 | TCD.2 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | Low | Edmonson County Historical Society, Tourism, City, County | Staff Time | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Edmonson TCD.1.4 | By December 2027, seek out funding to establish a historic record archive including purchasing/constructing a facility to maintain records and memorabilia, digitizing records, and developing related curricula that could be utilized in local school lessons. | 11/01/2027 | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson | |||||||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Edmonson TCD.2.1 | By April of 2022, work with the Chamber to encourage activities that support the attraction of tourists to Edmonson County, including the 2022 Big Brownsville Bash. | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | TCD.1 | Edmonson | Medium | Medium | Chamber | Chamber Funds, Local Funds | Complete | https://www.edmonsonchamber.com/big-brownsville-bash.html | ||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Edmonson TCD.2.2 | By June of 2025, install lighting and bleachers at the soccer field at Chalybeate Park. (Also Supports PF.1) | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2025 | PF.1 | Edmonson | Medium | Medium | County, Parks & Recreation, Edmonson County Schools | LWCF | ||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Edmonson TCD.2.3 | By December of 2024, coordinate with Tourism and city and county governments to promote Trail Town status through the purchase and installation of wayfinding signage and other marketing materials. | 01/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | TCD.3 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | High | Medium | Tourism, City, County | Recreational Trails Funding, LWCF, USDA RD, ARC, Local Funds | Complete | https://www.cavesandlakes.com/things-to-do/outdoor-adventures/ | |||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Edmonson TCD.3.1 | By June of 2024, work with the Chamber and Tourism to gather data about visitors & current tourist support businesses in Edmonson County, and review information annually thereafter. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | TCD.2 | Edmonson | High | Medium | Chamber, Tourism | Staff Time | On-going | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Edmonson TCD.3.2 | By December of 2024, using data collected in TCD.3.1, determine needs and top priorities for tourist attraction and tourism support. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | TCD.2 | Edmonson | Medium | Low | Chamber, Tourism | Staff Time | In-progress | |||||||
Downtown Development | HMP | Edmonson DT.1.1 | By March of 2023, survey downtown residents and business owners regarding core social and cultural characteristics of Edmonson County and needed improvements, safety measures, and accessibility upgrades to downtown facilities for the purpose of seeking funding opportunities for those improvements. | 06/01/2022 | 03/01/2023 | 1.1, 2.2 | DT.2 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Very High | High | Preserving Edmonson Pride (PEP), City, County, Chamber, Tourism | Chamber & Tourism Funding | Complete. | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Downtown Development | Edmonson DT.1.2 | By June of 2027, begin collaborating with the Chamber, Historical Society, and tourism offices to create an Edmonson County museum as a cornerstone to downtown. | 03/01/2022 | 06/01/2027 | PF.2 | Edmonson | Medium | High | Chamber, Tourism | EPA Brownfield Grant | In progress | |||||||
Downtown Development | HMP | Edmonson DT.2.1 | By June of 2025, using the survey results from DT.1.1, begin identifying priority projects and making implementation plans for those projects. | 07/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 1.1, 2.2 | DT.2 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Very High | High | Preserving Edmonson Pride (PEP), City, County, Chamber, Tourism | Staff Time | In-progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Economic Development | Edmonson ED.1.1 | By August of 2024, working with the Chamber, develop or offer training and consultation services for Edmonson County small business owners to improve business longevity, including both hard and soft skills. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2024 | ED.3 | Edmonson | Medium | High | Chamber, Edmonson County Schools, Industries, SBDC, SouthCentral Workforce Development Board | SBDC, Private Investment | On-going | |||||||
Economic Development | Edmonson ED.1.2 | By June of 2024, work with the Chamber to develop a “How to Start a Business” guide for Edmonson County. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | ED.3 | Edmonson | Medium | High | Chamber, Business, SBA | Staff Time | Complete | |||||||
Economic Development | Edmonson ED.1.3 | By December of 2022, work with the Chamber to continue to promote monthly small business spotlights and annual small business celebrations. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | ED.3 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | High | County, City, Tourism, Small Businesses | Chamber, Private Investment | |||||||
Economic Development | Edmonson ED.1.4 | By December of 2024, work with the Chamber to develop a business mentoring program pairing existing successful businesses with new or startup businesses. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | ED.3 | Edmonson | Medium | High | Chamber, Existing Businesses, IDA, Planning Commission, FIscal Court | Local Funding, Private Investment, ARC, SBDC | Complete | https://www.edmonsonchamber.com/ | ||||||
Economic Development | HMP | Edmonson ED.2.1 | By December of 2027, work with the Chamber to create an inventory of vacant property available for businesses including what renovations or repairs are needed at those buildings to encourage adaptive reuse of buildings. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2, 2.2 | ED.2 | Edmonson | Medium | High | Chamber, Realtors, Historical Society | EPA Brownfield, Americorps VISTA, National Historic Register | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Workforce Development | Edmonson W.1.1 | By June of 2025, work with Chamber and Edmonson County Schools to expand workforce development from industrial and agricultural training to other diverse training opportunities by building and enhancing a Teacher/Instructor/Industry pipeline and relationship. | 02/01/2025 | 03/01/2024 | W.2 | Edmonson | Medium | High | Chamber, Edmonson County Schools, Local businesses and industries | ARC, Private Industry | Complete | https://echs.edmonson.kyschools.us/academicsguidance/career-technical-education | ||||||
Workforce Development | Edmonson W.1.2 | By June of 2025, work with the Chamber, Edmonson County Schools, and Leadership Edmonson County to create awareness for upperclassmen on opportunities in Edmonson County through the creation of a sustainable internship program. | 02/01/2025 | 06/01/2024 | W.2 | Edmonson | Medium | High | Chamber, Edmonson County Schools, Local businesses and industries | ARC, Private Industry | On-going | https://echs.edmonson.kyschools.us/academicsguidance/career-technical-education | ||||||
Workforce Development | Edmonson W.2.1 | By June of 2025, and working with the Chamber, develop or offer training and consultation services for Edmonson County small business owners to improve business longevity, including both hard and soft skills. (Also Supports ED1.1) | 02/01/2025 | 06/01/2024 | Edmonson | Medium | High | Leadership Edmonson County, Chamber | ARC, Private Investment, Local sponsors, Chamber | On-going | https://echs.edmonson.kyschools.us/academicsguidance/career-technical-education | |||||||
Workforce Development | Edmonson W.2.2 | By December of 2022, work with Leadership Edmonson County to recruit members and participants from local businesses and industries for the Leadership Edmonson County course. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | CLD.1 | Edmonson | Medium | High | Leadership Edmonson County, Chamber | ARC, Private Investment, Local sponsors, Chamber | ||||||||
Workforce Development | Edmonson W.3.1 | By June of 2025, identify necessary steps needed to complete Work Ready Community status. | 02/01/2025 | 06/01/2024 | W.2 | Edmonson | Medium | High | KY Cabinet for Economic Development, Chamber, Edmonson County Schools | Staff Time | In progress | |||||||
Workforce Development | Edmonson W.3.2 | By July of 2025, complete necessary steps to become a Certified Work Ready Community. | 01/01/2025 | 07/01/2024 | W.2 | Edmonson | Medium | High | KY Cabinet for Economic Development, Chamber, Edmonson County Schools | Local Funds, Private Investment | In progress | |||||||
Infrastructure | Edmonson I.1.1 | By December of 2026, form a City/County Work Group to explore options to pursue International Dark Sky designation in Edmonson County and Downtown Brownsville. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2026 | SP.3 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | High | City, County, Tourism, PEP, WRECC | KY Energy & Environment Cabinet Grants | |||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Edmonson I.1.2 | By December of 2026, evaluate areas that would benefit from underground power lines in order to beautify and secure stability in Brownsville and Edmonson County. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2026 | 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2 | I.6 | Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | High | County, City, County/City Road Departments, County Farmers, KYTC, Mammoth Cave National Park, Congressional Representatives, WRECC | State and Federal Grants | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Edmonson I.1.3 | By December of 2027, bury utility lines in Edmonson County communities both incorporated and unincorporated. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Edmonson I.1.4 | By December of 2027, ensure adequate generators are present at all critical facilities in Edmonson County. | 04/01/2027 | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson | In progress | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Edmonson I.2.1 | By June of 2024, develop a plan to annually increase broadband coverage in the county by ten percent. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 5.3 | I.5 | Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | High | City, County, Local Broadband Providers (SCRTC, Windstream, MediaCom) | USDA, ARC, EDA, CDBG, Other Grant Sources TBD | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Edmonson I.2.2 | By January of 2023, conduct a study for an alternative water intake system at Edmonson Water Treatment Plant if water drops after the lock is removed. | 06/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.3, 1.6 | I.1 | Edmonson | High | High | ECWD (Tony), Judge/Executive, ACE, Public Service Commission, Division of Water | KIA, CDBG | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Edmonson I.2.3 | By December of 2025, create an inventory of susceptible utility systems and evaluate implementation of corrective measures. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.1, 5.1, 5.2 | I.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | High | High | Emergency Manager, Utilities (Water, Electric, Gas, Sewer, Telephone, Cable) | FEMA, KIA, ARC, Other Grants Funds TBD | On-going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Edmonson I.2.4 | By December of 2027, evaluate communications systems and infrastructure to evaluate emergency service needs (propagation study plan for communication upgrade and maintenance). | 01/01/2026 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4, 5.3 | I.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | High | High | Emergency Response Agencies, City, County | KOHS, FEMA, Other Grant Funds TBD | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Edmonson I.2.5 | By December of 2027, explore options to increase cellular coverage in Edmonson County to allow for safety of citizens and efficiency of emergency response. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4, 5.3 | I.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Very High | High | City, County, Cell Providers | TBD State & Federal Funds | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Edmonson I.2.6 | By December of 2027, conduct a feasibility study for Brownsville Water to explore options for expansion or relocation of an expanded facility in order to increase capacity to account for future growth. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.6, 2.2 | I.1 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | High | City, County, Brownsville Water District | Local Funds, KIA, ARC, EDA, CDBG, USDA: RD | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Edmonson I.2.7 | By January of 2027, develop a plan to increase fire hydrant coverage annually, by ten percent, throughout the county, where feasible. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2 | I.6 | Drought, Extreme Temperature | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Very High | High | County, City, Water Districts, Volunteer Fire Department | TBD State & Federal grants | No longer needed | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Infrastructure | Edmonson I.2.8 | By December of 2027, seek out and secure funding to construct a new water treatment facility and upgrade the existing distribution system for the Edmonson Co. Water District which serves Hart Co. residents. | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County, Hart County | In progress | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Edmonson I.2.9 | By December 2027, construct a new regional water treatment and distribution system to serve Edmonson, Hart, and Grayson County, and purchase zone meters for the Edmonson County Water District. | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson | In progress | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Edmonson I.2.10 | By December of 2027, replace undersized water lines and upgrade the existing booster pump stations in Big Windy, Cub Run, and Wax, for the purpose of providing continued reliable operation and improve service. (WX21061014) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson | In progress | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Edmonson I.2.11 | By December of 2027, replace current water meters in Brownsville with cellular read meters to allow customers to check their water usage and to be more aware of potential risks. (WX21061029) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Edmonson I.2.12 | By December of 2027, install 1600 ft of 12 DI Pipe and make necessary upgrades and improvements as outlined in (WX21061030) to improve service and to supply more water during high demand. | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Edmonson I.2.13 | By December of 2027, purchase a trailer-mounted vac pump as well as a 3/4 ton pick up truck for the purpose of doing non-invasive digging to identify water service lines per the lead and copper rule. (EX21061034) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Edmonson I.2.14 | By December of 2027, install leak detection insertion meters in the Edmonson County Water District's distribution system for the purpose of dectecting any leaks and to prevent water loss. (WX21061035) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Edmonson I.3.1 | By January of 2027, redesign and install a Muffin Monster grinder system at the Brownsville Sewer Plant. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2017 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.6, 2.2 | I.2 | Drought, Extreme Temperature | Edmonson | Brownsville | Very High | High | City, Brownsville Water | Local Funds, KIA, USDA: RD | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Edmonson I.3.2 | By December of 2027, install a collection system that consists of approximately 22,000 LF of mains, and 12 pump stations to serve the customers of Edmonson County including businesses and Kyrock School System. (WX21061007) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Edmonson I.3.3 | By December of 2027, install a main pumping station and a force-main in Brownsville, and pump all wastewater to Caveland KY0091561 in the Chalybeate Community. (SX21061012) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson | ||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Edmonson T.1.1 | By January of 2023, identify areas within the county where crosswalks are necessary to promote pedestrian safety, particularly focusing on the areas in which students walk to and from school. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | High | High | Edmonson County Schools, City, County | KYTC, Local Funds | In-Progress | New for 2022 Plan | Working with the School and BRADD to determine the feasibility of crosswalks. | ||
Transportation | HMP | Edmonson T.1.2 | By December of 2022, create an inventory of susceptible culverts, roads and bridges in order to implement corrective measures and review inventory annually thereafter. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 | T.7 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Very High | High | Edmonson County Road Department, County, City | Local Funds, KYTC, FEMA | On-Going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Transportation | HMP | Edmonson T.1.3 | By December of 2023, develop a transportation plan for the county for the purpose of ensuring an appropriate and safe transportation system. | 01/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.1 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Very High | High | City, County, Emergency Manager, County Road Department | Local Funds, KYTC | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Edmonson T.1.4 | By June of 2024, review the existing Debris Removal Plan and make any needed adjustments to the plan annually thereafter. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.2, 2.2 | T.7 | Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | High | High | Emergency Manager | Staff Time | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Edmonson T.1.5 | By December of 2027, develop a legislative agenda for railroad crossing safety concerns. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2 | CLD.3 | Edmonson | Edmonson County | Very High | High | County, County Road Department, KYTC, BRADD, CSX | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Edmonson T.1.6 | By December of 2027, develop a plan to build an additional bridge across the Green River and refurbish the existing bridge. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.1 | Flooding | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Very High | Medium | County, City, Mammoth Cave National Park, ACE, DOW, KYTC, Fish & Wildlife | KYTC & Federal Infrastructure Grants | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Edmonson T.1.7 | By December of 2027, complete a study of County roads that would benefit from widening and of areas in need of shoulder stripes on narrow roads. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.7 | Flooding | Edmonson | Edmonson County | Very High | High | County, County Road Department, Emergency Service Agencies | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Edmonson T.1.8 | By March of 2027, using the crosswalk need list identified in T.1.1, develop and submit a Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Application to increase pedestrian safety for students walking to school. | 02/01/2022 | 03/01/2027 | Edmonson | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Edmonson PF.1.1 | By June of 2025, install lighting and bleachers at the soccer field at Chalybeate Park. (Also Supports TCD.2) | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2025 | PF.1 | Edmonson | Edmonson County | Medium | Medium | Fiscal Court, Parks & Recreation, School District | LWCF | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Edmonson PF.1.2 | By June of 2025, add a baseball field at Bee Spring Park. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2025 | PF.1 | Edmonson | Edmonson County | Low | High | County, Parks & Recreation, Edmonson County Schools, District 4 Magistrate | LWCF | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Edmonson PF.1.3 | By January of 2026, develop a park at Lincoln with a basketball court, playground, and outdoor pavilion. | 01/01/2025 | 01/01/2026 | PF.1 | Edmonson | Edmonson County | Medium | High | County, Parks & Recreation, Edmonson County Schools, District 5 Magistrate | LWCF | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Edmonson PF.1.4 | By January of 2027, develop and implement a plan for the development of a multi-use recreational facility for use by youth programs, school programs, adult recreation, etc. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | PF.2 | Edmonson | Edmonson County | Low | High | Fiscal Court, Parks & Recreation, School District | High | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Edmonson PF.2.1 | By January of 2023, develop a substance abuse support group for abusers and family members. | 04/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | PH.3 | Edmonson | Edmonson County | Very High | High | County, Deputy Judge, Caset Offred, Churches, Nonprofits, EMS, KY ASAP, The Bridge, BRDHD | Health Department State Funds | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Edmonson PF.2.2 | By June of 2024, develop a mental health support group. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2024 | 1.1 | PH.3 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | High | High | Lori Wardlow, City/County Representatives, Patrick Merritt, BRDHD | Health Department State Funds | In Progress | https://planning.bradd.org/opioid-summit/ | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Edmonson PF.2.3 | By June of 2025, create a committee to develop a community resource guide and work with United Way to update 211 information. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2024 | 1.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 | PF.2 | Edmonson | High | High | County, Deputy Judge, Lynn Basham, Lori Burnett, EMS | Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Edmonson PF.2.4 | By January of 2025, establish a committee to address the lack of social, substance abuse and mental health facilities in Edmonson County. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1 | PF.2 | Edmonson | High | High | Lori Burnett, Deputy Judge | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Edmonson PF.2.5 | By July of 2025, create an education campaign for the public on limitations of EMS and mental health. | 01/01/2024 | 07/01/2025 | 4.1 | CLD.7 | Edmonson | Medium | Medium | EMS | Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Edmonson PF.3.1 | By June of 2024, develop a plan for potential locations for tornado shelters in the county, seek funding, and construct and promote locations. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2024 | 1.1 | PF.2 | Tornado, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | High | City, County, EM, Fire Department | FEMA | In progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Edmonson PF.3.2 | By December of 2027, purchase NOAA weather radios for all Edmonson County residents. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 5.3 | PH.4 | Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | High | EM, City, County, 911 Coordinator | FEMA | In-progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Edmonson PF.3.3 | By December of 2027, using the list of critical facilities that need generators or pre-connectors to seek out funding to purchase/install generators. | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.2 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | High | High | EM, City, County, Critical Facilities | FEMA | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Edmonson PF.3.4 | By June of 2024, identify potential locations of heating/cooling locations and emergency shelter locations. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2024 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Extreme Temperature, Drought | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | Medium | EM, FD, City, Council, Mark Woodrow, John Chidester (VFD & Pastor at Brownsville Baptist Church) | Staff Time | In progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Edmonson PF.3.4 | By December of 2027, purchase generators to be installed at area fire departments to be used as warming centers in critical weather events. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson | ||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Edmonson PH.1.1 | By January of 2027, ensure that all existing emergency services personnel and local elected officials meet NIMS compliance and maintain thereafter. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 5.4, 6.1 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | High | High | City, County, Emergency Service Agencies, Emergency Manager | FEMA, Local Funds | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Edmonson PH.1.2 | By June of 2025, pass city and county ordinances requiring visible posting of house numbers at highway and road and residences for emergency services. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2025 | 1.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | CLD.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Very High | High | City, County, Emergency Service Agencies, Emergency Manager | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Edmonson PH.1.3 | By April of 2025, seek out funding for the purpose of transient/emergency housing in Edmonson County. | 01/01/2023 | 04/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | T.7 | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | High | City, County, County Road Department, KYTC | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Edmonson PH.2.1 | PH.2.1: By December of 2022, develop and maintain interagency partnerships to respond to hazard events. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 6.2 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Very High | High | Emergency Service Agencies, City, County | Staff Time | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Edmonson PH.2.2 | By June of 2024, work with Edmonson County Schools to provide introductory first responder courses and programs. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2024 | 6.1, 6.2 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | High | Edmonson County School System, City, County | Local Funding, FEMA, ARC | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Edmonson PH.2.3 | By June of 2025, work with BRADD and Citizens Corps to start a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and train neighborhood groups to assist with emergency response. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 1.1, 6.1, 6.2 | CLD.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | Medium | BRADD, FEMA, City, County, Emergency Manager | FEMA, ARC | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Edmonson PH.2.4 | By June of 2024, develop a recruitment campaign for Brownsville/Edmonson County emergency service agencies. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | 1.1, 6.1, 6.2 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Very High | High | Edmonson County School System, Edmonson County News, Emergency Service organizations | FEMA, ARC, Other Funding Sources TBD | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Edmonson PH.2.5 | By April of 2025, seek out funding for the purpose of transient/emergency housing in Edmonson County. | 01/01/2023 | 04/01/2025 | 1.1, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | Medium | High | Emergency Service Agencies, City, County, Edmonson County Schools, Nursing Home | Local Funding, FEMA, ARC | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Edmonson PH.2.6 | By January of 2027, purchase needed equipment for emergency response agencies. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 5.3 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Tornado, Winter Storms, Severe Storms | Edmonson | Brownsville, Edmonson County | High | High | Emergency Manager, City, County, Emergency Response Agencies | FEMA, KOHS, LEPP, other grant programs as identified | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Downtown Development | Hart DT.1.1 | By December of 2023, build an active business directory through the Chamber and Fiscal Court to encourage relationship development and communication between small business owners. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2022 | ED.3 | Hart | Medium | High | Chamber, Fiscal Court, Local Tax Administrator, Main Street, Tourism, Local Businesses | Staff Time | ||||||||
Downtown Development | Hart DT.1.2 | By June of 2022, the Chamber will develop a comprehensive calendar of all county-wide events for the rest of 2022 to encourage collaboration between local businesses and other local partners. | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | DT.1 | Hart | Medium | High | Chamber, Schools | Staff Time | On-Going | |||||||
Downtown Development | Hart DT.1.3 | By May of 2027, develop a county-wide supported event to encourage unity between all incorporated cities and its citizens. | 04/01/2022 | 05/01/2027 | DT.1 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | Medium | Cities, County | Private Funding, Other Funding Sources TBD | In progress | ||||||
Downtown Development | Hart DT.1.4 | By December 2027, purchase and install decorative street lights around the square in Munfordville, in order to increase safety and highlight the unique character of the downtown area. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | DT.2 | Hart | Munfordville | High | High | City of Munfordville | USDA, KYTC-TAP | |||||||
Downtown Development | Hart DT.1.5 | By August of 2023, promote the Chamber website as a source of county-wide events and information to local businesses and residents. | 05/01/2023 | 08/01/2023 | DT.1 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | High | Chamber, Fiscal Court | Local | ||||||||
Downtown Development | Hart DT.2.1 | By August 2024, the Chamber will call a focus group in each downtown area and encourage the discussion of the needs of small business owners and create an action plan to address those needs. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2024 | ED.3 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | Medium | Cities, County, Downtown Businesses | Staff Time | |||||||
Downtown Development | Hart DT.2.2 | By March of 2024, work with the Chamber, SBDC, and vocational rehab to develop and/or host business support initiatives throughout the incorporated Cities and County including trainings and workshops. | 04/01/2022 | 03/01/2024 | ED.3 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville | Medium | High | Chamber, Private Businesses, SBDC, Vocational Rehab, Cities, County, Area Schools | Staff Time | |||||||
Downtown Development | Hart DT.2.3 | By December of 2024, establish a local incentive program for small business owners. | 04/01/2022 | 05/01/2024 | ED.3 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | High | Cities, Chamber, County | Local | |||||||
Economic Development | Hart ED.1.1 | By December of 2026, develop and promote new industrial parks across the county to have land available for the new and expanding industry. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2026 | ED.2 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | High | IDA, Cities, County, Private Industry | Local, Private | |||||||
Economic Development | Hart ED.1.2 | By December of 2027, expand the feasibility study completed on value-added agricultural products to look at supplying soybean oil and other products to local businesses/industry as well as researching other markets for produce in addition to Farmers Market. | 01/01/2026 | 01/01/2027 | ED.2 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Low | High | IDA, Cities, County, Private Industry | EDA, USDA, ARC, Private, Local | |||||||
Economic Development | Hart ED.1.3 | By March of 2025, support small businesses and stimulate entrepreneurship by developing an incubator program including coworking space, trainigns, and other support services in partnership with the Chamber, SBDC, and BRADD. | 02/01/2022 | 03/01/2025 | ED.3 | Hart | Medium | High | Chamber, Extension Office, Schools, Small Businesses, SBDC | Skills Grant (Work Ready) | ||||||||
Economic Development | Hart ED.1.4 | By January of 2027, research options for constructing a new rail spur to serve Hart County. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | T.4 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | Medium | IDA, City, County | EDA, ARC, CDBG | |||||||
Economic Development | Hart ED.2.1 | By June of 2024, work with the extension office to plan a calendar of training events to promote agricultural support in Hart County including seminars, workshops, new crop discussions, etc. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | CLD.9 | Hart | Medium | High | Extension Office (Adam Estes) | USDA, ARC, EDA, KCTC, SKYCTC | On-going | |||||||
Economic Development | Hart ED.2.2 | By June of 2024, contact food producers in the county to identify what produce they use for the purpose of expanding the use of local produce/local farmers supply local producers. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | ED.2 | Hart | Medium | High | Local Business/Industry, Local Farmers, Extension Office (Adam Estes), IDA | USDA, ARC, EDA | On-going | https://hart.ca.uky.edu/ | ||||||
Economic Development | Hart ED.2.3 | .By December of 2027, seek funding to construct a new extension office/campus that could potentially combine with head start or other services. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | ED.2 | Hart | On-going | |||||||||||
Workforce Development | Hart W.1.1 | By June of 2026, encourage and grow the pipeline to workforce programs in the school systems by increasing the number of student participants by ten percent annually. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2026 | W.2 | Hart | Medium | High | Schools, Industries, Adult Education Providers | Private Local | ||||||||
Workforce Development | Hart W.1.2 | Within eighteen months of plan adoption, analyze the need for workforce training/skillsets in order to provide a ready workforce for the recent announcements of new private investment in the county including Ford, Nissan, and Blue Oval and their suppliers. | 04/01/2022 | 08/01/2023 | W.2 | Hart | Medium | High | Schools, Industries, IDA, Tourism, Chamber | Private, Local | ||||||||
Workforce Development | Hart W.1.3 | By December of 2026, conduct a needs assessment to identify barriers to workforce participation including childcare, adult day care, and transportation. | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2026 | W.3 | Hart | Medium | Medium | Workforce Committee, Chamber, Schools | ARC, EDA, Local, Private | ||||||||
Workforce Development | Hart W.1.4 | By October of 2023, work with Caveland Marketing Authority to identify needs/promote/expand Generational Workforce Training and Customer Service Training. | 06/01/2022 | 10/01/2023 | W.2 | Hart | Medium | High | Tourism, Chamber | Private, Local, ARC | ||||||||
Workforce Development | Hart W.1.5 | By October of 2023, research funding opportunities to provide adult education and licensing opportunities in Hart County. | 02/01/2022 | 10/01/2023 | W.2 | Hart | Medium | High | Schools, Industries, IDA, Extension Office | ARC, WorkReady, Private | In progress | |||||||
Workforce Development | Hart W.1.6 | By January of 2027, obtain WorkReady status for Hart County. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | W.2 | Hart | Medium | High | School, County, Cities, Chamber | Staff Time | ||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Hart H.1.1 | By May of 2024, complete a survey on the need for various types of housing in the county and research options for meeting that need, including housing for the elderly population. (Supports H.2) | 06/01/2022 | 05/01/2024 | Hart | Medium | High | Chamber | Private, Local, CDBG, USDA, EDA | |||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Hart H.1.2 | Within eighteen months of plan adoption and using the housing study completed in H.1.3, develop data points and information for potential developers to attract assisted living facilities to Hart County. (Also Supports H.2 and I.1) | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | H3 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | High | Realtors, Cities, County, Chamber, Owner of Apartments on Old Main (Gary Watkins), David Hawkins (Assisted Living) | Staff Time | |||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Hart H.1.3 | By June of 2025, evaluate the need for constructing a shelter for homeless/precariously housed individuals in Hart County. (Also supports PF.3) | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | Hart | Low | High | Housing Committee, Owner of Apartments on Old Main (Gary Watkins), David Hawkins (Assisted Living) | Staff Time | |||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Hart H.2.1 | By January of 2024, search for interest among community partners in creating non-profit recovery housing and services for local residents of Hart County. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | H.4 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Low | Medium | Dr. Pardell, Health Department, Bluegrass Counseling, Cities, County | ARC, SAMHSA, CASKY | |||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Hart H.2.2 | By December 2024, work with BRADD to research best practices among communities of similar size and demographics with regard to planning and zoning regulations and draft ordinances that could be used in Hart County (in both city limits and the unincorporated areas of the County) to reduce and eliminate substandard or dilapidated housing and areas of blight and including benefits of having a local Housing Authority in the County/in each community within the County for the purpose of developing and supporting housing opportunities for low income families. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | 1.1 | H1 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | High | High | Cities, County, BRADD, Horse Cave Housing Authority | CDBG | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Hart H.2.3 | Using the researched ordinances from H.2.2, ensure that all manufactured homes and structures are underpinned or on permanent foundations by December 2027. | 12/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Very High | High | Cities, County, EM | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Hart H.2.4 | By April of 2022, research ways to restart the county’s incentive program for developers constructing affordable housing. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2022 | H1 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Low | High | Cities, County, Planning Committee | Local, Private | Complete. Incentive Program no longer needed to spur development. | ||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Hart H.2.5 | By May of 2024, complete a survey on the need for various types of housing in the county and research options for meeting that need, including housing for the elderly population. (Supports H.1) | 06/01/2022 | 05/01/2024 | H1 | Hart | Medium | High | Chamber | Private, Local, CDBG, USDA, EDA | ||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Hart L.1.1 | By December of 2023, work with the Chamber, local businesses/industries, and the Leadership Hart County program to identify funding opportunities to enhance the Chamber Leadership program, provide sustainable support to the program, identify barriers to the program, and strengthen the pipeline of attendees to the program. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | CLD.1 | Hart | Medium | Medium | Chamber, Local Businesses/Industries | Local, Private Funds | In progress | |||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Hart L.1.2 | By December of 2024, evaluate the inerest and focus of developing a leadership program for Hart County residents. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | Hart | Medium | Medium | Chamber, Schools, Hart County Conservation, Extension Office | Local | In progress | ||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Hart L.1.3 | By June of 2022, and annually thereafter, encourage local residents to participate in Leadership Kentucky’s programming including: Leadership Kentucky, BRIGHT, and ELEVATE through County recognition programs and other publicity efforts. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | CLD.1 | Hart | Hart County | Medium | Medium | County, Chamber | Local | Ongoing | ||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Hart L.1.4 | By June of 2022, and annually thereafter, encourage local elected officials and emerging elected officials/leaders to participate in leadership training opportunities including Leadership Hart County, Leadership Kentucky, and the ARC Leadership Program; KACO trainings; KLC trainings; or others; through County recognition programs and other publicity efforts. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | CLD.1 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | Medium | Cities, County | Local, Scholarship Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | Ongoing | ||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Hart L.1.5 | By July of 2023, increase engagement in the Hart County Steering Committee by incorporating the work of the Vision Hart County working group into this overall planning process. | 07/01/2023 | Hart | Hart County | |||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Hart L.2.1 | By January of 2024, work with school systems in Hart County to provide all schools with hazard mitigation education. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | 4.1 | CLD.7 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | High | Medium | Schools, EMS, BRHD | FEMA, Local Funds | On-going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Hart L.2.2 | By June of 2023, educate the public on the danger of natural, technological, and human-caused hazards and advise them on how to respond by creating videos and radio spots, setting up booths at festivals, and other outreach opportunities. | 12/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 4.1, 5.4 | CLD.7 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | Medium | High | FRYSCKy, Schools, EMS | Local, FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in late 2022. | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Hart L.2.3 | By June of 2022, ensure the Floodplain Management Plan for each city and the county is correct and updated annually. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | 5.2 | SP.1 | Flooding | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | High | Medium | Floodplain Manager, Cities, County | Staff Time | Complete | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Hart L.2.4 | By January of 2023, create a committee in order to provide educational initiatives for personal care and health, hazards, solid waste management, etc. (Also Supports PH.3) | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 | PH.1 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | High | High | Anthony, EM, SWMC, BRADD - AAAIL, BRADD | Local Funds | No longer feasible. | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Hart L.3.1 | By December of 2027, work with BRADD to research what successful volunteer fire departments are doing to offer full coverage protection in the county to mitigate the lack of volunteers and provide more consistent and efficient response. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 6.2 | PH.2 | Drought, Extreme Temperature | Hart | Medium | High | Fire Departments, Cities, County, EMS | FEMA, Local, State Fire Commission | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | Hart L.3.2 | By July of 2023, increase engagement in the Hart County Steering Committee by incorporating the work of the Vision Hart County working group into this overall planning process. | 07/01/2023 | Hart | Hart County | Completed | ||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Hart L.4.1 | By January of 2027, work with Hart County Emergency Manager complete a needs assessment relating to rescue training at key locations including but not limited to Hidden River Cave, sinkhole training, river rescue, cpr, etc. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 5.4, 6.1 | PH.2 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole | Hart | Medium | High | EM, Rescue Squad, Hidden River, Fire Departments | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Hart L.4.3 | By August of 2023, work with Hart County school system and Caverna Independent School to develop, plan, and host a youth emergency services training and continue to develop/promote a Jr Firefighter program. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2023 | 4.1, 5.4 | CLD.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | Very High | High | Fire Departments, Schools, EM, EMS, Rescue Squads | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Sense of Place | Hart SP.1.1 | By December of 2025, work with planning and zoning commissions to identify gateways to the county and cities that need to be improved and what those improvements should be. | 07/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | SP.1 | Hart | Medium | High | Planning and Zoning Commissions, Tourism, Chamber | Staff Time | In progress | |||||||
Sense of Place | Hart SP.1.2 | By January of 2027, utilizing the list created in SP1.1, make improvements to gateways to Hart County and its cities. | 05/01/2023 | 01/01/2027 | SP.2 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Low | High | Cities, County, Planning and Zoning Commissions, Tourism, Chamber | Local Funds, Place-making Grant Funds | |||||||
Sense of Place | Hart SP.1.3 | By July of 2025, identify and participate in onsite training for code enforcement administrators regarding the legal processes in code enforcement. | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2025 | H.4 | Hart | High | High | Planning and Zoning Commissions, BRADD | Local | ||||||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Hart SP.1.4 | By October of 2024, begin to host regular solid waste pickup days in each Hart County city to allow citizens to properly dispose of routine and hazardous waste. (Also Supports I.1). | 02/01/2022 | 10/01/2022 | 1.1 | I.7 | Hart | Bonnieville | High | High | City of Bonnieville, Solid Waste Coordinator | DWM HHW | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Hart SP.2.1 | By December of 2024, work with BRADD to research best practices among communities of similar size and demographics with regard to planning and zoning regulations and draft ordinances that could be used in Hart County (in both city limits and the unincorporated areas of the County) to reduce and eliminate substandard or dilapidated housing and areas of blight and including benefits of having a local Housing Authority in the County/in each community within the County for the purpose of developing and supporting housing opportunities for low income families. (Also Supports H.2) | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | 1.1, 6.2 | SP.1 | Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | High | High | Cities, County, BRADD, Horse Cave Housing Authority | CDBG | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Sense of Place | Hart SP.2.2 | By September of 2024, working through the planning and zoning commission, identify areas in the county that should be designated as prime farmland. | 02/01/2022 | 09/01/2022 | SP.1 | Hart | Hart County | Medium | High | Extension, Conservation District, County, USDA | Local Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | |||||||
Sense of Place | Hart.2.3 | By December of 2024 encourage landowners of idenitfied prime farmland to keep farmland intact and productive by promoting Federal, State, and local cost share programs to assist landowners with cost of farming practices including researching other programs to provide funding. | ||||||||||||||||
Sense of Place | Hart SP.2.4 | By December of 2023, update the Hart County website to reflect current and accurate information and contact persons. | 12/01/2023 | Hart County | High | |||||||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Hart TCD.1.1 | By December of 2027, analyze current regulations within the Cities and the County to discover what environmental and cultural asset protection regulations currently exist. | 07/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | SP.3 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Low | High | Cities, County, Tourism, Hidden River, Health Department, Extension Office, Conservation District | Staff Time | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Hart TCD.1.2 | By December of 2027, prepare a template for regulations to preserve environmental and cultural assets and present them to each city council and fiscal court, including but not limited to Best Management Practices for environmental and natural resources. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | SP.3 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | High | Cities, County, Tourism, Extension Office, Hart County Conservation District, MACA | Staff Time | In progress | ||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Hart TCD.1.3 | By December of 2027, create an environmental resource advisory group to enhance, expand, and promote Hidden River Cave, Dog Creek, Green River, and other natural assets as resources for environmental education and how the HRC is utilized in the Horse Cave-Hart County industrial environment. | 07/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | SP.3 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | High | Hidden River Cave, Tourism, Cities, County, Health Department CEA, Extension Office, Conservation District, MACA | Tourism, LWRC | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Hart TCD.1.4 | By December of 2026, create kayak access/entry points including kayak launching/stairs similar to those at Green River Ferry at Thelma Stovall Park. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2026 | TCD.3 | Hart | Munfordville | Low | High | CEA, Munfordville Tourism, Public Works, City, Chamber | LWCF, Recreation Trails, Private | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Hart TCD.2.1 | By July of 2027, protect the funding sources of Horse Cave/Hart County Tourism and Munfordville Tourism in order to ensure the effective marketing of the county’s tourism assets and protect the focus of tourism marketing as targeting tourists to attract to Hart County. | 07/01/2022 | 07/01/2027 | TCD.1 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | High | Tourism, Cities, County, Schools | Staff Time | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Hart TCD.2.2 | By January of 2027, seek ways to expand the directional signage system to guide visitors to reach tourism and other destinations (including but not limited to additional signage on I-65). | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | TCD.1 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | Medium | Tourism, KYTC, Cities, County | KYTC, Tourism, Local | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Hart TCD.2.3 | By January of 2027, partner with schools and other local entities to create a promotional campaign to support and promote Hart County recreational opportunities including parks, bike trails, and hiking trails. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | TCD.1 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | Medium | Tourism, KYTC, Cities, County | Tourism, Local, Private | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Hart TCD.2.4 | By January 2027, develop Frenchman’s Knob as a key historic attraction in Hart County, to include the construction of hiking trails and the restoration of the school and church. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | TCD.2 | Hart | Bonnieville | Low | High | City of Bonnieville | NPS, Tourism, Local Funds | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Hart TCD.2.5 | By January 2027, explore the opportunities for constructing a Welcome Center and other developments, like motels and restaurants, at the Bonnieville I-65 exchange (located at Exit 71). | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | TCD.1 | Hart | Bonnieville | Low | High | City of Bonnieville | Local Funds, EDA, Other Funding Sources TBD | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Hart TCD.2.6 | By December of 2027, look into expanding Hidden River Cave and implementing accessibility improvements. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | TCD.1 | Hart | ||||||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Hart TCD.2.7 | By December of 2027, seek funding to establish a Native Art Gallery & Museum in Hart County including the purchasing of a building and making any necessary building renovations (including ADA accessibility improvements). | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | TCD.1 | Hart | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.1.1 | Develop and maintain a solid waste management system that includes the establishment of a composting facility and recycling center (including residential pickup) in the county by December of 2026. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2026 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 3.1, 3.4 | I.7 | Hart | High | Medium | SWC | DWM, Local | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.1.2 | By December of 2025, evaluate existing water treatment facilities to ensure that all areas have adequate access to potable water and fire protection within the county. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.6 | I.1 | Drought, Extreme Temperature | Hart | High | High | Green River Water Valley, Edmonson County Water | KIA, CDBG | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.1.3 | By December of 2025, evaluate the existing wastewater systems to ensure environmental protection and adequate capacity for current and future needs. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.6 | I.2 | Hart | High | High | AU Wastewater, CEA, Green River Water Valley | KIA, CDBG, Inf | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.1.4 | By December of 2024, conduct a feasibility study to determine “improvement areas” where infrastructure (such as water, sewer, storm water drainage and natural gas) and public services are not being utilized to full capacity. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 5.3 | I.6 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Flooding | Hart | High | High | Water/Wastewater, Atmos, LG+E, Nick Lawson | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.1.5 | By December of 2024, conduct an inventory of natural resources (including surface and groundwater) to protect, preserve, and identify at-risk areas within the county. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 5.2 | SP.3 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Flooding | Hart | High | High | Nick Weber, Greg Nichols, Aaron Jaggers | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.1.6 | Within 18 months of the completion of the housing survey, work with the Industrial Authority and using the completed housing survey, evaluate the need to restart the rebate program for housing developers. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2023 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | H1 | Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | Horse Cave | High | High | City of Horse Cave, Housing Authority, IDA | Local Funds, Private Investment, CDBG, EDA, USDA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.1.7 | By December of 2027, explore the feasibility of purchasing water bricks or a water purification system. | 01/01/2026 | 12/01/2027 | 5.1 | I.1 | Drought, Extreme Temperature, Flooding | Hart | Medium | Medium | Water Boards, EM | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.1.8 | By December 2027, elevate Munfordville lift station to decrease infiltration and flooding issues. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2 | I.2 | Flooding | Hart | Munfordville | High | Medium | City of Munfordville | KIA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | Hart.I.1.9 | By December of 2027, seek out and secure funding to construct a new water treatment facility and upgrade the existing distribution system for the Edmonson Co. Water District which serves Hart Co. residents. (Supports Hart I.2) | 12/01/2027 | Hart | Hart, Edmonson County | Very High | High | Edmonson County Water, County Judge | CDBG, KIA, FEMA | |||||||||
Infrastructure | Hart.I.1.10 | By December of 2024, identify areas where additional infrastructure is needed in order to develop affordable housing and seek out funding opportunities to construct needed infrastructure. | 12/01/2024 | Hart | Hart, Edmonson County | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Hart.I.1.11 | By December of 2027, install Natural Gas lines from Elizabethtown to Hart County, and on over to the Horse Cave side of Hart County. | 12/01/2027 | Hart | ||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Hart.I.1.12 | By December of 2027, upgrade water lines in Hart County and construct new lines around Horse Cave to meet demand for increased residential, commercial, and industrial growth. | 12/01/2024 | Hart | ||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.2.1 | By January of 2026, harden critical infrastructure by purchasing and installing generators, fences, and cameras at needed locations. | 01/01/2025 | 01/01/2026 | 1.1, 5.3 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | Bonnieville | High | High | Brian Weber, Aaron Jaggers, EM, City of Bonnieville | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.2.2 | By January of 2026, improve communications infrastructure and systems in the county. | 01/01/2025 | 01/01/2026 | 5.3 | Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | High | High | Brian Weber, Aaron Jaggers, EM | KOHS, FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.2.3 | By January of 2024, create an inventory of susceptible utility systems and prioritize implementation of corrective measures, including, but not limited to, developing new/upgrading existing water delivery system to eliminate breaks and leaks and relocating utilities in public buildings above BFE (Base Flood Elevation). | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | 5.2 | I.6 | Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | Very High | High | Committee of Local Utilities | KIA, CDBG | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.2.4 | By April of 2027, strengthen the electrical grid in Hart County, including, but not limited to, running power lines underground where feasible, installing redundancy and loopholes in power lines, etc. | 01/01/2026 | 04/01/2027 | 1.3, 1.4 | I.6 | Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | High | High | Greg Nichols, Electric Companies | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2026. | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.2.5 | By April of 2027, inventory and implement drainage solutions to mitigate adverse effects on the county’s resources, including, but not limited to, identifying storm water drainage valves that cause sinkhole collapse, implementing corrective measures, and installing alternate (non-focused) drainage on buildings in closed depressions. | 01/01/2026 | 04/01/2027 | 1.6 | I.2 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole | Hart | High | High | Greg Nichols, Brian Weber, EM | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2026. | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Hart I.2.6 | By January of 2027, work on expanding broadband coverage in the county by 20% annually. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.3 | I.5 | Hart | Hart County | High | High | County | USDA, KY Broadband Funding, Local Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | Hart I.3.1 | By December of 2027, seek out and secure funding to construct a new water treatment facility and upgrade the existing distribution system for the Edmonson Co. Water District which serves Hart Co. residents. (Supports Hart I.1) | 12/01/2027 | Hart | Hart, Edmonson County | Very High | High | Edmonson County Water, County Judge | CDBG, KIA, FEMA | |||||||||
Infrastructure | Hart I.3.2 | By December of 2027, alleviate the water supply issues at the Edmonson County Water District due to operational issues associated with the Brownsville Water Treatment Plant as outlined in WX21099054. | 12/01/2027 | Hart | ||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Hart I.3.3 | By December of 2027, alleviate the water supply issues experienced by the Edmonson County Water District due to operational issues associated with the Wax Water Treatment Plant as outlined in WX21099056. | 12/01/2027 | Hart | ||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Hart I.3.4 | By December of 2027, build a new 1,000,000 gallon water tank in the Hardyville Area of the Green River Valley Water District. (WX21099042) | 12/01/2027 | Hart | ||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Hart I.3.5 | By December of 2027, install a new raw water intake system and load head dam to improve the supply and quality of raw water to the Green River Valley Water District's Water Treatment Plant. (WX21099043) | 12/01/2027 | Hart | ||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Hart I.3.6 | By December of 2027, replace the water mains in the Horse Cave water distribution system to lessen main losses and improve safety. (WX21099024) | 12/01/2027 | Hart | ||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Hart I.3.7 | By December of 2027, replace the water mains in the Horse Cave water distribution system to lessen main losses and improve safety. (WX21099024) | 12/01/2027 | Hart | ||||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Hart T.1.1 | By December of 2026, conduct a feasibility study for a county-wide public transportation system including routes to major tourist attractions like Mammoth Cave, from Horse Cave and Cave City and Munfordville. | 01/01/2026 | 12/01/2026 | 1.1, 1.2, 6.2 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | Medium | Cities, County, Community Action | Local, Road Aid Funds, KYTC | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Transportation | Hart T.1.2 | By December of 2026, conduct a study for the development of alternative transportation including sidewalks, bikes, walking trails, water, ATV, horseback, and other means. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2026 | T.5 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | High | Tourism, County, Cities | Local, RTP, LWCF | |||||||
Transportation | HMP | Hart T.1.3 | By December of 2026, identify areas of conflict between vehicles, Amish modes of transportation, pedestrians, and bicyclists and recommend safety improvements. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2026 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Very High | Medium | Road Departments, Tommy with Munfordville, Horse Cave | KYTC, Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Hart T.1.4 | By January of 2027, construct sidewalks to connect Bonnieville Elementary School to residential areas in Bonnieville and along 31W for safe mobility of pedestrians. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | T.5 | Hart | Bonnieville | High | High | City of Bonnieville | TAP | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | Hart T.1.5 | By January of 2027, purchase and install LED streetlights along 31W in Bonnieville. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | T.5 | Hart | Bonnieville | Medium | High | City of Bonnieville, KYTC D4 | EEC | |||||||
Transportation | HMP | Hart T.1.6 | By January of 2024, work with KYTC to install a traffic / caution light at the intersection of 31W and 738 in Bonnieville to enhance safety. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.2 | PH.4 | Hart | Bonnieville | Medium | Medium | City of Bonnieville, KYTC D4 | KYTC | No longer feasible | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Hart T.1.7 | By December of 2027, work with KYTC to reduce traffic backup at the intersection of Highway 357 and Highway 31W, particularly when school is in session by adjusting the traffic light pattern to allow for a green arrow light only for southbound traffic on 31W long enough to allow vehicles turning left to do so before they must yield to the northbound 31W traffic. | 12/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Hart | ||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Hart T.1.8 | By December of 2027, repair and repave Highway 88 coming into Munfordville to improve safety for motorists traveling this route. | 12/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Hart | ||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Hart T.1.9 | By December of 2027, work with KYTC to explore the feasibility of a bypass around Munfordville to provide additional access points to both the City and I-65 in times of emergency. | 12/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Hart | ||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Hart T.2.1 | By December of 2026, work with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and the Barren River Area Development District to identify, initiate, and continue efforts to make improvements to the City and County road systems. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2026 | 1.1, 1.2, 6.2 | T.1 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | High | High | BRADD, Cities, County, Road Departments | KYTC | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Hart T.2.2 | By December of 2024, create an inventory of susceptible culverts, roads, and bridges and identify corrective implementation measures, including, but not limited to, identifying and retrofitting bridges that are susceptible to collapse and identifying roads that are vulnerable to flooding and repair. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | 1.2, 5.2 | T.7 | Flooding, Earthquake, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | High | Moderate | Cities, County, Road Departments, City of Bonnieville (flooding at Bacon Creek campground) | KYTC, FEMA | On-going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2024. | ||
Transportation | HMP | Hart T.2.3 | By December of 2026, develop a coordinated interagency Debris Removal Plan including removal of debris from streams that cause damage to bridge and transportation facilities. | 01/01/2026 | 12/01/2026 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.7 | Flooding, Earthquake, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | High | High | EM | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2026. | ||||
Transportation | Hart T.2.4 | By January of 2027, enhance culverts at the Bonnieville Post Office to mitigate against damages from large truck traffic and flooding along 31W. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | T.7 | Hart | Bonnieville | High | Medium | City of Bonnieville, KYTC | KYTC, FEMA | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Hart PF.1.1 | By December of 2026, seek funding for the construction of tornado resistant storm shelters and create a promotional campaign, including but not limited to Munfordville, Horse Cave, Cub Run, Hardyville, etc. | 06/01/2025 | 12/01/2026 | 1.1 | Tornado, Severe Storms | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | Medium | County, Cities, EM | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Hart PF.1.2 | By December of 2026, seek funding for purchasing and installing generators and security infrastructure at critical facilities. | 11/01/2022 | 12/01/2026 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.3 | PF.5 | Flooding, Earthquake, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | Very High | High | EM, Critical Facilities Directors | FEMA | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | complete | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Hart PF.1.3 | By April of 2024, explore options to provide a mass notification system to the citizens of Hart County, including, but not limited to, community outdoor warning systems, mass text notification, and NOAA weather radios for occupied structures. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2024 | 5.3 | PH.4 | Flooding, Earthquake, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Very High | High | EM, County, Cities | FEMA | Complete | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Hart PF.1.4 | By January of 2026, conduct a vulnerability assessment of critical facilities to determine actions to reduce vulnerability including, but not limited to, retrofitting structures to be earthquake resilient or tornado resistant shelters; elevating structures so that the lowest floor is raised above the base flood elevation (BFE); inspecting structures to ensure they can withstand snow, rain, and ice loads and prevent roof collapse; and relocating critical facilities from the Flood Hazard Zone. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2026 | 1.1 | PF.5 | Flooding, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | High | High | EM, Greg Nichols | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Hart PF.1.5 | By December of 2025, create and maintain a GIS database inventory of all critical facilities in each hazard area, including repetitive loss structures in each flood area. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2025 | 5.1, 5.2 | PF.5 | Flooding, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Hart | High | High | BRADD GIS, Floodplain Coordinators | Local Funding, FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2024. | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Hart PF.1.6 | By January of 2025, identify locations of accessible heating and cooling centers in the community, determine if additional locations are needed, and create and deploy a promotion campaign of existing locations. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 4.2 | PH.4 | Extreme Temperature, Drought | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | High | Medium | EM, County, Cities | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Hart PF.1.7 | By May of 2023, identify a community shelter and what location should be used during/after disasters. | 02/01/2022 | 05/01/2023 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Flooding, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | High | High | EM, County, Cities | FEMA | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | Dr. Pandea working on homeless shelter. | |
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Hart PF.1.8 | By December 2027, develop an action plan for the possibility of a hazardous material spill at the Hart County interchanges of I-65 (exits 58, 65, and 71) in order to prevent possible groundwater contamination by hazardous materials. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | I.1 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Very High | Moderate | Cities, County, EM | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Hart PF.1.9 | By 2027, create a stockpile of personal protective equipment (PPE) and Meals Ready-to-Eat (MREs) at all Hart County Community Shelter locations (existing and planned). | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | PH.2 | Flooding, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | Medium | County, Cities, EM | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Hart PF.1.10 | By December of 2027, purchase land and outline a plan to construct enhanced community services which could include extension office, senior center, head start, or a regional food pantry/kitchen. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | Hart | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Hart PF.2.1 | By June of 2023, develop a legislative agenda to diversify availability of involuntary mental health evaluation in the county. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | CLD.3 | Hart | High | High | HEART Group, Medical Society, Jeff Wilson, Police | Staff Time | In progress | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Hart PF.2.3 | By January 2027, make necessary upgrades to Thelma Stovall Park to enhance safety, including retrofitting the restroom building as a storm shelter, improving lighting, and upgrading facilities to be handicapped accessible. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | PF.1 | Severe Storms, Tornado | Hart | Munfordville | Medium | High | City of Munfordville | FEMA LWCF | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | Hart PF.2.4 | By January 2027, explore opportunities for a YMCA or similar facility in Munfordville. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | PF.2 | Hart | Munfordville | Medium | High | City of Munfordville | CDBG | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Hart PF.2.5 | By December of 2024, create strategic plans to enhance the marketing and attraction efforts to the downtown areas of Munfordville and Horse Cave including online and social media presence. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | Hart | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Hart PF.2.6 | By December of 2026, improve recreational opportunities at the Woodson House site in Munfordville. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2026 | Hart | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Hart PF.2.7 | By December of 2025, improve recreational opportunities at Thelma Stovall Park in Munfordville. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2025 | Hart | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Hart PF.2.8 | By December of 2027, improve recreational opportunities and recreational access by achieving Kentucky SCORP goals. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Hart | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Hart PF.3.1 | By May of 2026, establish either a soccer field or regulation size ball field at the sports complex in Munfordville. | 02/01/2022 | 05/01/2026 | PF.1 | Hart | Munfordville | Medium | Medium | City of Munfordville, Tourism, Hart County Soccer League, Schools' Athletic Directors | LWCF | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Hart PF.3.2 | By December of 2026, evaluate the need to establish a county parks committee/commission composed of City and County officials to diversify recreational facilities and services in the County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2026 | PF.1 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | Medium | Cities, County, Schools' Athletic Directors, Tourism | LWCF, RTP | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Hart PF.3.3 | By January of 2026, explore options to diversify parks and recreation amenities in Horse Cave. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2026 | PF.1 | Hart | Horse Cave | Medium | Medium | City of Horse Cave, City Public Works | LWCF, RTP, Other Funding Sources TBD | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Hart PF.3.4 | By January of 2027, create a City Park in the City of Bonnieville to include a playground, basketball courts, and other recreational facilities. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | PF.1 | Hart | Bonnieville | Medium | Medium | City of Bonnieville | LWCF, RTP, Other Funding Sources TBD | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Hart PF.3.5 | By 2027, purchase and install cameras, lighting, and wire fencing around generators at Critical Facilities (including Bonnieville City Hall) to dissuade vandalism and terrorism of City property. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | PF.5 | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Medium | Medium | Cities, City of Bonnieville | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | Hart PF.3.6 | By December of 2027, evaluate the need for constructing a shelter for homeless/precariously housed individuals in Hart County. (Also supports H.1.3) | 12/01/2027 | Hart | Hart County | |||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Hart PH.1.1 | By end of May 2025, work with BRADD to develop a live/continually updated/digital road closure and utility outage map available to the general public as well as emergency services to promote safe travel throughout the County. | 02/01/2022 | 05/01/2025 | 1.1 | T.7 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Earthquake, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | Very High | High | EM, BRADD, Brian Weber, Aaron Jaggers, Norman Benningfield | Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Hart PH.1.2 | By December of 2025, identify upgrades needed to existing communication equipment and infrastructure in order to seek funding for enhancements and in order to meet compliance standards. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 5.3 | I.8 | Hart | Very High | High | Brian Weber, Aaron Jaggers | FEMA, KOHS | In progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Hart PH.1.3 | By January of 2026, conduct a vulnerability assessment of critical information systems and develop a plan for reducing vulnerability. | 01/01/2025 | 01/01/2026 | 1.1, 5.2 | I.8 | Hart | High | High | Aaron Jaggers, CISA, City Clerks | KOHS, FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2025. | |||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Hart PH.1.4 | By January of 2027, establish a committee to develop a plan for upgrading the existing EOC. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 5.3, 5.4 | CLD.8 | Flooding, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Hart | Very High | High | EM, Aaron Jaggers, Brian Wever, Jeff Wilson, Kevin Pedit, Chris Garmon | FEMA, KOHS | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Hart PH.1.5 | By December of 2025, seek funding to purchase drones for the county emergency management agency. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 5.3 | PH.2 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Earthquake, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Hart | High | Medium | EM, Joe Middleton, Munfordville PD | FEMA, KOHS | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | Hart PH.1.6 | By 2024, train at least 2 individuals to be licensed to fly drones in the county and 2 Munfordville PD officers. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | PH.2 | Hart | High | Medium | EM, joe Middleton, Munfordville PD | FEMA, KOHS | ||||||||
Public Health and Safety | Hart PH.1.7 | By January of 2027, develop a facility for use as a training center. | 01/01/2027 | Hart | ||||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | Hart PH.1.8 | By December of 2027, seek funding to construct an opioid response center similar to the "Life Learning Center" in Hart County. | 11/01/2027 | Hart | ||||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Hart PH.2.1 | By December of 2027, develop a recruitment and retention program to recruit and maintain emergency services personnel through increased recognition and appreciation efforts. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 4.2, 6.2 | PH.2 | Flooding, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Extreme Temperature, Drought | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | Very High | High | Representatives from all EMS, County Treasurer, Cities, County | Local Funds | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Hart PH.2.2 | By 2024, develop a program to promote emergency management training opportunities. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | 4.1, 6.1 | PH.2 | Flooding, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Hart | Very High | High | EM, Joe Middleton | Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Hart PH.2.3 | By June of 2027, seek additional funding opportunities through grants and donations to adequately fund the emergency medical system, volunteer fire departments, and law enforcement agencies to ensure proper operation. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 4.2, 6.2 | PH.2 | Flooding, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | High | High | Cities, County | SAFER, COPS | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Hart PH.2.4 | By June of 2026, conduct a feasibility study for viable options to establish a paid, volunteer, or combination fire department in the county. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | 1.1 | PH.2 | Extreme Temperature, Drought | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | High | High | Cities, County, Fire Department | SAFER | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Hart PH.2.5 | By 2027, research and recommend ordinances to ensure that new developments install hydrants, adequately sized water lines, and provide adequate pressure to meet minimum fire protection standards. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | CLD.6 | Extreme Temperature, Drought | Hart | Munfordville | Medium | High | Planning and Zoning, Fire Department, EMS, City of Munfordville | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Hart PH.3.2 | By December of 2025, support the option of re-establishing a CERT program locally through the formation of a Regional Citizen Corps program coordinated by BRADD. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 6.1 | CLD.8 | Flooding, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Hart | High | High | BRADD, EM | Local Funds, FEMA, KOHS | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Hart PH.3.3 | By January of 2027, seek funding to purchase and install lightning detection at all ballparks in the County. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Severe Storms | Hart | High | High | Schools' Athletic Directors, Dave Robbins, Ricky Line | LWCF, FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Hart PH.3.4 | By December of 2027, construct after-event shelters in Hart County to serve as a community hub for those impacted by hazards in the event of a disaster. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 2.1 | PH.4 | Flooding, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Hart | Horse Cave, Bonnieville, Munfordville, Hart County | High | High | County, Cities, EM | CDBG, FEMA, KOHS | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Downtown Development | Logan DT.1.1 | By June of 2023, develop and deploy a marketing campaign to promote local incentive programs to enhance downtown areas and celebrate program successes including template press releases and sample social media posts. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | DT.3 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | High | LEAD, Cities, County, Chamber, BRADD | Local Funds | On-Going | ||||||
Downtown Development | HMP | Logan DT.1.2 | By August of 2024, inventory the walkability of Logan County downtown areas to identify gaps and needs (including sidewalks, crosswalks, storefront beautification, benches, lighting, etc.) for the purpose of seeking out funding to mitigate identified gaps/needs. (Also Supports T.1) | 03/01/2022 | 08/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg | High | High | Cities, BRADD | KYTC: TAP Funding | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Downtown Development | Logan DT.1.3 | By December of 2024, inventory the vacant/available property for commercial redevelopment in each jurisdiction and develop a system for maintaining that inventory, including regular updates. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | ED.1 | Logan | Logan County | High | High | County, Chamber, LEAD, IDA | Local Funds | |||||||
Economic Development | Logan ED.1.1 | By December of 2027, invest in projects that will affect the greatest number of people and will make the most valuable impact on the future of agribusiness in Logan County by demonstrating a five percent (5%) overall economic growth for the County as a whole. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | ED.2 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | High | High | LEAD, Chamber, Cities, County | CDBG, EDA, USDA, FEMA, Private Investment | |||||||
Economic Development | Logan ED.1.2 | By December of 2027, collaborate with the planning commission to determine land use within Logan County and its cities to support economic activity. | 06/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | SP.1 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | High | Planning Commission, County, Cities | Local Funds | |||||||
Economic Development | Logan ED.1.3 | By January of 2030, work with KYTC to create and complete projects that will improve existing corridors for current and future economic development capacity. (Also Supports T.1) | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2030 | T.2 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | High | Cities, County, KYTC, IDA, BRADD | KYTC | |||||||
Economic Development | Logan ED.1.4 | By December of 2027, develop additional areas for industrial parks including running necessary infrastructure to these areas and expanding transportation systems to serve these areas. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Workforce Development | Logan W.1.1 | By December of 2022, develop and deploy promotional efforts to market the trade school’s offerings in Logan County. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2022 | W.2 | Logan | Medium | High | LEAD, Chamber, Schools | Staff Time | On-Going | |||||||
Workforce Development | Logan W.1.2 | By January of 2023, partner with schools and county businesses to develop a career fair program (like Bowling Green SKY) to bring youth from every Logan County School and representatives from Logan County Industries together to strengthen the workforce pipeline in Logan County. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | W.2 | Logan | High | High | LEAD, Chamber, School, Workforce Development Board, Private Investment, SKYCTC | Workforce/WIOA, Private Investment | On-Going | |||||||
Workforce Development | Logan W.1.3 | By December of 2025, identify opportunities to increase soft skills among Logan County workforce (be it training, partnerships, opportunities or others). | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2025 | W.1 | Logan | Medium | High | LEAD, SBDC, BRADD, Chamber, Schools, Private Industry, Workforce Development | Workforce/WIOA, Private Investment | ||||||||
Workforce Development | Logan W.1.4 | By December of 2025, work with the Career and Technical Center, Logan County Adult Education, and Local Leaders to explore mentorship programs for recent high school graduates and those entering the workforce. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | W.2 | Logan | Medium | High | LEAD, CTC, Logan County Adult Education, Chamber, Schools, Private Industry, Workforce Development | Local Funds, Private Investment, WIOA Workforce Funds | ||||||||
Workforce Development | Logan W.1.5 | By December of 2027, work with schools to build out and expand workforce enrichment programs throughout Logan County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | Workforce Development | 2/1/2022 | 12/1/2025 | W.2 | |||||||||
Workforce Development | Logan W.2.1 | By December of 2023, work with the Workforce Development Board to identify workforce barriers and develop a legislative agenda to support policy changes on the local, state, and national levels to reduce barriers to workforce participation in the county and promote other legislative goals. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | CLD.3 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | High | High | LEAD, Chamber, Cities, County | Staff Time | On-Going | ||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Logan H.1.1 | By May of 2024, work with LEAD and other relevant agencies to identify and create a comprehensive listing of land or areas within each City and Logan County as a whole that are best suited for residential development. | 02/01/2022 | 05/01/2024 | SP.1 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | High | Cities, County, LEAD, Housing Authority | Staff Time | In Progress | ||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Logan H.1.2 | By August of 2024, conduct a needs assessment to determine housing needs in Logan County. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2024 | H1 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Very High | High | Cities, County, LEAD, Logan County Housing Authority | Local Funds, ARPA | |||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Logan H.1.3 | By December of 2024, utilizing the results of the needs assessment, create a strategy for how to address housing needs, including the exploration of incentive programs and other programs best suited to addressing the housing needs identified. | 12/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | H1 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | High | High | Cities, County, LEAD, Logan County Housing Authority | Staff Time | |||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Logan H.1.4 | By December of 2024, identify codes and their enforcement relating to vacant/blighted homes in Logan County cities and research vacant/blighted ordinances in similar sized cities nationally. (Also Supports SP.1) | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | H.4 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg | Very High | High | Cities, Code Enforcement Boards, BRADD | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | Logan L.1.1 | By December of 2022, explore options for civic education for Logan County youth, like reinstating the Reality School or Junior Achievement to promote consistent civic educational opportunities for students. | 08/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | CLD.2 | Logan | High | High | Schools (Family Resource Centers), Youth Action Team, JA Clubs, Church Youth Groups (Ministerial Association) | Local Funds, Civic Education Grants | On-Going | |||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Logan L.1.2 | By April of 2023, work with Logan County Adult Education and the Career and Technical Center to explore mentorship programs for recent high school graduates and young adults entering the workforce. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2023 | CLD.2 | Logan | High | High | Logan County ATC, Logan County Adult Ed, Schools, School Family Resource Centers, LEAD | Local Funds | On-Going | |||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Logan L.1.3 | By December of 2023, explore the opportunities for the creation of a Youth Civic Leadership Program. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | CLD.2 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | High | County, Cities, Police, Fire, Sheriff, Parks & Recreation, 911 Operators, etc. | Local Funds | On-Going | ||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Logan L.1.4 | By December of 2022, work with the Logan County Chamber to explore opportunities to increase funding for the Chamber’s Youth Leadership Logan Program in order to increase access to the Youth Leadership Logan program. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | CLD.2 | Logan | Medium | High | Chamber | Local Funds, Private Funds | On-Going | |||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Logan L.1.5 | Within three months of plan adoption, work with the Logan County Chamber to provide education to Logan County businesses about the importance of the Leadership Logan program. | 02/01/2022 | 05/01/2022 | CLD.1 | Logan | Medium | High | Chamber | Local Funds | On-Going | |||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Logan L.1.6 | By August of 2023, increase company and business participation in the Leadership Logan County Chamber Program by undertaking outreach efforts to educate businesses on the benefit of participating in the program. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2023 | CLD.1 | Logan | Medium | High | Chamber | Staff Time | ||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Logan L.2.1 | By August of 2024, work with the Logan County Emergency Manager to develop and adopt city-specific Emergency Response Plans. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2024 | 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | CLD.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Very High | High | Logan County Emergency Management, Cities, Emergency Service Agencies, County, Logan Memorial Hospital, BRHD, Life Flight (Air Evac) | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Logan L.2.2 | Upon adoption of Emergency Response Plans and annually thereafter, hold public meetings in each city to educate citizens on the adopted Emergency Response Plans. | 12/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | High | High | Logan County Emergency Management, Cities, Emergency Service Agencies, County, Logan Memorial Hospital, BRHD, Life Flight (Air Evac), Logan County Search & Rescue | FEMA | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Logan L.3.1 | By June of 2023, order brochures regarding disaster preparedness and hazard mitigation and distribute these at festivals and events held in Logan County annually. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Logan | Very High | High | Logan County Emergency Manager, Cities and County, Emergency Services Agencies | Local funds | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | Waiting on EM | ||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Logan L.3.2 | By August of 2024, work with Logan County Schools and Russellville Independent Schools to integrate hazard mitigation & emergency preparedness into school campaigns and curriculum. | 08/01/2022 | 08/01/2024 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Logan | Very High | High | Schools, Logan County Emergency Manager | Staff Time | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Logan L.3.3 | By January of 2023, explore options for creating a Junior Firefighter program to develop youth volunteer opportunities and meet the needs of the volunteer fire departments. | 08/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1, 3.4, 4.2, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2 | PH.2 | Drought, Extreme Temperature | Logan | Very High | High | Schools, Logan County Emergency Manager | Fire Department/training grants, Local funds | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Sense of Place | HMP | Logan SP.1.1 | By December of 2024, identify current residential code ordinances and how they are presently enforced within Logan County and other counties/cities similar in size nationally. (Also Supports H.1) | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | SP.1 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Very High | High | Cities, County, Code Enforcement Boards, BRADD | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Sense of Place | Logan SP.1.2 | By December of 2022, identify all existing entrance signs in Logan County (“Welcome to Logan County” signs along roads entering Logan County), and determine which are in need of repair or replacement. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | SP.2 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | Medium | Cities, County, Tourism, Chamber | Staff Time | On-Going | Tourism doing a large way-finding signage project using ARPA funds. | |||||
Sense of Place | Logan SP.1.3 | By August of 2024, repair and replace entrance signs at all entryways to Logan County. | 01/01/2023 | 08/01/2024 | SP.2 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | Medium | Cities, County, Tourism, Chamber | Local Funds, Beautification Grants, Placemaking Grants | Complete | ||||||
Sense of Place | Logan SP.1.4 | Upon adoption of the plan, communicate with the Airport Board regarding the need for improved signage at the entrance to the Airport. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2022 | SP.1 | Logan | Medium | Medium | Fiscal Court, Airport Board | Local Funds | Complete | |||||||
Sense of Place | Logan SP.1.5 | By December of 2022, work with the Logan County Solid Waste Coordinator to hold regularly-scheduled community clean-up days and promote “free dump days.” | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | I.7 | Logan | Medium | Medium | Solid Waste Coordinator | DWM Household Hazardous Waste/Recycling Grents | On-Going | |||||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Logan SP.2.1 | By December of 2025, update existing code enforcement ordinances in the county and each city and review these ordinances within three months after each Mayoral election and provide resources for enforcement of all adopted codes. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2025 | 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 | SP.1 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | High | Cities, County, Code Enforcement Boards | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Sense of Place | HMP | Logan SP.2.2 | By December of 2025, establish a system for accountability for code enforcement and the adequate staffing of code enforcement in order to ensure fair and consistent code enforcement in each Logan County city. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2025 | 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 | H.4 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg | Medium | High | City Councils & Administrators | Local funds, New revenue streams | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Logan TCD.1.1 | By December of 2023, research funding opportunities for historic preservation and recognition of historically important sites in Logan County, including Shakertown and the SEEK Museum. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | TCD.2 | Logan | Medium | Medium | BRADD, Tourism, Historic Russellville, Friends of South Union Shaker Village | Staff Time | On-Going | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Logan TCD.1.2 | By January of 2025, work with the Mayor of Adairville and the Logan County Fiscal Court to develop a plan for the maintenance of Savage Cave. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2025 | TCD.2 | Logan | Adairville, Logan County | Medium | Low | City of Adairville, Fiscal Court | NPS, Grants | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Logan TCD.1.3 | By December of 2024, explore funding options for the Auburn Museum. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | TCD.2 | Logan | Auburn | Medium | Low | Auburn Museum, BRADD, Tourism | NPS Museum Grants | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Logan TCD.1.4 | Within six months of plan adoption, and continually thereafter, support the efforts of the Logan County Beautification Committee by reviewing plans and projects undertaken by the Beautification Committee and incorporating those into this strategic plan as relevant. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | SP.2 | Logan | Medium | Medium | Chamber Beautification Committee, Steering Committee | Staff Time | On-Going | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Logan TCD.1.5 | By December of 2024, secure funding for the Red River Meeting Room to preserve and enhance the facility. | 07/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | TCD.2 | Logan | ||||||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Logan TCD.2.1 | By December of 2023, create print and social media promotional materials to advertise Logan County’s agritourism businesses and attractions. Explore the options for creating a Logan County Summer Trail or similar promotional program. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | TCD.3 | Logan | Medium | Low | Tourism, Chamber, Extension, Russellville Parks and Recreation | Local Funds | On-Going | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Logan TCD.2.2 | By December of 2025, explore funding opportunities for the creation of a park on the Red River in Adairville to allow for river access, recreation & tourism. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | TCD.3 | Logan | Adairville, Logan County | High | Low | City of Adairville, BRADD, Red River Fish & Game Club, County, Tourism | LWCF | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Logan TCD.2.3 | By December of 2027, pursue funding opportunities for the construction of an outdoor agriculture arena at the Logan County Extension Office. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | TCD.3 | Logan | Medium | Medium | Logan County Fair Board, Extension Office, County, Tourism | Local Funds, USDA | ||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Logan TCD.3.1 | By December of 2025, create educational materials about the impact of restaurant taxes. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | TCD.1 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | Medium | Tourism, Cities, County | Local Funds | In Progress | ||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Logan TCD.3.2 | By January of 2024, present educational materials regarding a restaurant tax to city councils. | 01/01/2024 | 01/01/2025 | TCD.1 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg | Medium | Medium | City Councils, Tourism Chamber | Staff Time | |||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Logan I.1.1 | By January of 2025, develop a plan to upgrade communications systems and infrastructure county wide | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2025 | 1.5, 5.3 | I.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Very High | High | EM, 911, FD, Law Enforcement, EMS, City, County | In progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Logan I.1.2 | By January of 2025, develop a plan to begin upgrading and expanding fiber and the telecommunication and digital information systems in Logan County, including the digitalization of public records and information. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2025 | 1.5, 5.3 | I.8 | Flooding, Tornado | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Very High | High | Utilities, EM, 911, FD, Law Enforcement, EMS, City, County | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Logan I.1.3 | By December of 2027, expand and upgrade the wastewater treatment program to ensure the waste generated by development does not exceed the capacity to treat it. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.5, 5.3 | I.2 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Very High | High | Wastewater utilities, Cities, County | KIA, CDBG | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Logan I.1.4 | By December of 2027, evaluate the capacity of existing water supply and water treatment facilities, develop a plan for expansion and begin to expand service as population growth and development creates demand. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3,1.4, 1.6 | I.1 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Very High | High | Water utilities, Cities, County | KIA, CDBG | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Logan I.1.5 | By January of 2026, conduct a feasibility study of natural gas in the county and develop a plan to expand services to underserved areas, where feasible, including running lines from west of Logan County across to Warren County. Once underserved areas have been identified, seek funding, and begin implementing expansion. | 01/01/2024 | 01/01/2026 | 1.3 | I.6 | Logan | Logan County | Very High | High | Atmos, County | Local, Other funding sources TBD | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Logan I.1.6 | By January of 2027, explore and encourage alternative energy and utility sources for sustainable development | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.4 | I.6 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Very High | High | City, County, inventor | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Logan I.1.7 | By January of 2027, replace aging water meters in Lewisburg to prevent water loss. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.3, 1.4 | I.1 | Logan | Lewisburg | Very High | High | City of Lewisburg | KIA, CDBG, ARPA | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | Logan I.1.8 | By December of 2027, explore the feasibility of regionalizing part of the wastewater treatment facilities in Russellville and Lewisburg to ensure the waste generated by development does not exceed the capacity to treat it. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | No longer feasible | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.1.9 | By December of 2027, make improvements at all wastewater treatment facilities throughout the County to comply with EPA PFAS regulation. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | Infrastructure | Logan I.1.8 | 11/30/2023 | 12/1/2027 | In progress | ||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.1.10 | By December of 2027, upgrade and renovate the wastewater treatment facility in Adairville to ensure the waste generated by development does not exceed the capacity to treat it. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | In progress | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.1.11 | By December of 2027, seek funding to purchase a water purification system for emergency water purification. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.1.12 | By no later than December of 2024, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to allocate funds to a qualifying project. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.1.13 | By October 16, 2024, comply with the EPA Lead and Copper Rule, and all revisions, to compile a Lead Service Line Inventory and make a plan for removing Lead Service Lines identified. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.1.14 | By January of 2025, create an inventory existing water lines and evaluate where feasible increasing water line size to accommodate additional fire hydrants. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.1.15 | By no later than December of 2026, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to expend all Cleaner Water Funds. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Logan I.2.1 | By January of 2024, create an inventory of susceptible utility systems and begin implementing corrective measures, including but not limited to relocating utilities in public buildings above BFE (Base Flood Elevation), developing new/upgrading existing water delivery systems to eliminate breaks and leaks, etc. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2024 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | I.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Logan | High | High | Public Works, utility systems, Emergency Manager | FEMA | On-going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Logan I.2.2 | By December of 2025, strengthen the electrical grid of Logan County by evaluating areas that would benefit from buried power lines, determining the need of installation of loopfeeds and redundancies, or working with utility companies to increase frequency of trimming trees away from overhead power lines. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | I.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Logan | Russellville | Very High | High | Electrical companies, WRECC, Pennyrile, Electric Plant Board, Russellville | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Logan I.2.3 | By December of 2027, evaluate measures to eliminate and contain stormwater run-off; ensure soil, and erosion control measures are accurate; and ensure development projects provide adequate drainage and stream protection, including, but not limited to, installing alternate (non-focused) drainage on buildings in closed depressions. | 01/01/2024 | 01/01/2025 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | I.6 | Extreme Temperature, Drought | Logan | High | High | Water districts | FEMA, KIA, CDBG | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Logan I.2.4 | By December of 2027, obtain and install a backup generator for water & sewer facilities for providers in Logan County. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2027 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | I.2 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Severe Storms | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | High | Planning Commission, Cities, County | FEMA, EEC | On-going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2025. | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Logan I.2.5 | By December of 2027, obtain and install a backup generator at the Emergency Search & Rescue building in Logan County. | 01/01/2027 | 12/01/2027 | 1.4 | I.1 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Logan | High | High | Water Departments | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2027. | ||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.1 | By December of 2027, create and deploy an educational campaign to inform customers about what goes into providing safe & efficient utilities. (Supports PF.1.3) | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.2 | By December of 2027, construct 1.58 miles of water distribution line in Adairville to provide water service to the Industrial Park Business. (WX21141002) | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.3 | By December of 2027, construct .38 miles of water distribution line to serve customers in F. Hills Division. (WX21141001) | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.4 | By December of 2027, replace the water line to the Cemetery Tank in the East Logan Water District footprint as outlined in WX21141057. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.5 | By December of 2027, drain the downtown water tank in order to recoat inside the tank, along with painting and completing repairs on the outside. (WX21141061) | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.6 | By December of 2027, paint the 100,000 gallon elevated water storage tank within the City limits of Lewisburg. (WX21141075) | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.7 | By December of 2027, install sewer mains as outlined in SX21141035 to the Hwy 431 South Sewer area in Russellville. (SX21141035) | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.8 | By December of 2027, relocate and improve sanitary sewer lines at Wildwood Avenue and Crittendon Drive. (SX21141044) | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.9 | By December of 2027, upgrade existing pump station to add new sewer lines to underserved homes within the Adairville city limits. (SX21141050) | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.10 | By December of 2027, explore funding for gravity sewer line replacements and upgrades for problem areas of their sewer system as outlined in SX21141051. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.11 | By December of 2027, explore funding for gravity sewer line replacements and upgrades for problem areas of the East Russellville sewer system as outlined in SX21141052. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.12 | By December of 2027, replace old components of, and make improvements to, the Lewisburg Wastewater Treatment Plant as outlined in SX21141053. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.13 | By December of 2027, explore funding for gravity sewer line replacements and upgrades for problem areas of the Lewisburg sewer system as outlined in SX21141054. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.14 | By December of 2027, rehabilitate the existing water system in the City of Lewisburg to fix the leak issues and non-operative water valves to broken fire hydrants. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.15 | By December of 2027, explore funding for gravity sewer line replacements and upgrades for problem areas of the South Russellville sewer system as outlined in SX21141055. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Logan I.3.16 | By December of 2027, modernize the City of Adairville wastewater Treatment Plant for enhanced efficiency and compliance. (SX21141056) | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Transportation | Logan T.1.1 | By December of 2025, conduct a feasibility study to explore opportunities for senior transportation and community transit | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | T.3 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | High | Cities, County, Community Action, BRADD | KYTC | |||||||
Transportation | Logan T.1.2 | By January of 2030, work with KYTC to create and complete projects that will improve existing transportation corridors for current and future economic development including adding streets where necessary throughout the county and each incorporated city. (Also Supports ED.1) | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2030 | T.2 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | High | KYTC, Cities, County, BRADD, LEAD | KYTC, Local Funds | On-going | ||||||
Transportation | HMP | Logan T.1.3 | By January of 2023, create an inventory of susceptible culverts, roads & bridges & implement corrective measures, including but not limited to identifying and retrofitting bridges that are susceptible to collapse, and identifying roads that are vulnerable to flooding and repair. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2022 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Logan | Very High | High | City and County Road Departments, BRADD, KYTC | KYTC | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Logan T.1.4 | By September of 2023, inventory existing sidewalks, identify areas of sidewalk expansion, and begin adding additional sidewalks where needed. | 02/01/2022 | 09/01/2023 | 1.2 | T.5 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg | Very High | High | Cities, BRADD | KYTC - TAP | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Logan T.1.5 | By March of 2025, inventory the walkability of Logan County downtown areas to identify gaps and needs (including sidewalks, crosswalks, storefront beautification, benches, lighting, etc.) for the purpose of seeking out funding to mitigate identified gaps/needs. (Also Supports DT.1) | 03/01/2022 | 08/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg | High | High | Cities, BRADD | KYTC - TAP Funding | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | Logan T.1.6 | By June of 2025, create a sidewalk improvement plan for the city of Adairville for the purpose of prioritizing areas of highest need. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | Logan | In progress | ||||||||||||
Transportation | Logan T.1.7 | By December of 2027, using the sidewalk improvement plan created in T.1.6, seek out funding to implement needed improvements. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Transportation | Logan T.1.8 | By January of 2025, determine safety and beautification improvements needed along the square for the purpose of seeking out funding to make those improvements. | 11/01/2023 | 01/01/2025 | Logan | In progress | ||||||||||||
Transportation | Logan T.1.9 | By June of 2025, conduct targeted community outreach surrounding improvements identified in T.1.6 to gather public support. | 11/01/2023 | 06/01/2025 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Transportation | Logan T.1.10 | By December of 2027, work with KYTC to broaden US 79 Hwy to better serve Logan County and its residents. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | Transportation | Logan T.1.9 | 11/1/2023 | 6/1/2024 | On-going | ||||||||
Transportation | Logan T.1.11 | By June of 2025, construct a road at the West Industrial Park to accommodate industry expansion. | 11/01/2024 | 06/01/2025 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Logan PF.1.1 | By December of 2024, evaluate and identify the needs for increased services and building improvements at the Carpenter Center, Russellville Senior Center, and other similar facilities in Logan County. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | PF.4 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | Medium | Cities, County, Community Action, BRADD | Local Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Logan PF.1.2 | By December of 2026, identify opportunities for establishing an indoor recreation facility for Logan County that could also double as a county-wide storm shelter. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2026 | PF.2 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Low | High | City/County Parks and Rec, Cities, County | Local Funds, CDBG, USDA, Other Funding Sources TBD | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Logan PF.1.3 | By December of 2027, create and deploy an educational campaign to inform customers about what goes into providing safe & efficient utilities. (Supports I.3.1) | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Logan | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Logan PF.2.1 | By January of 2026, purchase security equipment to be installed at existing recreational facilities in the county to improve security concerns and prevent vandalism. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2026 | 5.3 | PF.1 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | High | City/County Parks and Rec, Cities, County | KOHS, Local Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | Logan PF.2.2 | By June of 2023, develop a maintenance plan for existing recreational parks and facilities to revamp and update those facilities. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | PF.1 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Low | High | City/County Parks and Rec, Cities, County | CDBG, USDA, Local Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Logan PF.2.3 | By December 2027, construct a new community center in the City of Lewisburg. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | PF.2 | Logan | Lewisburg | Medium | High | City of Lewisburg | CDBG, USDA, Local Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Logan PF.2.4 | By December of 2027, complete energy savings upgrades in county and city-owned buildings and facilities throughout Logan County and each incorporated City including making improvements to HVAC systems, water service systems, power supplies, lighting, increasing insulation, and other energy-saving activities. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | PF.2 | Logan | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Logan PF.2.5 | By December of 2024, improve recreational opportunities at Auburn Municipal Park. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | PF.2 | Logan | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Logan PF.2.6 | By December of 2027, improve recreational opportunities throughout Logan County and the incorporated cities of Russellville, Auburn, Adairville, and Lewisburg by upgrading and expanding recreational facilities. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | PF.2 | Logan | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Logan PF.2.7 | By December of 2027. establish an open space and green space plan for each community and the county to identify current park and recreation programs and facilities, and identify opportunities for the expansion of recreation offerings. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | PF.2 | Logan | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Logan PF.3.1 | By January of 2024, purchase and install a generator to serve the Logan County Health Department. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | 1.1, 2.2 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Logan | High | Medium | BRHD, EM, BRADD | FEMA | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Logan PF. 3.2 | By June of 2023, compile a database of critical facilities that need generators or pre-connectors throughout Logan County and each municipality. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 1.1, 2.2 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Logan | High | Medium | EM, Critical Facilities, HEART | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | Waiting on EM | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Logan PF. 3.3 | By January of 2024, conduct a vulnerability assessment and create a database of vulnerable critical facilities and evaluate measures needed to reduce vulnerability, including but not limited to, elevating structures so that the lowest floor is raised above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), structures that need to bought out, or in need of flood proofing, structures in need of retrofitting to be earthquake or tornado resilient, and buildings in need of retrofitting to withstand snow, ice, and rain loads and prevent roof collapse. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | 1.1, 2.1, 2.2 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Logan | High | Medium | EM, Critical Facilities | FEMA | On-going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Logan PH.1.1 | By January of 2023, create an inventory of existing accessible heating and cooling centers in the community, promote and map locations of these centers, and identify additional needed locations. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Extreme Temperature, Drought | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | High | High | EM, Health Department, Fire Department, Cities, County, Schools, Churches, Red Cross | Staff Time | On-Going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Logan PH.1.2 | By December of 2027, purchase and install a community warning system to ensure coverage of outdoor warning systems, NOAA weather radios, mass text notifications, and other communication methods, including but not limited to installation of alert siren at Schochoh. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 5.3 | PH.4 | Severe Storms, Tornado | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | High | High | Cities, County, EM, 911 | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Logan PH.1.3 | By April of 2023, identify areas in need of additional storm shelter facilities and safe rooms and create promotional pieces of existing shelters, including, but not limited to, Adairville, Auburn, Lewisburg, Russellville, Chandler's and Omstead. Where feasible, these safe rooms should double as community recreational centers. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2023 | 1.1 | PF.2 | Severe Storms, Tornado | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | High | High | Cities, County, EM, Schools, City/County Parks and Rec | FEMA | On-Going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Logan PH.1.4 | By December of 2027, construct a tornado shelter near the mobile home park in Russellville. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Severe Storms, Tornado | Logan | High | High | Emergency Manager, Fire Departments, Russellville Mobile Home Park | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Logan PH.1.5 | By December of 2027, increase the number of COWS throughout the county including areas that are not currently covered by warning systems. (Specifically starting with the communities of Dot and beween Russelville & Chamber. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Severe Storms, Tornado | Logan | |||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Logan PH.2.1 | By May of 2024, develop and deploy a recruitment and retention campaign for all emergency services positions in the county. | 02/01/2022 | 05/01/2024 | 1.1, 3.4, 4.2, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Very High | Medium | Emergency Service Providers, Cities, County | FEMA, Local Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Logan PH.2.2 | By January of 2025, seek funding for a county-wide HAZMAT/DECON trailer and develop a rotation and replacement agreement and schedule. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2025 | 1.1, 5.4 | PH.2 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | High | Low | Emergency Management, Cities, County, Fire Departments | FEMA, KOHS | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Logan PH.2.3 | By January of 2025, conduct a feasibility study to evaluate areas in the county in need of additional substations to ensure that all developments are provided adequate fire protection and response times to all citizens are timely and meet ISO rating standards. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2025 | 1.3, 1.4, 3.3, 3.4, 5.3 | I.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Low | Low | Cities, County, IT | KOHS | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Logan PH.2.4 | By January of 2024, conduct a feasibility study to evaluate areas in the county in need of additional substations to ensure that all developments are provided adequate fire protection and response times to all citizens are timely and meet ISO rating standards. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | 1.1 | PF.2 | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | High | Medium | Fire Departments, Cities, County, Planning Commission | CDBG | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Logan PH.2.5 | By December 2024, purchase drones for all law enforcement and fire protection agencies in the county. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 5.3 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Logan | Auburn, Adairville, Russellville, Lewisburg, Logan County | Medium | Low | Fire Departments, Cities, County | USDA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Logan PH.2.6 | By December 2027, purchase a cruiser for Lewisburg Police to replace their aging cruiser. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | PH.2 | Logan | ;Lewisburg | Medium | Low | City of Lewisburg | USDA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | Logan PH.2.7 | By December of 2027, establish a building code enforcement position to ensure any new construction within Logan County and its cities is built to health & safety standards. | 02/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | PH.2 | Logan | ||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Logan PH.3.1 | By May of 2024, develop a listing of healthcare providers in Logan County to determine gaps in service and create a community directory. | 02/01/2022 | 05/01/2024 | 1.1 | PH.3 | Logan | Medium | Medium | Chamber, HEART, BRIGHT, Hospital/Clinic | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Logan PH.3.2 | By December of 2027, research and deploy best practices to fill in any gaps in the county as determined in 3.1. | 01/01/2019 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | PF.2 | Logan | Medium | Medium | Chamber, LEAD | Local Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Downtown Development | HMP | Metcalfe DT.1.1 | By June of 2023, convene a Downtown Area Revitalization Committee of stakeholders from each community. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 4.4 | DT.3 | Metcalfe | Edmonton | Very High | High | Chamber, Representatives from Each Community, Cindy McKinney | Complete | Initial Outreach to Potential Committee Members Underway | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Downtown Development | HMP | Metcalfe DT.1.2 | By December of 2023, encourage the utilization of available community resources to promote revitalization of each downtown area in Metcalfe County including the communities of Center, Summer Shade, and the City of Edmonton. | 03/01/2022 | 09/01/2024 | 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 4.4 | DT.3 | Metcalfe | Edmonton | Very High | High | Downtown Area Revitalization Committee, Benny Lile | Staff Time | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Downtown Development | HMP | Metcalfe DT.1.3 | By January of 2024, explore additional funding sources to complete the Summer Shade transportation project. (Also Supports T.1) | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.2 | Metcalfe | Metcalfe County | High | High | County, Summershade Development Committee | TBD | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Downtown Development | Metcalfe DT.1.4 | By June of 2023, research the feasibility and funding options for creating publicly accessible entertainment options in each downtown area in Metcalfe County. | 02/01/2023 | 06/01/2023 | Metcalfe | Metcalfe County | Medium | Medium | In Progress | In Progress | ||||||||
Downtown Development | HMP | Metcalfe DT.1.5 | By December of 2024, hold a steering committee meeting in each community in Metcalfe County in order to create unified goals for each community and the county as a whole and ensure the strategic plan is relevent. | 05/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 3.4 | DT.3 | Metcalfe | Edmonton | Very High | High | Downtown Area Revitalization Committee | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Economic Development | Metcalfe ED.1.1 | By October of 2023, develop a “Made in Metcalfe” promotional initiative to encourage residents to shop at local businesses. | 04/01/2022 | 10/01/2023 | ED.3 | Metcalfe | Medium | High | Economic Development Task Force, Chamber, Cindy McKinney | Private Investment, Tourism Funding, KY Proud Funding | Done | |||||||
Economic Development | Metcalfe ED.1.2 | By June of 2024, meet with state legislators to explore the development of a regional industrial park. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | ED.2 | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | Medium | Neutral | IDA, County, City | Staff Time | No longer feasible | ||||||
Economic Development | Metcalfe ED.1.3 | By March of 2025, update the “Come to Metcalfe” information packet. | 02/01/2022 | 03/01/2025 | ED.4 | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | Medium | High | City, County, Chamber, IDA | Staff Time | In Progress | ||||||
Economic Development | HMP | Metcalfe ED.1.4 | By December of 2024, work with the IDA to develop a 10-year Economic Development plan including future land-use planning and sites for potential development. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 3.4, 5.2 | SP.1 | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | Medium | High | County, City, IDA | Private Investments, Public Funds, EDA Planning Investments | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Economic Development | HMP | Metcalfe ED.1.5 | By December of 2027, research and deploy best practices to attract an after-hours care clinic to the county. (Also Supports PH.3) | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | PF.2 | Metcalfe | High | High | Chamber, IDA, Economic Development Retail/Commercial Point Person | EDA, ARC, USDA, Private Investment | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Economic Development | Metcalfe ED.1.6 | By October of 2023, work with realtors, commercial landlords, and state ED to create a listing of available retail locations with the intent for the listing to be shared on the Chamber's new website. | 04/01/2023 | 10/01/2023 | Metcalfe | No longer feasible | ||||||||||||
Workforce Development | Metcalfe W.1.1 | By December of 2026, obtain Work Ready status. | 03/01/2022 | 12/01/2026 | W.2 | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | High | High | County, City, School, Workforce Development Board, Private Industry, Benny Lile | Staff Time | |||||||
Workforce Development | HMP | Metcalfe W.1.2 | By March of 2025, identify organizations to develop and expand apprenticeships, internships, and other learning opportunities for high school level students to engage in to promote needed skills in Metcalfe County. | 03/01/2022 | 03/01/2025 | 1.1, 4.2, 6.1 | W.2 | Metcalfe | High | High | School, Workforce Development Board, Private Industry | Workforce/WIOA | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Workforce Development | HMP | Metcalfe W.1.3 | By December of 2025, work with Skills U, Bowling Park, Metcalfe County Schools, and the South Central Workforce Development Board to identify existing training facilities and equipment (Skills U, Bowling Park, Metcalfe County Schools, etc.) to provide programs to meet the needs of residents and expand as necessary to keep abreast of the skills needed for the ever-changing economy. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1, 4.2, 6.1 | W.2 | Metcalfe | High | High | School, Workforce Development Board, Private Industry | Workforce/WIOA | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Metcalfe H.1.1 | By June of 2024, research regulatory and incentive options for mitigating blighted and abandoned properties in the county without a planning and zoning commission. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | 2.1, 3.1 | H.4 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Metcalfe | Medium | High | Housing Committee | Staff Time | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Metcalfe H.1.2 | By August of 2024, work with the Housing Committee in Metcalfe County to quantify the housing stock, identify gaps for the purpose of encouraging more housing development, and create a centralized list of housing resources. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2024 | 2.1, 3.2, 5.2 | H1 | Metcalfe | Medium | Neutral | Bowling Park, IDA, Banks, Realtors | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Metcalfe H.1.3 | By August of 2024, work with the Housing Committee in Metcalfe County to create a centralized hub of housing resources and affordable housing options (both rental and for purchase) throughout Metcalfe County. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2024 | 2.1, 3.2, 5.2 | H1 | Metcalfe | Medium | Neutral | Housing Committee | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Metcalfe H.1.4 | By December of 2027, purchase and remove any remaining repetitive flood loss properties in Edmonton and Metcalfe County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 2.1, 3.2 | PH.4 | Flooding | Metcalfe | Very High | Low | Emergency Manager | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Metcalfe H.1.5 | By December of 2027, identify, purchase and remove homes that have burned or serve as a fire hazard in each community of Metcalfe County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 2.1, 3.2 | PH.4 | Metcalfe | Very High | Low | Emergency Manager | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Metcalfe H.1.6 | By August of 2024, form a Housing Committee consisting of real estate developers, builders, steering committee members, and local leaders from across the region to begin researching housing needs. | 02/01/2023 | 08/01/2024 | Metcalfe | Lisa Boswell | ||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Metcalfe H.1.7 | By April of 2024, seek out funding for the construction of transient/emergency housing in Metcalfe County. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2024 | Metcalfe | Complete | ||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Metcalfe H.2.1 | By December of 2023, work with BRADD’s Aging and Independent Living Services Department to determine the gaps in service areas and identify needs to support the AAAIL populations, including planning for future growth in order to keep people in their homes. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 1.1, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | H1 | Metcalfe | High | Low | BRADD AAAIL, Nursing Home, Adult Day Care (Amy Neighbors) | Staff Time | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Metcalfe L.1.1 | By August of 2025, form a Hazard Mitigation Awareness Committee to develop a Public Outreach Plan for educating citizens on disaster preparedness and hazard mitigation strategies. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2025 | 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 6.1, 6.2 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Judge Executive, County Magistrates, Emergency Manager, BRADD Disaster Resiliency Coordinator, Emergency Response Agencies, Volunteer FDs, City Representatives, Schools | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Metcalfe L.2.1 | By December of 2025, continue to develop and expand the leadership base in the community, especially for young adults and youth by establishing ongoing, post-high school youth leadership programs that involve county and city leaders. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 6.1 | CLD.2 | Metcalfe | Medium | Neutral | Chamber, Leadership Metcalfe County, Extension Office, FFA, Schools, Bowling Park | ARC, EDA, Private Investment, Local Chamber Funds | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Sense of Place | Metcalfe SP.1.1 | By June of 2025, develop an essay and arts contest to set a vision for Metcalfe County’s Sense of Place. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | SP.2 | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | Medium | High | Carol Perkins, 4H/Extension Office, County, City, Historic Society, School | Private Donations | New for 2022 Plan | ||||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Metcalfe SP.1.2 | By June of 2025, establish a county-wide “adopt a street” program to promote county beautification and reduce risks from debris on the roadsides. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 1.2, 4.1, 4.2 | SP.2 | Metcalfe | Medium | High | County, School, KYTC | Litter Abatement Funding | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Metcalfe SP.1.3 | By June of 2023, create a county-wide land use plan to aid in mitigating the chance of injury or loss of life in the county. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3 | PH.4 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | High | High | Representatives from Center, Edmonton, Summershade, and other communities, City, County, Emergency Manager | CDBG | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Tourism and Cultural Development | HMP | Metcalfe TCD.1.1 | By June of 2025, identify locally historic and culturally significant sites in each community in Metcalfe County and the promotion and restoration needs of these sites. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 2.2 | TCD.2 | Metcalfe | Medium | High | Tourism, Historic Society | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Metcalfe TCD.1.2 | By December of 2027, develop and promote programs and facilities that highlight the cultural segments of Metcalfe County’s rich heritage through the creation of a centralized calendar of events for Metcalfe County. (Also Supports TCD.2) | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | SP.2 | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | Medium | Neutral | Tourism, Historic Society, City, County, Chamber, Radio stations | Local & Private Investment | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Metcalfe TCD.2.1 | By June of 2025, establish a countywide tourism board/commission to research other county tourism commissions and initiatives for the purpose of determining countywide tourism options for Metcalfe County. | 03/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | TCD.1 | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | Medium | High | City, County, Chamber, Historic Society, Barnlot Theater, Industry Representatives | Staff Time | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Metcalfe TCD.2.2 | By June of 2025, identify support resources for the tourism commission and make a comprehensive list including funding sources for implementing promotional marketing. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | TCD.1 | Metcalfe | Medium | High | Tourism | Staff Time | ||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Metcalfe TCD.2.3 | By June of 2025, identify and promote tourist attractions in Metcalfe County by completing a master listing of all attractions in the county and creating marketing material to promote those attractions across multiple platforms (print and digital). | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | TCD.1 | Metcalfe | Medium | High | Tourism, Cindy McKinney | Staff Time | ||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Metcalfe TCD.2.4 | By December of 2027, develop and promote programs and facilities that highlight the cultural segments of Metcalfe County’s rich heritage through the creation of a centralized calendar of events for Metcalfe County. (Also Supports TCD.1) | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | TCD.2 | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | Medium | Neutral | Tourism, Historic Society, City, County, Chamber, Radio Stations | Local & Private Investment | |||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Metcalfe I.1.1 | By July of 2025, develop and maintain a solid waste education program that will inform residents on the need for solid waste collection and recycling, and the negative aspects of littering and roadside/sinkhole dumping. | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2025 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2 | I.7 | Metcalfe | High | High | Solid Waste Coordinator | Division of Waste Management Grants | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Metcalfe I.1.2 | By July of 2025, begin researching best practices for establishing mandatory solid waste collection and constructing a solid waste transfer station. | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2025 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2 | I.7 | Metcalfe | Medium | High | Solid Waste Coordinator | Division of Waste Management Grants, Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Metcalfe I.1.3 | Within four months of plan adoption, explore options for hosting county-wide recycling, household hazardous waste collection and general community/property cleanup events to encourage and increase recycling efforts and facilities county-wide, including educating residents around the benefits of general recycling and e-waste/ appliance recycling. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2 | I.7 | Metcalfe | Medium | High | Force Account Labor, Road Department Employees | Division of Waste Management Grants | Complete. Additional events expected to be held annually. | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sHfy-93WV8sqV2c5cx77egUB6s5oqO8e/view | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Metcalfe I.2.1 | By January of 2027, develop, improve, and/or expand the telecommunication and digital information systems in the community (including broadband) by working with community service provisions to ensure the extension and development of modern telecommunication facilities to include high-speed internet lines, video conferencing systems, cellular services, and multimedia services. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2017 | 1.1, 1.3, 5.3, 6.2 | I.8 | Metcalfe | Medium | High | Barren 911, SCRTC, Mediacom, County 911, Verizon, Bluegrass, County Emergency Manager | IIJA, FEMA, ARC, EDA, ARPA | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Metcalfe I.2.2 | By January of 2024, ensure that all city and county government offices and employees and all critical facilities have the ability to work remotely or through video conferencing. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 5.3, 6.2 | I.8 | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | Medium | High | Judge, Mayor, School Superintendent | ARPA, Local | No longer needed | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Metcalfe I.2.3 | By July of 2025, improve and expand the existing Edmonton Natural Gas System to residents in the most feasible manner possible. | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.3 | I.6 | Extreme Temperature | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | Medium | High | Judge, Mayor, IDA Chair | Private Funds, Local Funds, IDA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Metcalfe I.3.1 | Within one year of plan adoption, work with utility companies to trim trees away from overhead power lines and continually support ongoing tree trimming efforts. | 03/01/2022 | 03/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2 | I.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | Very High | High | Utility Companies, Judge's Office, Mayor's Office | Private Funds, Local Funds | On-Going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Metcalfe I.3.2 | By April of 2023, convene a working group to create and review inventory of susceptible utility systems and implement corrective measures including, but not limited to, upgrading existing utility systems, relocating utilities in public buildings above base flood elevation or burying utility lines where feasible and upgrading the sewer plant. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 5.2 | I.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Facilities, Chief Elected Official | FEMA, Local Funds | On-Going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Metcalfe I.3.3 | Within twelve months of plan adoption, create an inventory of fire hydrants throughout the county and develop a plan for increasing the number of hydrants. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1, 2.1, 5.1, 5.2 | I.6 | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Water Company, Emergency Manager | Local Funds, FEMA, Planning Grant | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Metcalfe I.3.4 | By July of 2025, update ordinances to increase the base flood elevation from one foot to two feet. | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2025 | 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 | CLD.6 | Flooding | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Floodplain Coordinator, Fiscal Court | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Metcalfe I.3.5 | By January of 2025, identify stormwater drainage areas of concern that cause sinkhole collapse and implement corrective measures including exploring replacing non-permeable surfaces with permeable surfaces where feasible. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2 | I.2 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Emergency Manager, BRADD GIS Team | FEMA, KYEM | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Infrastructure | Metcalfe I.3.6 | By 2027, using the inventory created in M.I.3.3, seek out funding for enhancing existing hydrants or adding new hydrants where needed. | 04/01/2023 | 01/01/2027 | Metcalfe | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Metcalfe I.3.7 | By October 16, 2024, comply with the EPA Lead and Copper Rule, and all revisions, to compile a Lead Service Line Inventory at the Edmonton Water Department. | 04/01/2023 | 10/01/2024 | Metcalfe | Complete | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Metcalfe I.4.1 | By December of 2027, install approximately 5,900 LF of 3-inch water main along Nunnally Road to provide improved service to an unserved area of Metcalfe County. (WX21169050) | 12/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Metcalfe | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Metcalfe I.4.2 | By December of 2027, replace the lead service lines located along Scott Drive and Muncie Court in Edmonton, and rehabilitate the existing Froedge Dubre and Wisdom Water Storage Tanks. (WX21169048) | 12/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Metcalfe | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Metcalfe I.4.3 | By December of 2027, purchase a Vac Trailer for the City of Edmonton Water Utility. (WX21169049) | 12/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Metcalfe | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Metcalfe I.4.4 | By December of 2027, install 3,200 feet of water main along Martin Cemetery Road in Edmonton. (WX21169034) | 12/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Metcalfe | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Metcalfe I.4.5 | By December of 2027, replace old and deteriorating cast iron pipes throughout the water system in Wisdom and Edmonton Assessment Area and add fire hydrants where necessary. (WX21169037) | 12/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Metcalfe | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Metcalfe I.4.6 | By December of 2027, construct a new wastewater treatment plant for the city of Edmonton and install a SCADA system. | 12/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Metcalfe | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Metcalfe I.4.7 | By December of 2027, construct a Wet Weather Retention Basin at the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant in Edmonton. | 12/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Metcalfe | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Metcalfe I.4.8 | Will update when new project profile is made. | 12/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Metcalfe | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Metcalfe I.4.9 | Will update when new project profile is made. | 12/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Metcalfe | |||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.1.1 | By September of 2023, conduct a study of high hazard areas (curves, intersections, culverts, bridges, narrow roads, and dead end or single-entry neighborhoods) to inform necessary projects/ordinances to reduce hazards and identify bridges in need of retrofitting that are susceptible to collapse. | 02/01/2022 | 09/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 6.2 | T.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Metcalfe | Very High | Public Works, County Road Department, School, Emergency Manager, Police Department, EMS, BRADD | FEMA, KYTC/OTD, USDA, ARC, Gov Transport | On-Going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.1.2 | By September of 2027, adopt guidelines and standards to ensure that roadway, walkway, and bikeway systems are built to adequate standards based on the function class of the facility, adjoining land use, proposed land use, existing and anticipated traffic volume, and the composition of traffic, including accessibility requirements like low-vision lights, audio signals, and wheelchair cutouts to access sidewalks. | 02/01/2022 | 09/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 6.2 | T.7 | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | Very High | High | Public Works (Moe), City, County | FEMA, KYTC/OTD, USDA, ARC, Gov Transport, Accessibility/access grants | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.1.3 | By July of 2025, work with natural resources to improve and implement debris removal and inspection processes to facilitate a coordinated interagency debris removal plan. | 08/01/2022 | 07/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.7 | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Natural Resources, Emergency Manager, Public Works (Moe) | FEMA, KYTC/OTD, USDA, ARC, Gov Transport | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.1.4 | By June of 2027, explore additional funding sources to complete pedestrian improvement project in Summer Shade, Center, and Sulphur Well. (Also Supports DT.1) | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Metcalfe | Metcalfe County | High | High | County, Summershade Development Committee | TBD | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.1.5 | By July of 2025, review TAP grant status and review options for Center sidewalk rehab. | 10/01/2024 | 07/01/2025 | Metcalfe | ||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.1.6 | By July of 2025, research fundinfg options to repair and replace street lights in Center. | 10/01/2024 | 07/01/2025 | Metcalfe | ||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.2.1 | By June of 2025, work with BRADD to conduct a transit feasibility study for Metcalfe County. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.3 | Metcalfe | Edmonton | High | High | BRADD, Bowling Park (Lisa), School (Alan), City, Ron & Brenda Transport/Wilkerson | KYTC - OTD | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.2.2 | By January of 2027, using the results of the feasibility study, develop a plan for implementing public transit in Metcalfe County. | 01/01/2024 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.3 | Metcalfe | Edmonton | Medium | High | BRADD, Bowling Park (Lisa), School (Alan), City, Ron & Brenda Transport/Wilkerson | KYTC | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.2.3 | By August of 2024, conduct an inventory of existing and needed sidewalks to plan for sidewalk extensions, improvements, and accessibility. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Road Superintendent, Public Works (Moe), BRADD, Ron & Brenda Transport/Wilkerson | KYTC | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.2.4 | By July of 2025, complete a commodities study to see what hazards are coming through Metcalfe County on Highway 90 and the Cumberland Parkway. | 01/01/2024 | 07/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.2 | PH.4 | Metcalfe | High | High | WKU, Emergency Manager, LEPC, Fire Department, BRADD, Ron & Brenda Transport/Wilkerson | LEPC Commodities State Funding | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.2.5 | By March of 2024, identify key accessibility stakeholders who should be involved in transportation planning, public facility planning, and public health planning efforts in order to ensure that the elderly and disabled populations are represented in these efforts. | 02/01/2022 | 03/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.2, 6.2 | CLD.5 | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Health Department, Steering Committee, AAAIL (BRADD) | Staff Time | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.2.6 | By May of 2025, conduct a walk audit in Sulphur Well to determine the best pedestrian improvements and safety enhancements. | 10/01/2023 | 05/01/2023 | Metcalfe | ||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.2.7 | By December of 2026, establish a walking trail in Center. | 10/01/2023 | 12/01/2023 | Metcalfe | ||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.2.8 | By December of 2027, secure portable stage and portable restrooms for communities to use during local festivals and events. | 10/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Metcalfe | ||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Metcalfe T.2.9 | By December of 2025, determine needed downtown beautification needs in Metcalfe County in both incorporated and unincorporated areas. | 10/01/2023 | 12/01/2025 | Metcalfe | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Metcalfe PF.1.1 | By January of 2024, research the feasibility and funding options for installing a splash pad or other water feature in Metcalfe County. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | PF.1 | Metcalfe | Edmonton | Medium | High | BRADD, Public Works (Moe), City (Dawn), Bowling Park (Lisa) | Recreational Trails Grant, CDBG, ARC, LWCF, USDA, City, Cindy McKinney | Complete | ||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Metcalfe PF.1.2 | By June of 2025, develop an accessible RV park for Metcalfe County including RV hookups and ADA bathroom facilities at Metcalfe County Lake & Park, including ADA trails to serve all populations. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | PF.1 | Metcalfe | Medium | High | Public Works (Moe), Health Department Environmentalist | Private Funds, Local Funds, ARC, USDA | ||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Metcalfe PF.1.3 | By September of 2027, research the feasibility and funding options for the construction of an accessible public restroom facility near the square. | 02/01/2022 | 09/01/2027 | PF.3 | Metcalfe | Medium | High | Public Works (Moe), | |||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Metcalfe PF.2.1 | By January of 2027, purchase and install cameras at all low water crossings and warning signs for potential flood areas throughout Metcalfe County. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.2, 5.3 | T.7 | Flooding | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Emergency Manager | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Metcalfe PF.2.2 | By April of 2023, identify critical facilities that need back up generators and seek out funding for purchase and installation of generators at identified facilities. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.2 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Emergency Manager, Health Department, Bowling Park (Lisa) | FEMA | On-Going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Metcalfe PF.2.3 | By April of 2023, identify critical facilities in need of retrofitting to be hazard resilient and seek out funding for purchase and installation of retrofitting upgrades. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.2 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Emergency Manager, Ciy Maintenance (Greg), Public Works (Moe), School, Bowling Park (Lisa) | FEMA | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Metcalfe PF.2.4 | By June of 2024, develop and disperse promotional material including additional signage to educate the public in the location of storm shelters, heating/cooling centers, and potential flood ways. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | 1.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 | PH.4 | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Emergency Manager, Health Department | Staff Time | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Metcalfe PF.3.1 | By January of 2027, develop a master inventory of care locations for vulnerable populations including child and adult day care centers and child and adult foster homes. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | 1.1 | PF.4 | Metcalfe | High | High | Bowling Park (Lisa), Health Department | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Metcalfe PF.3.2 | By January of 2027, expand the food pantry to accommodate the increased need in Metcalfe County. | 06/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | PF.2 | Metcalfe | Edmonton | High | High | Bowling Park (Lisa), BRADD, City | CDBG | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Metcalfe PF.3.3 | By December of 2022, conduct a feasibility study to determine the need for food safety and delivery programs for the elderly and disabled population of Metcalfe County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | 1.1 | PF.4 | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | High | High | Bowling Park (Lisa), BRADD, City, County, Health Department | Aging Funds (AAAIL) | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Metcalfe PF.3.4 | By July of 2025, research and develop a plan for increasing child care options in the county. | 06/01/2022 | 05/01/2025 | 1.1 | PF.2 | Metcalfe | High | High | Bowling Park (Lisa), Health Department (Crystal), School (Alan) | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Public Facilities and Services | Metcalfe PF.3.5 | By June of 2023, using the info gathered from the feasibility study conducted in PF.3.3, identify next steps to address the identified gaps. | 02/01/2023 | 06/01/2023 | Metcalfe | Completed | ||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Metcalfe PH.1.1 | By January of 2024, develop and deploy a recruitment campaign for emergency service providers in Metcalfe County including evaluating the feasibility of increasing paid responders. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | 1.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 6.1, 6.2 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Fire Chiefs, EMS provider, School, Police Department | FEMA, KYEM, KOHS | No longer needed | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Metcalfe PH.1.2 | By January of 2027, construct tornado resistant storm shelters to ensure twenty percent (20%) of Metcalfe County’s population has adequate access to shelters during hazard events. | 06/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Tornado, Severe Storms | Metcalfe | High | High | Emergency Manager | FEMA, KYEM | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Metcalfe PH.1.3 | By January of 2027, identify locations for the installation of additional community outdoor warning systems and seek funding for those locations once identified. | 06/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 5.3, 6.2 | PH.4 | Tornado, Severe Storms | Metcalfe | High | High | BRADD, Emergency Manager | FEMA, KYEM | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Metcalfe PH.1.4 | By January of 2027, develop and deploy promotional material for the locations of tornado storm shelters and what to do during an event. | 06/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.3 | CLD.7 | Tornado, Severe Storms | Metcalfe | Very High | High | Emergency Manager, School, Chamber | FEMA, KYEM | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Metcalfe PH.1.5 | By April of 2023, develop and deploy a promotional campaign for the County-wide Alert Service. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2023 | 1.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.3 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Metcalfe | High | High | Emergency Manager, School | FEMA, KYEM, KOHS | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Metcalfe PH.2.1 | By January of 2027, purchase and install a lightning detection system for parks within Metcalfe County. | 06/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 4.1, 4.2 | PH.4 | Tornado, Severe Storms | Metcalfe | Edmonton, Metcalfe County | High | High | Mayor, Judge, Emergency Manager | FEMA, Recreational Trails Grant, LWCF | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Metcalfe PH.2.2 | By July of 2025, conduct a feasibility study to establish a Public Safety Answering Point within Metcalfe County to reduce response times in emergency situations. | 01/01/2024 | 07/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.3, 5.3, 6.2 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Metcalfe | High | High | 911, Health Department | FEMA, KYEM | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Metcalfe PH.2.3 | By January of 2027, conduct a study on what it would take to adequately fund disaster and emergency response services. | 01/01/2026 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 3.4, 6.2 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Metcalfe | High | High | Emergency Manager, Health Department, Lisa | FEMA, KYEM | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Metcalfe PH.2.4 | By January of 2024, design and implement a protection program for encrypting critical information systems. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | 5.1, 5.3, 5.4 | I.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Metcalfe | Very High | High | 911 Supervisor | TBD | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Metcalfe PH.3.1 | By December of 2022, develop a listing of healthcare providers in Metcalfe County to determine gaps in service and create a community directory. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | 1.1 | PH.3 | Metcalfe | High | High | Chamber | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Metcalfe PH.3.2 | By December of 2027, research and deploy best practices to attract an after-hours care clinic to the county. (Also Supports ED.1) | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | Metcalfe | High | High | Chamber, IDA, Economic Development Retail/Commercial Point Person | ARC, EDA, USDA, Private Investment | New for 2022 Plan | ||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Monroe H.1.1 | By June of 2023, create a listing of existing housing that is unlivable or blighted for the purpose of identifying resources to assist with housing rehab or replacement. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 1.1, 2.1, 2.2 | H.4 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | Cities, County, Mike Turner, Housing Authority | Staff Time | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Monroe H.1.2 | By July of 2025, using the creation of the blighted housing list, begin identifying funding opportunities for the Housing Authority and other entities to update or rehab residential properties with the County. | 04/01/2023 | 07/01/2025 | 1.1, 2.1, 2.2 | H.4 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | Housing Authority, Cities, County, BRADD | Local Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Monroe H.1.3 | By May of 2024, work with BRADD, Community Action, the Housing Authority, and other regional partners to host educational opportunities for renters and landlords. | 02/01/2022 | 05/01/2024 | 3.3, 3.4 | H.4 | Monroe | High | Low | Housing Authority, Community Action, BRADD | Private Investment, TVA, ARC, Community Action | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Monroe H.1.4 | By December of 2027, seek funding to construct affordable housing options and establish a land bank for future development opportunities. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 3.3, 3.4 | H.4 | Monroe | ||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Monroe H.1.5 | By December of 2027, develop a substance abuse support group for abusers and family members. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 3.3, 3.4 | H.4 | Monroe | On-going | |||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Monroe L.1.1 | By January of 2023, review any existing flood control standards (including the county’s NFIP flood ordinance), zoning, and building requirements for the purpose of identifying gaps in those standards in order to reduce loss of life and property damage due to hazards. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 3.3, 3.4 | PH.4 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | High | County, Cities, EM, Emergency Service Agencies | Staff Time | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Monroe L.1.2 | By June of 2023, explore the requirements to participate in the Community Rating System in order to reduce insurance costs throughout the county and provide educational opportunities regarding the dangers of hazards and availability of flood insurance. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2023 | 3.3, 3.4 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | County, Cities, EM, Emergency Service Agencies | Staff Time | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Monroe L.2.1 | By April of 2023, increase the technical capability of local jurisdictions to reduce potential losses by developing material (brochure and web-based) to educate residents in hazard areas by providing information and/or maps on the danger of hazards and how to respond. | 08/01/2022 | 04/01/2023 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Monroe | Very High | Low | Emergency Service Agencies, Housing Authority, Public Library, Chamber | FEMA, Existing Funds, Private Investment | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Monroe L.2.2 | By June of 2025, build a team of community volunteers to work with the community before, during & after a disaster by maintaining the Citizen Corps program and by training private citizens in emergency response and disaster preparedness and establishing groups within neighborhoods to assist with disaster response. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 5.4, 6.1 | CLD.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Monroe | Very High | High | EM, Law Enforcement, Fire Departments | Local Funds, FEMA, KOHS | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Monroe L.2.3 | By June of 2022, collaborate with Monroe County Schools to integrate hazard mitigation and emergency preparedness into school campaigns & curriculum. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Monroe | High | Medium | Schools, EM, Kevin Jones (Fire Chief), Housing Authority | Local Funds, FEMA, ARC, School Funding | On Going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Monroe L.3.1 | By May of 2026, work with 4H, Beta, and other youth programs to reach more youth who have not traditionally been engaged in efforts throughout the county by asking the clubs to design hazard mitigation material specifically for a youth audience. | 08/01/2023 | 05/01/2026 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | CLD.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Monroe | High | High | 4H, Jr. Guard, Candace Geralds | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Monroe L.3.2 | By May of 2025, work with the chamber to restart Leadership Monroe County for both youth and adults by promoting the program to local businesses, requesting participation in the program and advocating for the benefits of the program to the County as a whole. | 06/01/2022 | 05/01/2025 | CLD.1 | Monroe | Medium | High | Chamber | Private Investment, ARC | In Progress | |||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Monroe L.3.3 | By January of 2023, promote the Monroe County welcome handbook by providing printed copies at each City Hall, the County Judge/Executive’s office, and the County Library, as well as share digital copies with each organization. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | SP.2 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | County, Cities, Chamber, Public Library | Local Funding | |||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Monroe L.3.4 | By August of 2026, explore options for increasing youth involvement in Monroe County by exploring youth engagement opportunities with existing civic boards and other county organizations for the purposes of identifying the needs of the younger generations in the county. | 08/01/2022 | 08/01/2026 | CLD.2 | Monroe | Medium | High | School Districts, Jeff Bly (Vocational Tech) | Private, ARC, USDA, 4-H | ||||||||
Sense of Place | Monroe SP.1.1 | By June of 2026, work with the Extension Office to develop and release educational material regarding invasive species and the dangers of such species in the county. | 03/01/2022 | 06/01/2026 | SP.3 | Monroe | Medium | High | Kevin Lyons (Extension Office), Soil Conservation, KY Fish & Wildlife | Staff Time | ||||||||
Sense of Place | Monroe SP.1.2 | By December of 2022, work with the Forestry Service and Army Corps of Engineers to identify best practices with regards to waterside development to protect the natural environment of Monroe County. | 03/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | SP.3 | Monroe | High | Medium | Forestry Service, Army Corps of Engineers | Staff Time | On Going | |||||||
Sense of Place | Monroe SP.1.3 | By August of 2022, begin exploring a Dark Sky Designation for Monroe County. (Also Supports TCD.1) | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2022 | Monroe | Medium | Medium | Tourism, Mammoth Cave National Park | Staff Time | Complete | ||||||||
Sense of Place | Monroe SP.2.1 | By January of 2025, establish a committee in each jurisdiction to look specifically at code enforcement best practices, existing ordinances, and identifying gaps in existing ordinances relating to code enforcement. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2025 | SP.1 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | Medium | Cities, County | Staff Time | |||||||
Sense of Place | Monroe SP.2.2 | By December of 2026, each committee established in SP.2.1 will propose changes to existing ordinances or draft new ordinances for code enforcement and identify sustainable enforcement methods. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2026 | SP.1 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | Medium | Committee Members, Cities, County | Staff Time | |||||||
Sense of Place | Monroe SP.2.3 | By December of 2027, research funding opportunities to enhance the Humane Society including options to construct a permanent facility and fund operations. (PF.3.3, PH.2.1) | 11/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | |||||||||||||
Sense of Place | Monroe TCD.1.1 | By August of 2022, begin exploring a Dark Sky Designation for Monroe County. (Also Supports SP 1.3) | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2022 | Monroe | Medium | Medium | Tourism, Mammoth Cave National Park | Staff Time | Complete | ||||||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Monroe TCD.1.2 | By December of 2025, explore best practices for running downtown power lines underground. (Also Supports I.2 and DT.1) | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2025 | 2.1, 2.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | Tri-County Electric (Leroy Geralds), Cities, County, TVA (Tammy Dixon) | ARC, EDA, TVA, TAP | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Sense of Place | Monroe TCD.1.3 | By December of 2025, explore the feasibility of establishing a welded art park in Monroe County Central Park utilizing local artists and art pieces. | 12/01/2023 | 12/01/2025 | SP.2 | Monroe | Monroe County | Medium | Medium | Fiscal Court, Local Artists | Local Funds, ARC, Placemaking Grants | |||||||
Sense of Place | Monroe TCD.1.4 | By March of 2023, conduct a needs assessment of local outdoor attractions including expanding and improving RV camping and river access opportunities in Monroe County. (Also Supports PF.3) | 03/01/2022 | 03/01/2023 | PF.1 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Medium | High | Tourism, Cities, County | LWCF, Tourism Funds, ARC | |||||||
Downtown Development | Monroe DT.1.1 | By March of 2023, explore options for bringing a street sweeper into Tompkinsville. | 03/01/2022 | 03/01/2023 | I.7 | Monroe | Tompkinsville | Medium | Low | City of Tompkinsville | Local Funds | |||||||
Downtown Development | Monroe DT.1.2 | By March of 2023, create an incentive or award program to encourage business owners and other organizations to maintain and improve Tompkinsville downtown storefronts. | 03/01/2022 | 03/01/2023 | DT.2 | Monroe | Tompkinsville | Medium | High | City of Tompkinsville | Local Funds, Private Investment | No longer needed | ||||||
Downtown Development | Monroe DT.1.3 | By December of 2025, explore best practices for running downtown power lines underground. (Also Supports I.2, and TCD.1) | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2025 | I.6 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | Tri-County Electric (Leroy Geralds), Cities, County, TVA (Tammy Dixon) | ARC, EDA, TVA, TAP | |||||||
Economic Development | Monroe ED.1.1 | By August of 2025, develop and send out a needs survey for existing businesses to determine needed support services for small businesses. | 10/01/2022 | 08/01/2025 | ED.3 | Monroe | Medium | Medium | Chamber, EDC | Staff Time | ||||||||
Economic Development | Monroe ED.1.2 | By October of 2023, work with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and other regional technical assistance providers to host quarterly local trainings and technical assistance programs in Monroe County. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | ED.3 | Monroe | Medium | Medium | SBDC, Chamber | Local, SBDC Funding | On-going | |||||||
Economic Development | HMP | Monroe ED.1.3 | By December of 2026, promote hazard mitigation in the private sector by providing information to local businesses regarding hazards and their impacts. | 01/01/2026 | 12/01/2026 | 4.1, 4.4 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Monroe | High | High | EM, Small Businesses, Chamber, TVA | FEMA, TVA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2026. | ||||
Workforce Development | Monroe W.1.1 | By December of 2023, develop a promotional campaign to support the vocational school by sharing information at County Schools and in City/County social media channels. | 08/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | W.2 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | Schools, Cites, County, Aea Technology Center | Local Funds | On-going | ||||||
Workforce Development | Monroe W.1.2 | By August of 2024, explore options for increasing youth involvement in Monroe County by exploring youth engagement opportunities with existing civic boards and other county organizations for the purposes of identifying the needs of the younger generations in the county. (Also Supports CLD3.4) | 08/01/2022 | 08/01/2024 | CLD.2 | Monroe | Medium | High | Schools, Jeff Bly (Vocational Tech) | Private, ARC, USDA, 4-H | ||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.1 | By December of 2025, create an inventory of susceptible utility systems to implement corrective measures. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2025 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | I.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | Utilities, David Rich, EM, Cities, County | Staff Time | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2025. | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.2 | By December of 2026, using the previously created inventory of susceptible systems, seek out funding to develop new/upgrade existing sewer and water delivery systems to eliminate breaks, leaks, and infiltration. | 01/01/2026 | 12/01/2026 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | I.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | Utilities, David Rich, EM, Cities, County | KIA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2026. | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.3 | By January of 2027, explore best practices in stormwater runoff in communities of similar size to determine technically feasible mitigation projects. | 01/01/2026 | 01/01/2027 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | I.2 | Flooding | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | Utilities, David Rich, EM, Cities, County | KIA, IIJA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.4 | By January of 2024, identify locations for additional fire hydrants throughout the county, including locations where waterline increases are needed. | 01/01/2026 | 01/01/2027 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | I.6 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | Fire Departments, Water District, David Rich, EM, Cities, County | FEMA, KIA, USDA, ARC | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.5 | By January of 2027, evaluate the need for flood mitigation efforts tied to new development, including but not limited to the construction of water retention areas. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2027 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | SP.3 | Flooding | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Medium | High | IDA, Water Utility Systems, Cities, County | FEMA, KIA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.6 | By December of 2027, renovate the existing Tompkinsville Water Treatment Plant as outlined in WX21171013. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.7 | By December of 2027, replace two miles of existing downtown Tompkinsville waterlines for the purpose of improving water service to underserved households. (WX21171013 & WX21171047) | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.8 | By December of 2027, install water distribution extension lines to provide water service to the East Industrial Park in the City of Tompkinsville as outlined in WX21171033. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.9 | By December of 2027, improve the storage quality in the Monroe County Water District storage tanks as outlined in WX21171039 and WX21171052. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.10 | By December of 2027, improve the Tompkinsville Water Treatment Plant's sludge handling system as outlined in WX21171049. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.11 | By December of 2027, install approximately 3500 auto-read water meters to the Monroe County Water District as outlined in WX21171049. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.12 | By December of 2027, install a 10-inch water main along the roadway within the Monroe County Water District as outlined in WX21171051. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.13 | Will update as new project profile is made. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.14 | Will update as new project profile is made. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.1.15 | By December of 2027, replace a number of water mains located within or near the City of Gamaliel as outlined in WX21171053. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.1 | By December of 2025, explore best practices for running downtown power lines underground. (Also Supports DT.1 and TCD.1) | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2025 | 2.1, 2.2 | I.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | Tri-County Electric (Leroy Geralds), Cities, County, TVA (Tammy Dixon) | ARC, EDA, TVA, TAP | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.2 | By May of 2024, create an inventory of critical infrastructure/facilities that need back up generators to continue to operate during an emergency. (Also Supports PF.1 and PF.2) | 02/01/2022 | 05/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | High | EM, Emergency Response Agencies, Public Health Agencies, Cities, County, Schools | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.3 | By June of 2025, using the inventory created in PF.1.2,, PF.2.1, and I.2.2, purchase and install pre-connectors or generators at critical facilities. (Also Supports PF.2) | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | High | EM, TVA, Tri-County Electric, Cities, County | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.4 | By December of 2027, purchase and install a backup power generator at the Gamaliel Sewer Plant. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.5 | By December of 2027, construct a larger office space or obtain equipment storage for the Monroe County Water District office | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.6 | By December of 2027, obtain a mobile generator for Monroe County Water District pumps and boosters. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.7 | By December of 2027, seek funding to rehabilitate the Gamaliel Sewer Treatment Plant lift stations. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.8 | By December of 2027, seek funding to rehabilitate the Monroe County Water Treatment Plant. | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.9 | By December of 2027, install a Stationary Generator for the Monroe County Water District office. | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.10 | By December of 2027, install new water mains in Gamaliel. | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.11 | By December of 2027, install a SCADA control system at the Fountain Run Water District to better monitor and control operations. (SX21171018) | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.12 | By December of 2027, examine and analyze problem areas within the City of Tompkinsville as outlined in SX21171019. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.13 | By December of 2027, improve six lift stations located throughout the Gamaliel City Collection System as outlined in SX2171021. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.14 | By December of 2027, install approximately PVC Sewer Lines to the Senior Home, Green Acres, Columbia Avenue, and Lakeview Estates. (SX21171003) | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.15 | By December of 2027, install sewer collector lines in the City of Tompkinsville as outlined in SX21171013. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.2.16 | By December of 2027, upgrade and repair the Gamaliel Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Collection System as outlined in SX21171022. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.3.1 | By May of 2024, inventory emergency service providers to determine communication needs and outline a plan for addressing said needs. | 04/01/2022 | 05/01/2024 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | High | EMS, EM, Cities, County, Fire Departments, Police/Sheriff, 911 | FEMA, USDA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.3.2 | By December 2023, using BRADD’s broadband feasibility study for Monroe County, begin seeking out funding for broadband implementation throughout the county. | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 5.3 | I.5 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | High | BRADD, Cities, County | IIJA, USDA | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.3.3 | By May of 2024, evaluate repeaters in Monroe County for emergency radio use and the availability of Ham Radio use during extreme conditions and identify any needed upgrades, repairs, or education. | 04/01/2022 | 05/01/2024 | 5.1, 5.3 | I.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Very High | High | HAM Radio Club (Mark Warren), EM (David), Old Mulkey (Sheila) | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.3.4 | By no later than December of 2024, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to allocate funds to a qualifying project. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | Monroe | Complete | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.3.5 | By no later than December of 2026, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to expend all Cleaner Water Funds. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2026 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.3.6 | By October 16, 2024, comply with the EPA Lead and Copper Rule, and all revisions, to compile a Lead Service Line Inventory. | 08/01/2023 | 10/01/2024 | Monroe | Complete | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Monroe I.3.7 | By December of 2027, enhance the Cyber and Physical security efforts for Monroe County Water District office, tanks, and pump stations. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Monroe T.1.1 | By January of 2026, complete an inventory of sidewalks throughout Monroe County to identify areas of need including new sidewalks, sidewalk repair and ADA improvements. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2026 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | Medium | BRADD, Cities, County, KYTC | KYTC, Local | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Monroe T.1.2 | By January of 2027, work with BRADD to explore the development of a public transit system in Monroe County. | 01/01/2024 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.3 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Medium | Medium | County, Cities, BRADD | KYTC - OTD, Community Action of Southern KY, ARC | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | Monroe T.1.3 | By June of 2025, identify sites for potential electric car chargers/charging stations and pursue funding for installation once identified. | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | T.1 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Medium | Low | Cities, County, BRADD, Tourism | IIJA, KYTC | In progress | ||||||
Transportation | Monroe T.1.4 | By January of 2026, identify opportunities to promote bicycling throughout the county including installing parking stations, grate safety, and various safety signage. | 04/01/2024 | 01/01/2025 | T.5 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Medium | Low | Cities, County, BRADD, Tourism, KYTC | KYTC - TAP, LWCF,Recreational Trails, Program | |||||||
Transportation | Monroe T.1.5 | By December of 2025, work with area businesses to develop a parking management plan for the downtown areas. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2023 | T.2 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Medium | Low | BRADD, Local Downtown Businesses, Cities, County, KYTC | Staff Time | In progress | ||||||
Transportation | Monroe T.1.6 | By January of 2026, explore the possibility of adding or expanding recreational trails in the County, including horseback riding trails, ATV trails, and walking trails. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2026 | PF.1 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Medium | Medium | Tourism, Cities, County | Recreational Trails Program | |||||||
Transportation | Monroe T.1.7 | By December of 2027, explore options for upgrading sinage and lighting on the bypass in Monroe County. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | |||||||||||||
Transportation | Monroe T.1.8 | By December of 2027, designate 163 to the Tennessee line to make a stronger connector. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | Complete | ||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Monroe T.2.1 | By December of 2027, work with public transportation agencies, state agencies, and emergency response providers in Monroe County to develop a coordinated interagency debris removal plan, including removing debris from streams that cause damage to bridges and transportation services. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2, 6.2 | T.7 | Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Monroe County | High | High | County, KYTC, KYEM, EM | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | |||
Transportation | HMP | Monroe T.2.2 | By January of 2025, create an inventory of susceptible culverts, roads, and bridges and implement corrective measures including retrofitting bridges and repairing flooding roads. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2025 | 5.2 | T.7 | Flooding | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | KYTC, EM, Cities, County | FEMA, KYTC, ARC, EDA, USDA | On-going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | ||
Transportation | HMP | Monroe T.2.3 | By January of 2027, create an inventory of feasible locations for the replacement of non-permeable surfaces with permeable surfaces to reduce runoff. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 5.2 | T.7 | Flooding | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | Medium | KYTC, EM, Cities,. County, Road Departments | KYTC, FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Monroe PF.1.1 | By May of 2027, develop and distribute promotional material regarding the location of heating and cooling centers and storm shelters in the community. | 01/01/2023 | 05/01/2027 | 1.1, 4.2 | CLD.7 | Extreme Temperature, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Medium | High | BRADD, Cities, County, EM, Public Library | Local Funds | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Monroe PF.1.2 | By May of 2025, create an inventory of critical infrastructure/facilities that need back up generators to continue to operate during an emergency. (Also Supports I.2 and PF.2) | 02/01/2022 | 05/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.3 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | High | EM, Emergency Response Agencies, Public Health Agencies, Cities, County, Schools | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Monroe PF.1.3 | By January of 2027, evaluate community storm shelters against FEMA standards to determine if the structures are in need of retrofitting to be tornado-resistant or if new structures are needed to cover the county’s population, including evaluating the need for a new storm shelter in Fountain Run. | 01/01/2023 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | Severe Storms, Tornado | Monroe | Fountain Run | High | High | EM, BRADD, Hospital, Schools, City of Fountain Run | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Monroe PF.2.1 | By May of 2025, create an inventory of critical infrastructure and facilities that need back up generators to continue to operate during an emergency. (Also Supports I.2 and PF.1) | 02/01/2022 | 05/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.3 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | High | EM, Emergency Response Agencies, Public Health Agencies, Cities, County, Schools | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Monroe PF.2.2 | By June of 2025, using the inventory created in PF.1.2, PF.2.1, and I.2.2, purchase and install pre-connectors or generators at critical facilities identified in PF2.1. (Also Supports I.2) | 06/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 5.3 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | High | EM, TVA, Tri-County Electric, Cities, County | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Monroe PF.2.3 | By April of 2023, evaluate the need to designate emergency heating and cooling facilities for the county and each city, and determine if any improvements are needed to designated heating/cooling facilities to operate more safely and more efficiently. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2023 | 1.1, 5.3 | PH.4 | Extreme Temperature | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | EM, Fire Chiefs, Cities, County, Hospital, Schools | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Monroe PF.2.4 | By December of 2025, create recreational opportunities through establishing Monroe Central Park. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Monroe PF.2.5 | By December of 2027, improve recreational opportunities and recreational access by achieving Kentucky SCORP goals. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Monroe PF.3.1 | By December of 2025, create a plan to make both the Tompkinsville City Park and Fountain Run City Park ADA compliant, including but not limited to the improvement of sidewalks, ramps, play equipment, lighting, and bathrooms. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | PF.3 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Fountain Run | Medium | High | City of Tompkinsville, Tourism | LWCF, Tourism Funds, ARC | In Progress | ||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Monroe PF.3.2 | By March of 2023, conduct a needs assessment of local outdoor attractions including expanding and improving RV camping and river access opportunities in Monroe County. (Also Supports TCD.1) | 03/01/2022 | 03/01/2023 | PF.1 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Medium | High | Tourism, Cities, County | LWCF, Tourism Funds, ARC | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Monroe PF.3.3 | By December of 2027, research funding opportunities to enhance the Humane Society including options to construct a permanent facility and fund operations. (SP.2.3, PH.2.1) | 11/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Monroe PF.3.3 | By December of 2027, construct a Veterans Monument at Veterans Park. | 02/01/2025 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | |||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Monroe PH.1.1 | By June of 2022, determine coverage of existing storm sirens and identify underserved areas for the purpose of purchasing and installing sirens in those underserved areas. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | 5.3 | PH.4 | Severe Storms, Tornado | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | EM, Cities, County, Fire Departments, TVA, Army Corps of Engineers | FEMA | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Monroe PH.1.2 | By May of 2027, apply for funding to purchase and distribute NOAA weather radios (in areas where sirens are not feasible), smoke detectors, and CO2 detectors for citizens. | 06/01/2022 | 05/01/2027 | 5.3 | PH.4 | Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | High | EM, Cities, County | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Monroe PH.1.3 | By April of 2027, seek out funding for the construction of transient/emergency housing in Monroe County. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2027 | 6.1, 6.2 | CLD.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | High | High | BRADD, EM, Steering Committee | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Monroe PH.1.4 | By April of 2024, develop and launch a recruitment and retention campaign across the county for emergency response agencies. | 04/01/2023 | 04/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 4.2, 6.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | Emergency Service Agencies, EM, Cities, County | Local Funds, USDA, FEMA, Private Funds | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Monroe PH.1.5 | By June 2025, complete a vulnerability assessment for each city and county regarding protecting critical information systems. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 5.3 | I.8 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | High | EM, Cities, County, IT Services, CISA | KOHS | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Monroe PH.1.6 | By June of 2027, using the vulnerability assessments completed in Objective 5, design and implement a protection program for critical information systems (cyber security) by June 2024. | 06/01/2023 | 06/01/2027 | 5.3 | I.8 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | High | High | Cities, County, IT Services, EM, CISA | KOHS | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in mid-2023. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Monroe PH.1.7 | By June of 2023, work with all emergency response agencies/departments in Monroe County to create an inventory of equipment needing updating/replacing including, but not limited to, air packs, turnout gear, rescue vehicles, cascade systems, river rescue equipment, snow plows, and radios. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 1.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | High | Cities, County, EM, Emergency Response Agencies | KOHS, FEMA, KYEM, CDBG, USDA:RD, ARC | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Monroe PH.1.8 | By December of 2027, seek funding for the construction of tornado-resistant storm shelters for Tompkinsville, Fountain Run, and Gamaliel. | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | CLD.7 | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | High | Cities, County, EM, Emergency Response Agencies | KOHS, FEMA, KYEM, CDBG, USDA:RD, ARC | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Monroe PH.1.9 | By April of 2024, seek out funding for the construction of transient/emergency housing in Monroe County. | 04/01/2024 | 1.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 | I.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Monroe | Tompkinsville, Gamaliel, Fountain Run, Monroe County | Very High | High | EM, Cities, County, Emergency Response Agencies, Fire Departments, EMS/Police/Sheriff, Coroner's Office | KOHS, FEMA, KYEM, USDA, ARC,CDBG | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Simpson H.1.1 | Within three months of plan adoption, form a Housing Task Force to identify base definitions of affordable housing as it relates to Simpson County. | 02/01/2022 | 05/01/2022 | H1 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | High | Housing Authority, City, County, Planning and Zoning Administrator | Staff Time | Complete | Median=48.5k Low15% below | |||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Simpson H.1.2 | By June of 2025, using the above-formed committee and definitions of affordable housing, determine what types of residential properties are needed, best practices for encouraging those developments, and identifying what areas residential construction should not be permitted. | 05/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | H1 | Simpson | High | High | Housing Task Force | Staff Time | In progress | |||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Simpson H.1.3 | By June of 2025, have the city and county attorney develop a joint ordinance to address slumlord issues within Franklin and Simpson County. (supports H.2) | 06/01/2025 | H1 | Simpson | |||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Simpson H.2.1 | Within six months of adoption, develop an incentive program to promote the reuse & restoration of blighted, orphaned and abandoned areas within existing neighborhoods by using infill, rehabilitation or adaptive reuse strategies. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2022 | 2.1, 2.2 | H3 | Simpson | Medium | High | Planning & Zoning | Local Funds | On Going | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Simpson H.2.2 | By June of 2025, create an information packet to promote the incentive program and provide builders and developers information on what it takes to construct residential properties in Simpson County. | 08/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | H1 | Simpson | Medium | High | Downtown District, Planning & Zoning | Local Funds | In progress | |||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Simpson H.2.3 | By June of 2025, have the city and county attorney develop a joint ordinance to address slumlord issues within Franklin and Simpson County. (supports H.2) | 06/01/2025 | H1 | Simpson | |||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Simpson L.1.1 | By December of 2022, develop a clearinghouse of volunteer opportunities within the county to promote citizen engagement in Simpson County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | CLD.2 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | Medium | City, County, Chamber | Staff Time | Complete | ||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Simpson L.1.2 | By December of 2024, host volunteer training events for organizations that regularly need volunteers. | 12/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | CLD.1 | Simpson | Medium | Medium | Chamber | Local Funds | Not feasible | |||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Simpson L.1.3 | By June of 2024, establish a Community Communications position to market and promote events and information needed throughout the county. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | CLD.1 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Medium | Medium | City, County | Local Funds | Not feasible | ||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | Simpson L.1.4 | By March of 2023, create an online system for citizens to inform the city and county that they are interested in being considered for open board and commission positions. | 02/01/2022 | 03/01/2023 | CLD.3 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Medium | High | City, County | Staff Time | Complete | ||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Simpson L.2.1 | Upon completion of CLD 1.3, utilize the Community Communication Coordinator to share information with the public regarding disaster preparedness and hazard mitigation. | 03/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | Medium | City, County | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Sense of Place | HMP | Simpson SP.1.1 | Within eighteen months of plan adoption, working through the Housing Task Force and Franklin-Simpson Planning & Zoning, establish guidelines to ensure that growth and development are integrally planned with and phased concurrently with Franklin and Simpson County’s ability to provide adequate transportation systems and public facilities, including infrastructure. | 05/01/2022 | 07/01/2023 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 3.1 | SP.1 | Earthquake Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Simpson | High | High | Planning & Zoning, Housing Task Force | Staff Time | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Sense of Place | Simpson SP.1.2 | By January of 2024, create a community engagement plan for continually adding community input to County and City strategic plans. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | SP.1 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | High | City, County | Staff Time | On-going | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1752Z5tBM_6XXFXoKr4Oo_FxuVe349TIz/view | |||||
Sense of Place | Simpson SP.1.3 | By December of 2025, develop a coordinated gateway program for each of the primary entrances into Franklin and Simpson County. This set of community gateways should reinforce the unique character of Franklin and Simpson County and welcome visitors to the City and County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | SP.2 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Medium | Medium | City, County, KYTC | Local Funds, Placemaking Grants | |||||||
Sense of Place | Simpson SP.2.1 | By December of 2025, working through the Comprehensive Community Development Committee, update the comprehensive plan to be in compliance with KRS Chapter 100 and the evolving needs of Franklin and Simpson County to create a land use map (encompassing both residential and business zones). | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | SP.1 | Simpson | Very High | High | Comprehensive Community Development Committee | Staff Time | ||||||||
Sense of Place | Simpson SP.2.2 | By December of 2025, working through the Comprehensive Community Development Committee, provide mechanisms for the ongoing implementation of the Comprehensive Plan by City and County governments and their agencies. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | SP.1 | Simpson | Very High | High | Comprehensive Community Development Committee | Staff Time | ||||||||
Sense of Place | HMP | Simpson SP.2.3 | By December of 2025, working through the Comprehensive Community Development Committee, preserve the environmental integrity of the natural, cultural and physical resources of Franklin & Simpson County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.6 | SP.3 | Simpson | Very High | High | Comprehensive Community Development Plan | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Sense of Place | Simpson SP.2.4 | By December of 2027, develop a program for community sponsorship of I-65 exit interchange vegetation areas. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2027 | SP.2 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Medium | Medium | City, County | Staff Time | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Simpson TCD.1.1 | By June of 2023, identify areas of improvement needed in existing attractions and gaps in the types of tourist attractions currently present for the purpose of seeking funding to support and enhance these attractions. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | TCD.1 | Simpson | High | High | Tourism, Daughters of the American Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution, Historical Society | LWCF, RTP, Tourism Grants, Historic Preservation Grants | On-going | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Simpson TCD.1.2 | Within one year of plan adoption, upgrade and enhance the Simpson County tourism website and create or enhance outward marketing and promotional campaigns to support tourism efforts. | 02/01/2022 | 03/01/2023 | TCD.1 | Simpson | Medium | High | Tourism, Daughters of the American Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution, Historical Society | Staff Time | Complete | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Simpson TCD.1.3 | By December of 2027, obtain funding for the development of a multipurpose arts center/auditorium/convention center. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2027 | PF.2 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Medium | Low | Schools, Chamber, City, County | Local Funding, CDBG, Private Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Simpson TCD.1.4 | By July of 2024, identify potential location and funding needs for the development of input areas for kayaks and canoes along Drakes Creek and Red River. | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2024 | TCD.3 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Very High | High | City, County | LWCF | In progress | ||||||
Downtown Development | Simpson DT.1.1 | Within three months of plan adoption, explore the feasibility of a downtown property tax incentive for redevelopment at the County level to match incentives at the City level. | 02/01/2022 | 05/01/2022 | DT.2 | Simpson | Simpson County | High | High | Fiscal Court | Staff Time | |||||||
Downtown Development | Simpson DT.1.2 | By April of 2022, convene a working group of stakeholders including Franklin Renaissance, Simpson County Tourism, Downtown Merchant Association, Historic Preservation Committee, Franklin City Council and Simpson County Fiscal Court to work towards common goals and reduce duplication of services. The working group will meet at least once annually. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2022 | DT.3 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Medium | Medium | Franklin Renaissance, Downtown Merchant Association, Historic Preservation Committee, City Council, Fiscal Court | Staff Time | Complete | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eDmgNcYDVq31AVxmC7P-yAcPse7hbqcL/edit | |||||
Downtown Development | Simpson DT.1.3 | By June of 2022, work with the Merchant Association to create an educational/marketing campaign that could be presented at the Association meeting and be handed out to downtown businesses not attending meetings about the benefit of downtown business workers utilizing off-street parking. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | T.2 | Simpson | High | High | Downtown Merchant Association | Local, Private, Merchant Association | Complete | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xJIlsdbTYBvhemT2O2Nli-4APKHQkMEo/view | ||||||
Downtown Development | Simpson DT.1.4 | By June of 2024, work with Franklin Renaissance, the City of Franklin and Simpson County to research and possibly implement incentives (taxes and other) for downtown businesses, not just property owners. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | ED.3 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Medium | Medium | Franklin Renaissance, City, County | Local, Private, Other Funding Sources TBD | On-going | ||||||
Downtown Development | Simpson DT.1.5 | By May of 2025, create strategic plans to enhance the marketing and attraction efforts to the area of Franklin including online and social media presence. | 05/01/2024 | 05/01/2025 | DT.1 | Simpson | In progress | |||||||||||
Economic Development | Simpson ED.1.1 | By June of 2023, working through Franklin-Simpson Planning and Zoning, explore best practices and set guidelines for the preservation and promotion of the development and diversification of agricultural uses to support the continued viability of Simpson County’s agricultural economy while preventing development of incompatible urban uses within rural areas. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | SP.1 | Simpson | Medium | High | Planning & Zoning | Staff Time | On-going | |||||||
Economic Development | HMP | Simpson ED.1.2 | Within eighteen months of plan adoption, working through the Housing Task Force and Franklin-Simpson Planning & Zoning Administrator, establish guidelines to ensure that growth and development are integrally planned with and phased concurrently with Franklin and Simpson County’s ability to provide an adequate transportation system and public facilities including infrastructure, for the purpose of pursuing a strong economy through logical placement & distribution of commercial development within the urban areas of Franklin-Simpson County. | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2023 | 1.2, 3.2, 3.4 | SP.1 | Simpson | Very High | High | Planning & Zoning, Housing Task Force | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Economic Development | Simpson ED.1.3 | By December of 2025, explore options for creating a position or training a local point-person to focus on attracting businesses, both local/non-chain stores and others including retail, commercial, grocery, restaurant, etc. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | ED.4 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | Low | City, County | Local | In progress | ||||||
Workforce Development | Simpson W.1.1 | By December of 2023, partner with SKYCTC to promote current tech training offerings by developing targeted marketing campaigns at the local level. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | W.2 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Very High | High | Chamber, Industrial Authority, Franklin Bank, City, County, SKYCTC | SKYCTC, Local Funds | On-Going | ||||||
Workforce Development | Simpson W.1.2 | By December of 2023, identify standards for business and industry attraction as it relates to their workforce (i.e. pay, types of jobs offered by business, etc). | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | W.1 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | High | Industrial Authority, City, County | Staff Time | On-Going | ||||||
Workforce Development | Simpson W.1.3 | By December of 2022, partner with SKYCTC and existing businesses to develop foundational (soft skills) workforce training programs and enhanced workforce training specific to existing industries, and looping in high school participants. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | W.1 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | High | Chamber, Industrial Authority, Franklin Bank, City, County, SKYCTC, Schools | SKYCTC, Local Funds | On Going | ||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.1.1 | By April of 2023, research options and opportunities for protecting and enhancing riparian areas of streams and creeks from adverse effects of development and preserve the recreational and water supply of such stream and creeks. | 04/01/2022 | 04/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.6 | SP.3 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | High | KRWA, City, County, EM | Staff Time | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.1.2 | By April of 2024, convene a committee to define priority zones surrounding significant natural streams and creeks and urban development by protecting and preserving these natural features and the land area within the Drakes Creek corridor designated as source water protection area, the Sinking Creek corridor, and the Lick Creek corridor. | 04/01/2023 | 04/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.6 | SP.3 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | High | KRWA, City, County, EM | Staff Time | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.2.1 | By December of 2027, seek funding for upgrades to the wastewater collection system at the sewer plant. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3 | I.2 | Simpson | Franklin | High | High | City, Chris, Klotter | KIA, FEMA, CDBG | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.2.2 | By December of 2027, seek funding for rehabilitation for water distribution system. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3 | I.1 | Simpson | Simpson County | High | High | Chris Klotter, County, Warren/Simpson/Butler Water | KIA, FEMA, CDBG | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.2.3 | By January of 2023, update stormwater regulations for the City and applicable areas of the County. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6 | I.2 | Flooding | Simpson | Simpson County | Very High | High | Chris Klotter, County Judge, Bobby Groves, Planning & Zoning | Staff Time | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.2.4 | By January of 2027, work with broadband companies to increase coverage to 90% in the County. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 5.3 | I.5 | Simpson | Simpson County | Very High | High | County Judge | Local, Private, Other Funding Sources, TBD | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.2.5 | By December of 2027, rehab the Macedonia lift station in Simpson County. (SX21213040) | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | In progress | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.2.6 | Objective will be updated as project profile is made. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.2.7 | By December of 2027, replace sewer main that serves Main St and 31W from South Street to Cedar Street, and running from Court Street to Finn Street. SX21213024 | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.2.8 | Objective will be updated as project profile is made. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.2.9 | Objective will be updated as project profile is made. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.3.1 | By April of 2027, strengthen the electrical grid by exploring feasibility of burying electrical lines, installing redundancies and loopholes, and/or increasing frequency of tree trimming. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2027 | 1.3, 1.4 | I.6 | Severe Storms, Winter Storms, Extreme Temperature | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Very High | High | EPB, WRECC, City, County | FEMA, EEC Grants | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.3.2 | By April of 2027, work with critical infrastructures to evaluate the need of generators or pre-connectors at critical infrastructure facilities. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2027 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.3 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Simpson | Very High | High | EM, Critical Infrastructure Facilities | FEMA | In progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.3.3 | By April of 2027, evaluate floodways and update/reassess flood maps for the County. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 | CLD.6 | Flooding | Simpson | Very High | High | EM, WKU/UK Karst Departments, FEMA, Floodplain Coordinator | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.3.4 | By December of 2027, Purchase and install a backup generator for the pump station at the intersection of Patton Road and Stephens Hill Road. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 2.2 | Simpson | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.3.5 | By December of 2027, Purchase and install a backup generator for the pump station South of Bowling Green Rd. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 2.2 | Simpson | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.3.6 | By December of 2027, Purchase and install a backup generator for the pump station near Macedonia Road. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 2.2 | Simpson | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.3.7 | By December of 2027, Purchase and install a backup generator for the pump station near Reasonover Ave. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 2.2 | Simpson | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.3.8 | By December of 2027, Purchase and install a backup generator for the pump station across from Scottsville Road. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 2.2 | Simpson | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.3.9 | By December of 2027, obtain an electric assessment for needs surrounding the Industrial Park and company expansions to determine how and where additional electric substation and service could be installed. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 2.2 | Simpson | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.4.1 | By December of 2027, create a plan for purchasing and installing upgraded communications systems throughout the County including tower sites, equipment, and radios. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 5.3 | I.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Simpson | Simpson County | High | High | EM, County | ARPA, FEMA, KOHS | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | Simpson I.4.2 | By no later than December of 2027, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to allocate funds to a qualifying project. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | Complete | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Simpson I.4.3 | By no later than December of 2026, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to expend all Cleaner Water Funds. | 08/01/2023 | 12/01/2026 | Simpson | In Progress | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Simpson I.4.4 | By October 16, 2024, comply with the EPA Lead and Copper Rule and all revisions to compile a Lead Service Line Inventory. | 08/01/2023 | 10/01/2024 | Simpson | Complete | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.4.5 | By December of 2027, install approximately 12,000LF of water transmission and a new pump station along an existing transmission route on the East side of the Simpson County Water District region for the purpose of providing additional system capacity. (WX21213053) | 12/01/2027 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.4.6 | By December of 2027, replace existing water mains that have experienced excessive breaks and and leaks to improve service to existing residential customers of SCWD as outlined in WX21213052. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.4.7 | By December of 2027, install water distribution lines as outlined in WX21213003 within the SCWD Hwy 100E area to provide service to unserved and underserved households. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.4.8 | By December of 2027, replace old water lines near Morgantown Road in Sector 2 with PVC lines that serve the the Northwest portion of the system. (WX21213029) | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.4.9 | By December of 2027, replace galvanized water lines within the City of Franklin as outlined in WX21213004. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.4.10 | By December of 2027, replace the water line that runs between High St. and Chapman St. on West Cedar St./Hwy 100 as outlined in WX21213028 to increase volume in the area. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.4.11 | By December of 2027, construct a fully enclosed structural cover for the exterior treatment basins at the Franklin Water Works WTP as outlined in WX21213055. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Simpson I.4.12 | By December of 2027, install a pressure booster pump station for the Williamsburg Park area in Franklin as outlined in WX21213033. | 08/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Transportation | Simpson T.1.1 | By June of 2027, form a subcommittee to explore the need for transit options within Franklin and Simpson County. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2027 | T.3 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | Low | County Judge, Mayor, BRADD, KYTC | Staff Time | |||||||
Transportation | Simpson T.1.2 | By June of 2022, work with the City’s Sidewalk Committee to seek out funding opportunities to improve existing and add additional sidewalks as identified in the sidewalk priority plan. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | T.5 | Simpson | High | High | BRADD, City Sidewalk Committee | TAP, Recreational Trails | On Going | |||||||
Transportation | Simpson T.1.3 | By June of 2022, identify existing neighborhoods and subdivisions that only have one entrance/exit for the purpose of seeking funding to create additional connectivity to those neighborhoods, to improve emergency response to those neighborhoods. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | PH.4 | Simpson | Very High | Medium | EM, Franklin-Simpson Planning Commission | Staff Time | On Going | |||||||
Transportation | HMP | Simpson T.1.4 | By December of 2022, work with KYTC to create a new access from Highway 100 to Gold City Road. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.1 | Simpson | IDA, KYTC, Local Businesses | Private, KYTC, FEMA | No Longer Feasible | New for 2022 Plan | ||||||
Transportation | HMP | Simpson T.1.5 | By December of 2025, work with KYTC to develop a plan for improvements on Highway 585 and additions of turn lanes at Highways 73/100. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.1 | Simpson | Simpson County | Very High | High | KYTC, County | Local Funds, KYTC, FEMA | Complete | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | Simpson T.1.6 | By December of 2024, identify areas where the addition of greenways, trails, and bike paths could be feasible in Franklin and Simpson County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | T.5 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | Medium | City Sidewalk Committee, County | Staff Time | Complete | https://franklinky.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=bee7d50b1c9d40a38622f42d10def18d | |||||
Transportation | HMP | Simpson T.1.7 | By December of 2023, identify areas of bottleneck and concern on waterways for the purpose of debris removal from streams that cause damage to bridges and transportation facilities and review these areas annually thereafter. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.7 | Simpson | Very High | Medium | EM | Local | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Simpson T.1.8 | By December of 2027, work with KYTC and City and County representatives to plan for a feasible completion of Highway 1008 to the northwest to serve as an alternate transportation route for Simpson County and to determine if a true bypass is needed in Franklin. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.1 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | Low | KYTC, BRADD, City, County | KYTC | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Simpson T.1.9 | T.1.9: By June of 2023, compile a listing of bridges that are susceptible to collapse and seek funding for improvements to those bridges. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2022 | 1.4, 1.5 | T.7 | Simpson | Very High | High | State Inspector, EM, KYTC | FEMA, State Road, Aid, KYTC | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | Simpson T.1.10 | By June of 2023, work with KYTC to reduce commercial truck traffic in the Downtown Franklin area. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | T.2 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | High | City, County, KYTC | KYTC, Federal Infrastructure Grants | In progress | ||||||
Transportation | Simpson T.1.11 | By December of 2027, using the list of feasible locations created in T.1.6, seek out funding for implementation of those projects. | 12/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | T.5 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Very High | High | City, County, BRADD | LWCF, RTP, TAP | |||||||
Transportation | Simpson T.1.12 | By December of 2027, transform narrow streets to one way streets such as Rail Road Street to improve access and safety in Simpson County. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | T.5 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Transportation | Simpson T.1.13 | By December of 2027, enhance safety at parks along greenways in Simpson County. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | T.5 | Simpson | ||||||||||||
Transportation | Simpson T.1.14 | By December of 2027, work with KYTC to develop a plan for the straightening of the Lick Creek Bridge. | 02/01/2025 | 12/01/2027 | Simpson | |||||||||||||
Transportation | Simpson T.1.15 | By December of 2027, add "truck turn here" signage throughout the county to encourage truck traffic to bypass downtown. | ||||||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Simpson PF.1.1 | By June of 2023, work through the comprehensive planning process to identify gaps in existing public facilities and services as the community continues to grow. | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 1.1 | PF.2 | Simpson | High | High | Community Development Committee | Staff Time | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | Simpson PF.1.2 | By December of 2022, convene a committee of city, county and school representatives to develop a plan to support the School System and development of needed school facilities due to community growth in Franklin-Simpson County. | 07/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | PF.2 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Medium | High | City, County, School/PTA | Staff Time | Complete | ||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Simpson PF.1.3 | By December of 2025, evaluate the need for care facilities and services for all ages in Franklin and Simpson County. | 01/01/2025 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1 | PF.4 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Medium | Medium | City, County, BRDHD, BRADD AAAIL, School, IDA, Chamber | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | Simpson PF.2.1 | By December of 2027, conduct a feasibility study on the need for a community center in the County. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | PF.2 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Medium | Medium | City, County, Schools, Chamber, Community Action | FEMA, CDBG | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Simpson PF.2.2 | By June of 2024, create and maintain a GIS database of all critical facilities and identify measures to reduce vulnerability. | 01/01/2023 | 06/01/2024 | 5.1, 5.2 | PF.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Simpson | Very High | Medium | EM, BRADD, HEART, Critical Facilities, Hospitals, Emergency Service Providers | FEMA | Complete | https://arcg.is/0fX99C | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective was delayed due to COVID-19. Expected to begin in early 2023. | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Simpson PF.2.3 | By December of 2027, improve recreational opportunities at Jim Roberts Community Park by upgrading and expanding recreational facilities. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 5.1, 5.2 | PF.2 | Simpson | ||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Simpson PF.2.4 | By December of 2027, improve recreational opportunities and recreational access by achieving SCORP goals. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 5.1, 5.2 | PF.5 | Simpson | ||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Simpson PF.3.1 | By December of 2027, work with the Simpson County School system, City and County to develop a feasibility plan for an aquatic center in Simpson County to include a swimming pool for activities including swim meets and senior water aerobics. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | PF.2 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Medium | Medium | School, City, County | Local Funds, CDBG | In Progress | ||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Simpson PF.3.2 | By April of 2026, conduct a feasibility study to look for additional locations for parks and pocket parks in the county. | 04/01/2022 | 04/01/2026 | PF.1 | Simpson | Medium | Medium | Park Board | Local Funds | In Progress | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Simpson PF.3.3 | By December of 2027, identify locations of trash/landfill veins and usable land within the existing Jim Roberts Community Park. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | PF.1 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | High | County, Park Board, City, Facility Maintenance, BRADD | Staff Time | |||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Simpson PH.1.1 | By April of 2027, construct a standalone EOC/EM office. | 04/01/2022 | 04/01/2027 | 5.4 | PH.2 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | Medium | County Judge, EM, City Manager | ARPA, FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Simpson PH.1.2 | By June of 2025, establish an agreement with fuel companies to have backup fuel if needed. | 04/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 6.2 | CLD.8 | Simpson | High | Low | EM, Fuel Companies | Staff Time | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Simpson PH.1.3 | By December of 2025, evaluate potential safe room locations in the county, examine the feasibility of retrofitting existing facilities into safe room locations, and begin seeking funding for this development. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Severe Storms, Tornado | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | High | EM. City/County Public Works | FEMA | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Simpson PH.1.4 | By December of 2027, seek funding to purchase NOAA weather radios for all occupied structures. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 5.3 | PH.4 | Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Simpson | Medium | Medium | EM, BRADD, NWS | FEMA | In progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Simpson PH.1.5 | By December of 2025, review existing protection programs for critical information systems and evaluate needed upgrades. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 5.3 | I.8 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Medium | Low | IT Personnel, City, County | KOHS | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Simpson PH.1.6 | By December of 2024, evaluate potential locations for new alert sirens and annually thereafter. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 1.1, 5.3 | PH.4 | Severe Storms, Tornado | Simpson | High | High | EM, Elected Officials, Planning & Zoning | FEMA | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Simpson PH.2.1 | By December of 2025, identify ways to inform the community and launch an informational campaign. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | Low | EM, City, County, Schools | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Simpson PH.2.2 | By December of 2023, begin offering quarterly CPR classes. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2023 | 5.4, 6.1 | CLD.9 | Simpson | Medium | Medium | EM, EMS | Local, Other Funding Sources TBD | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | Simpson PH.2.3 | By December of 2024, commission a mental health feasibility study. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | PF.2 | Simpson | High | Medium | Health Department, City/County Attorney, EM, LifeSkills | Local, Other Funding Sources TBD | No longer feasible | |||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Simpson PH.3.1 | By April of 2025, seek out funding for the construction of transient/emergency housing in Simpson County. | 01/01/2023 | 04/01/2025 | 1.3, 5.3 | I.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Simpson | Simpson County | Very High | High | EM, County Officials, Emergency Communications Committee | KOHS | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Simpson PH.3.2 | By April of 2024, seek out funding for the construction of transient/emergency housing in Simpson County | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2024 | 1.1 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | Very High | High | Leslie Goodrum, Fire Chief, City, County | AFG SAFER, Local Funds, Taxes | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Simpson PH.3.3 | By December of 2024, develop a comprehensive plan for funding additional law enforcement officers to meet national standards, as the Franklin-Simpson County community grows. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 | 1.1 | PH.2 | Simpson | Franklin, Simpson County | High | High | City Police, Sherriff, City, County | COPS Hiring, Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Simpson PH.4.1 | By December of 2024, evaluate AlertSense and IPAWS capabilities and how to better utilize the systems and develop a plan to promote the systems. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | 5.3 | CLD.7 | Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Simpson | Very High | Low | EM | Local Funding, Other Funding Sources TBD | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Warren H.1.1 | By January of 2024, identify stakeholders and service providers in the housing sector working in Warren County. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | H1 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | High | Cities, County, Housing nonprofits, Housing Authority, City-County Planning Commission | Staff Time | Complete | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MTWh_Ujyk2OAWiaqE0ATXHqr1T0Zscdl/view | |||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Warren H.1.2 | By July of 2023, using the identified list of stakeholders (including local school districts), convene a forum to discuss housing concerns. | 05/01/2022 | 07/01/2023 | H1 | Warren | Medium | High | Housing Forum | Staff Time | done | |||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Warren H.1.3 | By September 2025, working with the long term recovery committee, define what residential options are, what baseline standards are, what education enhancements are needed, what incentives could be offered, and what partnerships could be formed to enhance residential property, including affordable housing. | 07/01/2022 | 09/01/2025 | H1 | Warren | Medium | High | Housing Forum | Staff Time | ||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Warren H.1.4 | By June of 2025, using the convened group from H.1.2, identify and assess housing needs of the elderly, disabled, and those in need of transitional housing. | 10/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 1.1 | H1 | Warren | Medium | High | Housing Forum | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | Warren H.1.5 | Every five years, beginning in 2023, update the City of Bowling Green/Warren County Housing Study to ensure that is current. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | H1 | Warren | Bowling Green, Warren County | Medium | Medium | City-County Planning Commission | Local Funds | Complete | ||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | Warren H.1.6 | By December of 2027, purchase and remove repetitive flood loss homes as needed. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 | PH.4 | Flooding | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Very High | Medium | Warren County Emergency Manager | FEMA Hazard Mitigation Funds | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Warren L.1.1 | By June of 2025, identify and review existing hazard training and educational material/videos for Warren County and its incorporated cities in order to create a listing of what material needs to be created, updated, or enhanced; and identify agencies willing to pilot that material. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | CLD.7 | Warren | Warren County | High | High | Warren County Emergency Management, WKU Emergency Management | Local Funds | In-progress | New for 2022 Plan | Trainings will continue to be evaluated and reviewed. | ||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Warren L.1.2 | By June of 2025, work with Western Kentucky University to create, update, or enhance training and educational material for hazards and create a centralized repository of those educational resources for use by the public and local stakeholders. | 05/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Drought, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Warren | Warren County | High | High | WKU, Warren County Emergency Management | FEMA, Local Funds | Ongoing- initial listing complete, looking for gaps to add more trainings. | New for 2022 Plan | In Progress- website up to house info | |
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | Warren L.1.3 | By June of 2025, identify existing events/outreach opportunities to conduct educational outreach with resources identified in L.1.1 or created in L.1.2, and create an annual assessment of events held in each Warren County community. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 | CLD.7 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | High | High | WKU Emergency Management, Warren County Emergency Management, Cities | Staff Time | Initial List Complete, annual assessments ongoing. In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Sense of Place | Warren SP.1.1 | By April of 2024, review the updated Warren County 2030 Comprehensive Plan and incorporate updates into this strategic plan. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2024 | SP.1 | Warren | Medium | Medium | BRADD, City-County Planning Commission | Staff Time | On-going | |||||||
Sense of Place | Warren SP.1.2 | By June of 2025, and annually thereafter, incorporate focus area plans created by the Warren County City-County Planning Commission into this strategic plan, as relevant. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | SP.1 | Warren | Medium | Medium | City-County Planning Commission | Staff Time | In Progress | |||||||
Sense of Place | Warren SP.1.3 | By June of 2025, identify areas in Warren County for Small Area Comprehensive Plans to be completed for the purpose of designating areas of targeted zone relaxation/deviation in order to foster stronger neighborhood identities. (Also Supports TCD.1) | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | SP.1 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | High | City-County Planning Commission, City of Bowling Green International Liaison Office | Staff Time | In Progress | ||||||
Sense of Place | Warren SP.2.1 | By April of 2024, review the updated Warren County 2030 Comprehensive Plan and incorporate updates into this strategic plan (SP.1). | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2024 | SP.1 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | Medium | BRADD, City-County Planning Commission | Staff Time | On-going | ||||||
Sense of Place | Warren SP.2.2 | By July of 2025, convene a working group to promote eco-tourism and adventure tourism opportunities relating to Blueways and other outdoor tourist draws. (Also Supports TCD.1) | 09/01/2022 | 07/01/2025 | TCD.3 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | Medium | Convention and Visitors Bureau, Tourism attractions, County, Cities | In Progress | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Warren TCD.1.1 | By April of 2025, identify areas in Warren County for Small Area Comprehensive Plans to be completed for the purpose of designating areas of targeted zone relaxation/deviation in order to foster stronger neighborhood identities. (Also SP.1) | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2025 | SP.1 | Warren | Bowling Green | Medium | High | City-County Planning Commission, City of Bowling Green International Liaison Office | Staff Time | In Progress | ||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Warren TCD.1.2 | By July of 2025, convene a working group to promote eco-tourism and adventure tourism opportunities relating to Blueways and other outdoor tourist draws. (Also Supports SP..2) | 09/01/2022 | 07/01/2025 | TCD.3 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | Medium | Parks and Recreation, Convention and Visitors Bureau, Tourism attractions, Warren County, Cities | Staff Time | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Warren TCD.1.3 | By December of 2023, develop an inventory of wineries/breweries, etc for the purpose of promoting those locations and identifying gaps in attractions. | 07/01/2023 | 12/01/2023 | TCD.1 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | High | Convention & Visitors Bureau, Chamber | Staff Time | Complete | https://www.visitbgky.com/things-to-do/distilleries-breweries-wineries/ | |||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Warren TCD.1.4 | By December of 2025, create intentional strategies to build and promote the international diversity of Warren County as points of tourism destination. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2025 | TCD.1 | Warren | Bowling Green | Medium | High | City of Bowling Green International Liaison Office, Convention & Visitors Bureau | Staff Time | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Warren TCD.1.5 | By December of 2023, develop a facility and capital improvement plan for all eco- and adventure tourism facilities owned by Warren County. (Also Supports PF.1) | 07/01/2023 | 12/01/2023 | TCD.3 | Warren | Warren County | Medium | Low | Parks and Recreation | Local funds | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Warren TCD.2.1 | By December of 2023, develop local incentives to ensure the preservation of historic, agricultural, architectural, and archeological heritage. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2023 | TCD.2 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | Medium | City/County Officials, Landmark Association, Historic Preservation Board (City-County Planning Commission) | Staff Time | No longer feasible | ||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Warren TCD.2.2 | By August of 2025, convene a working group of historic preservation stakeholders to identify historic properties. | 01/01/2023 | 08/01/2025 | TCD.2 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | High | City/County Officials, Landmark Association, Historic Preservation Board (City-County Planning Commission) | Staff Time | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Warren TCD.2.3 | By December of 2025, the Historic Preservation working group will develop educational and promotional materials to share about cultural resources in Warren County. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2025 | TCD.2 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | High | City/County Officials, Landmark Association, Historic Preservation Board (City-County Planning Commission) | Local funds, Historic Preservation Education Grant Funds | |||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | Warren TCD.2.4 | By December 2027, seek funding to rehabilitate historic properties in Smiths Grove. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | TCD.2 | Warren | Smiths Grove | Medium | High | Smiths Grove, BRADD (technical assistance) | NPS, Federal and State Grants TBD | |||||||
Downtown Development | HMP | Warren DT.1.1 | By July of 2023, work with each incorporated community in Warren County to identify and prioritize connectivity and walkability measures to and from downtown areas, including identifying barriers to developing infrastructure improvements such as greenways, sidewalks, bike paths, or multi-use paths. (Also Supports T.1) | 01/01/2023 | 07/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | High | Cities, County, BRADD Transportation Planner, WCCPC | Staff Time | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | In Progress-MPO also addresses | ||
Downtown Development | Warren DT.1.2 | By December of 2024, create strategic plans to enhance the marketing and attraction efforts to the downtown areas of Bowling Green and Smiths Grove including online and social media presence. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | DT.3 | Warren | Bowling Green, Smiths Grove | Medium | Medium | City, County, Chamber, WCCPC, Local businesses, BRADD | Local Funds, Tourism Funds | On-going | https://www.bgkydowntown.org/ | |||||
Downtown Development | Warren DT.1.3 | By December of 2024, develop and promote new local and state incentives and federal tax credits to property owners in the downtown areas and support rehabilitation and redevelopment of historic properties. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | TCD.2 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | Low | Cities, County, Chamber | Local Funds | On-Going | ||||||
Downtown Development | Warren DT.1.4 | By December of 2024, using the strategic plan developed in DT 1.2, develop action items to promote the retention, expansion, and attraction of small businesses in the downtown areas of Bowling Green and Smiths Grove. | 01/01/2024 | 12/01/2024 | ED.1 | Warren | Bowling Green, Smiths Grove, Warren County | Medium | Medium | Cities, County, Chamber, WCCPC, Local businesses | Staff Time | On-going | https://www.bgkydowntown.org/ | |||||
Economic Development | Warren ED.1.1 | By December of 2022, convene a meeting with cities and the Chamber to determine how cities can work with local, regional, and state partners to continue business development opportunities in Warren County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | ED.3 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | Low | Chamber, County, Cities | Staff Time | |||||||
Economic Development | Warren ED.1.2 | By December of 2023, assess current efforts to promote small business development through access to funding/capital, skill development, and resource development, to determine what next steps are needed by the Steering Committee and the SBDC. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | ED.3 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | Medium | Cities, County, SBDC, WKU | Staff Time | |||||||
Economic Development | Warren ED.2.1 | By January of 2023, work with each incorporated community in Warren County to revise the Warren County Future Land Use Map (FLUM) to consider economic growth and identify barriers to infrastructure in industrial zones and residential zones. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | SP.1 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | High | WCCPC, Cities, County | Staff Time | On-going | ||||||
Economic Development | Warren ED.2.2 | By December of 2023, implement action items identified in the updated Comprehensive Plan as they relate to economic development. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2023 | SP.1 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | High | WCCPC, Cities, County, BRADD, Chamber | On-going | |||||||
Economic Development | HMP | Warren ED.2.3 | By By January of 2023, work with each incorporated community in Warren County to identify barriers to installing upgraded infrastructure, including sewer, gas, electric & broadband, in order to support development in Warren County. (Also Supports I.1) | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 5.2, 5.3 | I.6 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | High | WCCPC, Cities, County. BRADD, Chamber | On-Going | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Economic Development | HMP | Warren ED.2.4 | By December of 2027, develop additional land at the Transpark to include support service providers such as childcare facilities and residential housing developments. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Workforce Development | Warren W.1.1 | By December of 2022, support the goals and objectives of the Workforce Development Board regional plan by identifying specific goals & objectives within the plan with which steering committee members could assist. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | W.1 | Warren | Medium | Medium | Workforce Development Board, Steering Committee Members | Staff Time | On-Going | |||||||
Workforce Development | Warren W.1.2 | By June of 2023, promote and support the implementation of the SCK LAUNCH efforts in the county and region through information sharing and intentional marketing efforts between students and businesses. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | Warren | Medium | Low | SCK, Chamber, Workforce Development Board | Local/Private investments | On-going | ||||||||
Workforce Development | Warren W.1.3 | By December of 2022, increase the workforce participation rate in Warren County by 1%. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | W.3 | Warren | Medium | High | Chamber. Workforce Development Board | Local Funds, Private Investment, WIOA, Workforce Funds | Complete | |||||||
Workforce Development | Warren W.1.4 | By December of 2025, develop and promote the enhancement of “connection” between targeted markets, education, and workforce development partners with university program leaders by establishing a focus group to create a formal information sharing process for direct-service workforce stakeholders. | 06/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | W.2 | Warren | Medium | High | Chamber, Workforce Development Board, WKU | |||||||||
Workforce Development | Warren W.1.5 | By December of 2027, determine the feasibility of constructing a SKYCTC campus at the Transpark for enhanced Workforce Development and Training Opportunities. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.1 | By January of 2024, incorporate information from BRADD’s broadband feasibility study to determine Warren County’s needs and next steps for providing widespread broadband services throughout the count | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2024 | 5.3 | I.5 | Warren | Warren County | High | High | County, WRECC | ARPA, IIJA | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.2 | By December of 2027, the City of Woodburn will apply for a Household Hazardous Waste grant from the Kentucky Division of Waste Management to host twice annual Household Hazardous Waste cleanup days in Woodburn. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 2.2 | I.7 | Warren | Woodburn | High | High | City of Woodburn, BRADD (grant application assistance) | DWM Household Hazardous Waste Grants, Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.3 | By December of 2027, work with each incorporated community in Warren County to identify barriers to installing upgraded infrastructure, including sewer, gas, electric & broadband, in order to support development in Warren County. (Also Supports ED.2) | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 5.2, 5.3 | I.6 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | High | WCCPC, Cities, County, BRADD, Chamber | Staff Time | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.4 | By December of 2027, work with utilities across Warren County to bury power lines to create a more resilient power supply. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.5 | By December of 2027, create a regional cache of high-demand materials to bolster supply chain resilience. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.6 | By December of 2027, request that the state allocate a set percentage of HMP funds to generators. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.7 | By December of 2027, identify areas across Warren County that could be prime sites for solar farm or solar grid backup options. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 1.4 | Warren | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | Warren I.1.8 | By December of 2027, construct a natural gas line from Halfway, KY through to Warren County. | 10/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | In progress | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.9 | By January of 2027, develop a plan of action to restore internet services within seventy-two hours after a disaster. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6 | I.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Warren | Bowling Green, Warren County | High | High | EM, City of Bowling Green, County | Staff Time | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.10 | By January of 2042, ensure that fifty percent of powerlines throughout Warren County are underground. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2042 | 1.1, 1.4 | I.6 | Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Warren | High | Medium | Electric Companies | IIJA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.11 | By December of 2027, design and construct new PVC water lines and connect to existing water lines, creating a looped network for the purpose of improving water quality and service reliability to customers of Warren County Water District. (WX21227082) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.12 | By December of 2027, design and construct a new 300,000 gallon water talk to replace the existing smaller Woodburn tank and install an elevated storage tank and booster pump to improve storage, capacity, and reliability. (WX21227083) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.13 | By December of 2027, replace the piping, valves, and meters within the BG WTP process area to ensure operational reliability of the treatment plant's infrastructure. (WX21227102) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.14 | By December of 2027, design and install a proposed high service building capable of housing up to three new pumps and a new electrical room at BGMU. (WX21227112) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.1.15 | By December of 2027, replace 1400ft of transmisison line that is owned and operated by Warren County Water District. (WX21227107) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.2.1 | By June of 2032, ensure all water lines in Warren County are up to a minimum of six-inch diameter for fire hydrants throughout the county to facilitate installation of hydrants with 2,000 foot spacing. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2032 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2 | I.6 | Warren | High | High | BGMU, Warren County Water District | KIA, CDBG | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.2.2 | By January of 2027, in coordination with other responsible agencies, continue to develop and implement programs to manage stormwater runoff to prevent flooding, address water pollution, and improve the quality of the County’s and region’s water bodies. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6 | I.2 | Flooding | Warren | Bowling Green, Warren County | High | High | City of Bowling Green, County, Stormwater Management | KIA | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.2.3 | By January of 2023, encourage and review plans and policies of all redundancies for cities, county, WKU, and critical facilities and infrastructure. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 3.4 | CLD.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | High | Medium | EM, City. County, WKU, Chamber of Commerce | Staff Time | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.2.4 | By January of 2026, build an EOC for cities and the county with redundancies. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2026 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 | PF.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | High | High | EM, WKU, City, County | FEMA | In-progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.2.5 | By December 2027, install sewer lines on N. Graham Street, Plum Springs Road and Grogan Street in the City of Plum Springs. | 09/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3 | I.2 | Warren | Plum Springs | High | Low | City of Plum Springs, Warren County Water DIstrict | KIA, IIJA, ARPA | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | Warren I.2.6 | By no later than December of 2024, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to allocate funds to a qualifying project. | 10/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | Warren | On-going | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Warren I.2.7 | By no later than December of 2026, utilities will comply with the deadline set forth in the Cleaner Water Program to expend all Cleaner Water Funds. | 10/01/2023 | 12/01/2026 | Warren | In Progress | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Warren I.2.8 | By October 16, 2024, comply with the EPA Lead and Copper Rule, and all revisions, to compile a Lead Service Line Inventory. | 10/01/2023 | 10/01/2024 | Warren | Complete | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Warren I.2.9 | By December of 2027, construct a transmission line across Warren County from Muhlenberg County to service the needs of residential and industrial growth across the county. | 10/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 2.1 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | Warren I.2.10 | By December of 2027, identify needed upgrades to the water and wastewater treatment systems servicing Warren County and begin seeking out funding to make those upgrades. | 10/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | 1.3, 2.1 | Warren | On-going | |||||||||||
Infrastructure | Warren I.2.11 | By December of 2027, review the facilities plan and water master plan and incoporate recommendations and incorporate into the effort. | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.3.1 | By December of 2027, design and construct 17000ft of of force main at Basil Griffin Park and upgrade to a sewer lift station to accomodate future developments in Southern Warren County. (SX21227045) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.3.2 | By December of 2027, design and construct an upgrade to the existing Ewing Ford lift station. (SX21227058) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.3.3 | By December of 2027, provide the increase required to Kobe Sewer as outlined in (SX21227084.) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.3.4 | By December of 2027, replace the current 12in PVC Sewer Gravity Main running from manhole MH03022 to Campbell Lane. (SX21227093) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | Warren I.3.5 | By December of 2027, expand BGMU's Waste Water Treatment Plant by increasing the sequencing batch reactor basins, solids storage, and solids processing. (SX21227095) | 07/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Transportation | Warren T.1.1 | By January of 2027, increase the GObg Bus service area by at least 30% in the county. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | Warren | Medium | Low | City/County Transportation Committee, GObg, KYTC, Community Action | KYTC | In Progress | ||||||||
Transportation | HMP | Warren T.1.2 | By August of 2025, identify high-capacity roadways to begin to plan for overhead pedestrian crossings. | 02/01/2022 | 08/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Warren | Medium | Medium | City/County Transportation Committee, John Clark, Sheriff's Office | KYTC, Local | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Transportation | HMP | Warren T.1.3 | By December of 2027, maintain and improve airport runway infrastructure to accommodate at least Category C aircrafts and increase Fire Rescue ARF from A to B since Bowling Green is the designated federal center for a New Madrid earthquake. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.6 | Earthquake | Warren | High | High | Chamber, Airport | Local, Other Funding Sources TBD | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Warren T.1.4 | By January of 2027, upgrade, enhance and/or retrofit the Fixed Base Operator at the airport to ensure that it is tornado resistant. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.6 | Warren | Very High | High | Airport | FEMA | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Transportation | HMP | Warren T.1.5 | By January of 2023, develop an emergency detour plan (including signage) to use as a guide; review and maintain the plan annually thereafter. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 4.3 | PH.4 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Warren | Very High | High | City/County Transportation Committee, Emergency Manager, Emergency Services | Staff Time | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Warren T.1.6 | By December 2025, address drainage issues on Plum Springs Road, Graham Street and Jenkins Drive to reduce regular flooding. | 07/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.3. 1.5, 1.6 | PH.4 | Flooding | Warren | Plum Springs | Very High | High | City of Plum Springs | ARPA, USDA, Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | HMP | Warren T.1.7 | By June of 2025, inventory existing sidewalks in Smiths Grove and determine areas that could benefit from sidewalk repairs and sidewalk extensions, and seek funds to complete this project. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 1.2 | T.5 | Warren | Smiths Grove | High | Medium | BRADD, City of Smiths Grove | TAP | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Transportation | HMP | Warren T.1.8 | By December 2025, address drainage issues First and College Street, lower College north of 6th street, and the Jackson neighborhood in Smiths Grove. Evaluate the need for a retention pond or other course of action to mitigate repetitive flooding along those areas | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6 | PH.4 | Flooding | Warren | Smiths Grove | Very High | Medium | City of Smiths Grove | KIA, USDA, Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | Warren T.1.9 | By January 2027, explore the feasibility of adding a bike lane along Smiths Grove - Oakland Road to connect the two cities. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | T.5 | Warren | Oakland, Smiths Grove | Medium | Low | City of Oakland, City of Smiths Grove, KYTC, Road Department | TAP | |||||||
Transportation | HMP | Warren T.1.10 | By July of 2025, work with each incorporated community in Warren County to identify and prioritize connectivity and walkability measures to and from downtown areas, including identifying barriers to developing infrastructure improvements such as greenways, sidewalks, bike paths, or multi-use paths. (Also Supports DT.1) | 01/01/2023 | 07/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.5 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | High | BRADD, Cities, County, BRADD Transportation Planner, WCCPC | Staff Time | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | Warren T.1.11 | By December of 2027, make necessary road improvement projects to better serve the residents and industries located in Warren County | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | |||||||||||||
Transportation | Warren T.1.12 | By December of 2027, construct a new hanger and extended taxiway at the airport to accommodate additional flight growth. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Warren PF.1.1 | By December of 2027, the City of Woodburn will apply for a Crumb Rubber/Tire-Derived Products grant from the Kentucky Division of Waste Management to replace mulch at the city playground with pour-in-place rubber surfacing. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | PF.1 | Warren | Woodburn | High | High | City of Woodburn, BRADD (application assistance) | DWM Crumb Rubber/Tire Derived Products Grant | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Warren PF.1.2 | By July of 2023, create an inventory of accessible park facilities in Warren County to identify gaps in these facilities, and seek ways to increase accessible facilities throughout the county. | 06/01/2022 | 07/01/2023 | PF.1 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | Low | County and City Parks and Recreation, Cities | Local, LWCF, Rec Trails, Crumb Rubber/Tire derived Products Grant | On-going | ||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Warren PF.1.3 | By July of 2023, create an inventory of public and private meeting spaces throughout Warren County to identify gaps and seek best locations for additional meeting spaces or expansion of current facilities. | 06/01/2022 | 07/01/2023 | PF.2 | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | Low | Cities, County | Complete | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Warren PF.1.4 | By December 2025, the City of Plum Springs will obtain funding to purchase new park equipment and play structures. | 02/01/2024 | 12/01/2025 | PF.1 | Warren | Plum Springs | Medium | Low | City of Plum Springs | ARPA, LWC, DWM Crumb Rubber | |||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Warren PF.1.5 | By September 2025, the City of Plum Springs will ensure that all city property is covered by security cameras and security lights. | 04/01/2022 | 09/01/2025 | 1.1, 1.4 | Warren | Plum Springs | Medium | High | City of Plum Springs | ARPA | New for 2022 Plan | |||||
Public Facilities and Services | Warren PF.1.6 | By June of 2025, develop a facility and capital improvement plan for all eco- and adventure tourism facilities (including parks with river access and Green Space/trail) owned by Warren County. (Also Supports TCD.1) | 07/01/2023 | 06/01/2025 | PF.1 | Warren | Warren County | Medium | Low | Parks and Recreation | Local Funds | In progress | ||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Warren PF.1.7 | By December of 2027, construct an addition to SKyPAC in Bowling Green, KY | 02/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | PF.1 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Warren PF.2.1 | By March of 2024, evaluate public facilities that need backup generators or pre-connectors, determine if generators need to be upgraded and replaced or bolted down to the concrete, and seek funding to reduce vulnerability to these structures. | 02/01/2022 | 03/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.3 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Warren | Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn | Very High | High | EM, Public Facilities Directors | HMGP | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Warren PF.2.2 | By June of 2024, compile a list of vulnerable public structures in need of retrofitting to be earthquake resilient, evaluate if fuel tanks need to be bolted down, determine a course of action for the identified structures, and seek funding. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 5.3 | PF.5 | Earthquake | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Very High | High | Facilities Management, Emergency Manager, Public Works for City and County, Engineers | HMGP, BRIC | On-going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Warren PF.2.3 | By June of 2024, evaluate structures that need to be elevated, bought out, or in need of flood proofing. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6 | PF.5 | Flooding | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Very High | High | Floodplain Coordinator, Tonya Colley | FMA, HMGP | Complete | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Warren PF.2.4 | By December of 2027, seek funds to complete a study flood prone areas in the county that are currently not in the floodplain and areas where the floodplain has changed in order to determine remediation actions. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | PF.5 | Flooding | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | Medium | Floodplain Coordinator, Tonya Colley, Emergency Manager, WKU | FMA, HMGP | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Warren PF.2.5 | By October of 2025, create and maintain a GIS database inventory of all critical facilities and structures in each hazard area. | 02/01/2022 | 10/01/2025 | 5.1, 5.2 | PF.5 | Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | High | Tonya Colley, BRADD GIS | Staff Time | In progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Warren PF.2.6 | By January of 2026, continue to identify buildings in need of retrofitting to withstand snow, ice, and rain loads and prevent roof collapse. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2026 | 1.1, 2.2 | PF.5 | Extreme Temperature, Severe Storms, Winter Storms | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Very High | High | Public Works | HMGP, BRIC | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Warren PF.2.7 | By January of 2023, review and maintain a GIS database inventory of repetitive loss structures in each flood area. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 5.1 | PF.5 | Flooding | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Medium | High | Tonya Colley | Staff Time | Complete | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Warren PF.2.8 | By December of 2027, construct ramps for Woodburn residents who are wheelchair-bound or homebound. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | PF.4 | Warren | Woodburn | High | High | City of Woodburn | ARPA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Warren PF.2.9 | By December of 2027, improve drainage around homes that experience repeated flooding in Woodburn. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | PF.5 | Flooding | Warren | Woodburn | Very High | High | City of Woodburn | ARPA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Warren PF.2.10 | By December of 2027, create a regional cache of high-demand materials to bolster supply chain resilience. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | Warren PF.2.11 | By December of 2027, request that the state allocate a set percentage of HMP funds to generators. | 04/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | Warren PF.3.1 | By June of 2025, research funding options to support mediations of karst related issues when constructing new facilities.] | 01/01/2023 | 03/01/2024 | Warren | In-progress | ||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.1.1 | By June of 2025, improve communication within the non-native English-speaking community as it relates to emergency management services by providing at least four translation devices or apps per emergency service providers and encourage the expansion of in person translation services. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 1.1, 4.2 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | High | High | Emergency Manager, Health Department, International Center | Americorps | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.1.2 | By April of 2025, seek out funding for the construction of transient/emergency housing in Warren County. | 06/01/2022 | 04/01/2025 | 1.1, 3.4, 4.2, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Warren | Very High | High | EMS, Emergency Manager, WKU, Law Enforcement, 911, Fire Departments | Local Funds | In-progress | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.1.3 | By January of 2027, design and implement a protection program for critical information and information sharing systems. | 06/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 5.3 | I.8 | Warren | Very High | High | Critical Facilities & Infrastructure IT Personnel, Emergency Manager | KOHS | In Progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.1.4 | By June of 2025, create a database of translated material relating to emergency services vital information. | 02/01/2022 | 06/01/2025 | 4.1, 4.2 | CLD.7 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Drought | Warren | Medium | Medium | Emergency Manager, BRHD, International Center, WKU, Service Providers | Americorps | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.1.5 | By April of 2025, evaluate existing fire stations and substations to determine where additional stations are needed or if enhanced mutual aid measures could be implemented including updating and reviewing existing mutual aid agreements. | 02/01/2022 | 04/01/2025 | 6.2 | PF.2 | Warren | Very High | High | Fire Chiefs, Emergency Manager | CDBG | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.1.6 | By January of 2023, evaluate the expansion of incarceration facilities as it relates to current and future developments and citizen safety. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.4, 6.2 | PF.2 | Warren | Very High | High | City/County, Warren County Regional Jail, Sheriff, Police Departments, Emergency Manager | Local Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | Done | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.1.7 | By December of 2027, seek funding for full-time first responders to staff the Woodburn Volunteer Fire Department. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 6.2 | PH.2 | Warren | Woodburn | Very High | High | Woodburn Volunteer Fire Department, City of Woodburn, BRADD (application assistance) | AFG, ARPA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.1.8 | By December of 2027, seek funding for equipment for Volunteer Fire Departments in the county. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 5.3, 5.4 | PH.2 | Warren | Plum Springs, Woodburn | Very High | High | Woodburn Volunteer Fire Department, City of Woodburn, City of Plum Springs, BRADD (application assistance) | AFG, ARPA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.1.9 | By January of 2027, seek funding to purchase emergency equipment for local law enforcement agencies in the county. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 5.3, 5.4 | PH.2 | Warren | Woodburn, Smiths Grove | Very High | High | Woodburn, Smiths Grove, Sheriff's Department, BRADD (application assistance) | LEPP, ARPA | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.1.10 | By December of 2023, review and update, if needed, emergency operations plans for all municipalities and agencies in Warren County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2023 | 5.4, 6.2 | CLD.6 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Drought | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | Very High | Medium | Emergency Manager, Cities, County, Critical Facilities and Infrastructure | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | Warren PH.1.11 | By December of 2027, seek funding to support the expansion of incarceration facilities as it relates to current and future developments and citizen safety. | 04/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | |||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.2.1 | By January of 2027, develop and deploy a recruitment campaign for public and mental health providers and personnel to meet community demand including evaluating needed services and existing services to identify gaps and begin seeking mitigation measures to fill those gaps. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 3.4, 4.2, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2 | PH.2 | Warren | High | High | Lifeskills, BRHD, WKU Public Health Department, Law Enforcement Agencies, EMS Providers | Local Funds, Private Funds, WKU | In Progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.2.2 | By January of 2027, purchase and maintain supplies for mass care sites and participate in the regional PPE cache with the HEART group. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 6.2 | PH.2 | Earthquake, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Warren | High | Medium | BRHD, WKU, Emergency Manager, EMS providers, HEART Group | Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.2.3 | By January of 2027, construct tornado resistant storm shelters in schools and outlying communities to ensure Warren County’s population has adequate access to shelters during hazard events. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | Warren | ||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.1 | By December of 2022, identify existing areas that could be used for new storm shelters and continue to seek funding for the construction of tornado shelters and safe rooms, create a campaign to promote locations of existing tornado shelters and safe rooms and provide information regarding residential storm shelters. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Severe Storms, Tornado | Warren | Bowling Green, Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Warren County | High | High | Emergency Manager, Public Works, County, Incorporated Cities | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.2 | By January of 2023, design and deploy a promotional campaign to promote locations of accessible heating and cooling centers in the community through the use of AlertSense. | 06/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1 | CLD.7 | Extreme Temperature | Warren | High | Medium | BRHD, Emergency Manager, Red Cross | Local Funds, FEMA | On-going | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.3 | By January of 2023, create targeted work groups of special and vulnerable populations (i.e. homeless, elderly, disabled, non-english speaking) to evaluate needs and identify current gaps as they pertain to these populations. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1, 6.2 | PF.2 | Warren | High | Medium | International Center, Emergency Manager, BRHD, BRADD - AAAIL, Housing Authority, Existing Work Groups | Local Funds | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.4 | By January of 2025, evaluate areas that need lightning detection and suppression infrastructure, prioritize areas, and seek funding for installation of equipment. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2025 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Severe Storms | Warren | Very High | High | City County Parks, Emergency Manager | FEMA, LWCF, RTP | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.5 | By January of 2023, create a communications committee to develop a plan to upgrade emergency services communications equipment county-wide for critical facilities and emergency services, including but not limited to purchasing alternative communication methods in the event that cellular communication is unavailable. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.3, 5.3 | I.8 | Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Drought | Warren | Woodburn | Very High | High | Emergency Manager, Existing Communications Committee, All Emergency Service Providers | KOHS, FEMA, AFG, ARPA | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.6 | By January of 2027, continue to expand, promote, and purchase early warning systems for the community, including NOAA weather radios and outdoor warning systems. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1, 5.3 | PH.4 | Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Warren | Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, Oakland | Very High | High | WKU White Squirrel Weather, Emergency Manager | FEMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.7 | By July of 2023, develop a safety work group to prioritize safety needs and concerns within all school systems in the county (e.g. upgrade communications equipment, kevlar glass, automatic door locks, etc.). | 02/01/2022 | 07/01/2023 | 1.1, 6.2 | CLD.8 | Warren | Very High | High | Schools, Law Enforcement Agencies, Fire Departments, Emergency Manager | FEMA, Local Funds, KOHS | In-progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.8 | By January of 2027, maintain and purchase additional high water yield signs as necessary. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | T.7 | Flooding | Warren | High | Medium | Public Works, Emergency Manager | FEMA, Local Funds | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.9 | By January of 2023, develop a plan to promote AlertSense among the residents of Warren County and continue to maintain the system | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2023 | 1.1 | CLD.7 | Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms | Warren | High | High | Emergency Manager, WKU White Squirrel | Local Funds | On-going | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.10 | By December of 2027, purchase smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and hand-held emergency lights for all households in Warren County. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Extreme Temperature, Earthquake, Landslide, Flooding | Warren | Woodburn | Very High | Medium | City of Woodburn, EM, Red Cross | FEMA, ARPA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.11 | By December 2027, purchase portable generators for use by oxygen-dependent residents of the City of Woodburn and City of Smiths Grove. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | PF.5 | Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Extreme Temperature, Earthquake, Landslide, Flooding | Warren | Woodburn, Smiths Grove | High | Low | City of Woodburn, City of Smiths Grove | FEMA, ARPA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.12 | By December 2025, outfit the Plum Springs, Smiths Grove, Woodburn, and Oakland Community Centers as after-event shelters by purchasing and installing a generator, expand and retrofit the Community Center as a warming and cooling center, and construct a severe weather shelter. | 02/01/2023 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1 | PF.5 | Severe Storms, Tornado, Winter Storms, Extreme Temperature, Earthquake, Landslide, Flooding | Warren | Plum Springs, Oakland, Woodburn, Smiths Grove | High | High | City of Plum Springs, Warren County EM, BRADD (application assistance) | FEMA, ARPA | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.13 | By December 2025, install severe weather sirens and/or COWS at the Plum Springs Fire Department building. | 04/01/2022 | 12/01/2025 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Severe Storms, Tornado | Warren | Plum Springs | Very High | High | City of Plum Springs, Warren County EM, BRADD (application assistance) | FEMA, ARPA | In progress | New for 2022 Plan | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.14 | By 2027, seek funding to purchase AEDs for critical facilities in the County. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Warren | Smiths Grove | Very High | High | Smiths Grove, BRADD (application assistance) | Local Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | New for 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Warren PH.3.15 | Purchase thermal blankets for the City of Smiths Grove. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2027 | 1.1 | PH.4 | Extreme Temperature, Severe Storms, Winter Storms, Tornado | Warren | Smiths Grove | High | Medium | Smiths Grove, BRADD (application assistance) | Local Funds, Other Funding Sources TBD | New for 2022 Plan | |||
Public Health and Safety | Warren PH.3.16 | By December of 2027, purchase mobile medium-sized generators for powering critical needs facilities in times of extended power outages. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Warren | |||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | BRADD H.1.1 | By June of 2025, and annually thereafter, provide training and resources regarding best practices for affordable housing development, including but not limited to creating housing inventories. | 06/01/2025 | Region | ||||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | BRADD H.1.2 | By June of 2025 and consistently thereafter, convene forums for discussion of regional and local housing needs. | 06/01/2025 | Region | In progress | |||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | BRADD H.1.3 | By December of 2024, identify funding opportunities for, and provide technical assistance to, conduct housing feasibility studies for each county in the BRADD region. | 12/01/2024 | Region | In progress | |||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | BRADD H.2.1 | By December of 2023, research funding sources for supporting efforts to reduce the number of precariously housed and houseless individuals, including but not limited to shelters, transitional housing, recovery and resource centers, and assistance directories. | 12/01/2023 | Region | ||||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | BRADD H.2.2 | By June of 2025, and consistently thereafter, convene forums for discussion of regional and local housing needs (Also Supports H.1). | 06/01/2025 | Region | ||||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | BRADD H.3.1 | By December of 2025 and annually thereafter, provide training and resources regarding best practices for affordable housing development, including but not limited to creating housing inventories (Also Supports H.1). | 12/01/2025 | Region | In progress | |||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | BRADD H.3.2 | By December of 2026, provide training and resources on best practices for identifying and mitigating blighted and abandoned properties. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | BRADD H.3.3 | By December of 2027, provide information, training and technical assistance in educating residents on international, national, state and local standards for renters and landlords, including reviewing the international building codes and information on how to make structures more resilient to natural disasters. | 02/01/2022 | 01/01/2028 | 1.1 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | Medium | Medium | BRADD, County/City Governments, Emergency Managers, Floodplain Coordinators | HMGP, FMA | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | HMP | BRADD H.3.4 | By December of 2027, provide training and technical assistance for local governments to purchase and remove repetitive flood loss homes. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1 | Flooding | Region | All Jurisdictions | Medium | Medium | BRADD, County/City Governments, Emergency Managers, Floodplain Coordinators | HMGP, FMA | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | BRADD H.3.5 | By December of 2027, work with regional partners to create and disseminate a toolkit for developing vibrant neighborhoods in rural communities, including resources related to walkability, transit, neighborhood greenspace, and place-based initiatives. (Also Supports SP.2 & T.3) | Region | |||||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | BRADD H.3.6 | By December of 2027, seek out funding to support vibrant neighborhoods in rural communities, including funding projects related to walkability, transit, neighborhood greenspace, and placed-based initiatives. (Also Supports SP.2 & T.3) | Region | |||||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | BRADD H.4.1 | By June 2025, work with area subject-matter experts (such as KLC and KACo) to provide education, training, and resource materials relating to best practices in code enforcement; renter/landlord requirements, rights and standards; licensing standards and resources; and sample documents for community use. | 06/01/2025 | Region | ||||||||||||||
Affordable, Quality Housing | BRADD H.4.2 | By June of 2025, and annually thereafter, host a Blighted Property workshop to review available resources for reclaiming economically viable properties including reviewing funding resources (e.g. Brownfield Assessments, CDBG options, etc.), best practices for promoting local ownership (i.e. reducing absentee owners), and other areas of interest. | 06/01/2025 | Region | ||||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.1.1 | By December of 2025, explore the possibility of establishing a professional development program where continuing education credits can be earned for regional leaders who are not eligible for other accreditation programs (i.e. KLC and DLG training credit). | 12/01/2025 | Region | In progress | |||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | BRADD L.1.2 | By December of 2027, establish a Citizen Corps Regional Program. (Also Supports PH.4 & CLD.8). | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 6.1, 6.2 | CLD.1 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | BRADD | ARC, FEMA, EDA, Local Funds | New to 2022 Plan | |||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.1.3 | By December of 2027, create a formalized BRADD Regional Leadership Development Program modeled off of existing County Leadership Development Programs, Leadership Kentucky, and other successful approaches in order to enable and encourage participants to recognize that regional issues are interconnected and to take an active role in advancing the region for the common good. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.2.1 | By December of 2023, provide resources and technical assistance for local governments in recruiting youth to be engaged in local decision-making processes. | 12/01/2023 | Region | ||||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.2.2 | By August 2025, coordinate with each County Steering Committee to identify youth representatives to serve on Steering Committees, provide a voice for their county's youth, and facilitate implementation of youth-focused objectives. | 08/01/2025 | Region | ||||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.3.1 | By January of 2023, and annually thereafter, establish a quarterly steering committee schedule, facilitate committee convening, and provide technical assistance to support the continuation of local planning efforts to meet community members “where they are.” | Region | On-going | ||||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.3.2 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, continue existing contractual partnerships with various state and federal agencies for the betterment of the BRADD region, including implementing the scope of work outlined in BRADD’s Joint Funding Agreement, Appalachian Regional Commission Agreement, KYTC Local Roads Contract, KIA Water & Wastewater Management Services Contract, KYTC Regional Planning Contract, Department of Aging and Independent Living (DAIL), and other regional efforts. | Region | On-going | www.bradd.org | |||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.3.3 | By December of 2023, identify key regional accessibility stakeholders who should be involved in the development, maintenance, and updating of the goals and objectives outlined in the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and Regional Multi-Hazard Multi-Jurisdiction Mitigation Plan to ensure that barriers to participation by these populations are identified and reduced (Also supports PF.4). | Region | https://planning.bradd.org/county-steering-committees-2/ | ||||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.3.4 | By December of 2027, work with steering committees to create a directory of critical point people in each community with regard to crisis management (Also Supports L.8). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.3.5 | By August of 2025, continue BRADD’s partnership with the Mammoth Cave Biosphere Region Advisory Council to achieve common goals regarding natural resources in the region (Also Supports SP.3). | Region | https://www.bradd.org/mammoth-cave-biosphere-region/ | ||||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.4.1 | By December of 2022 and annually thereafter, provide annual training on specific grant programs and grant application development in general in order to support and facilitate funding applications in the Region. | Region | On-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.4.2 | By August 2022, develop a standard method for informing all potential applicants throughout the region of grant availability and funding cycles for all Federal and State grant programs including, but not limited to, Recreational Trails, Land and Water Conservation Fund, and Community Development Block Grants, FEMA HMP and AFG funds, and KY Rails to Trails Program Funds. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.5.1 | By June of 2023, compile an inventory of regional topics that could guide trainings or workshops in partnership with local communities to support engagement efforts and increase the accessibility of planning expertise across diverse populations (Also Supports L.9, PF.5.2). | Region | Complete | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.5.2 | By June of 2024, increase diversity among existing BRADD advisory committees by implementing trainings/workshops developed in L.5.1, and PF.5.2). | Region | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | ||||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | BRADD L.6.1 | By December of 2027, using the karst/floodway study conducted in I.7.2 evaluate existing and/or develop new policies such as ordinances and building codes to address reccomendations found in the study. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1, 5.2, 6.2 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, | Region | All Jurisdictions | High | High | BRADD, Emergency Management, WKU | HMGP, Local Funds, BRIC, FMA | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | BRADD L.6.2 | By December of 2027, using the earthquake study conducted in PH.4.10, evaluate existing and/or develop new programs or policies such as ordinances and building codes to address recommendations found in the study. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1, 5.2, 6.2 | Earthquakes | Region | All Jurisdictions | High | High | BRADD, Emergency Management, WKU | HMGP, Local Funds, BRIC, FMA | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | BRADD L.7.1 | By December of 2022, and quarterly thereafter, promote the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Website as a resource for public awareness and education regarding natural and man-made hazards, resiliency against hazards, and preparing for hazards. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1, 5.2, 6.3 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | on-going | hazards.bradd.org | Continued from 2017 Plan. Promotions underway. | |||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | BRADD L.7.2 | Beginning in July of 2023, and proceeding quarterly thereafter, develop and share hazard education material for consumption by a variety of audiences including local elected officials, the general public, children, and the aging population. This material could be in the form of social media posts, newsletter highlights, brochures, training opportunities, or other methods. | 01/01/2023 | 07/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1, 5.2, 6.3 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | on-going | New to 2022 Plan | ||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | BRADD L.8.1 | By December of 2027, establish a Citizen Corps Regional Program. (Also Supports CLD.1 & PH.4). | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1, 5.2, 6.3 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | New to 2022 Plan | |||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | HMP | BRADD L.8.2 | By December of 2027, increase training, recruitment, and integration for Citizen Corps Programs. (Also Supports CLD.1 & PH.4). | 06/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1, 5.2, 6.4 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective delayed due to COVID-19, expected to begin efforts again by June of 2024. | |||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.8.3 | By December of 2027, work with steering committees to create a directory of critical point people in each community with regard to crisis management Also Supports CLD.3). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.9.1 | By July of 2023, expand training opportunities into a consistent and coordinated program with more input for needed topics from attendees including coordinating with the Department of Local Government, Kentucky Association of Counties, and the Kentucky League of Cities to structure training programs that can be approved for training credits where appropriate. | Region | on-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.9.2 | By July of 2023, and annually thereafter, create a calendar of training/workshop opportunities to be hosted/presented by BRADD for each fiscal year in response to identified topics of interest and contractual obligations. | Region | on-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Civic and Leadership Development | BRADD L.9.3 | By December of 2023, and annually thereafter, sponsor and convene economic development training for elected officials in order to increase local capacity and identify areas of need in economic development throughout the region. This training should include, but not be limited to, “how to list property on the state database,” “What to say/do when a prospect is interested,” and other key topics (Also Supports ED.2). | Region | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | ||||||||||||||
Downtown Development | BRADD DT.1.1 | By December of 2024, highlight regional downtown and commercial districts by sharing local spotlights regularly on BRADD social media and other media channels in order to showcase each community’s unique characteristics. | 12/01/2024 | Region | https://www.facebook.com/BRADDbg/ | |||||||||||||
Downtown Development | BRADD DT.1.2 | By June of 2023, create a repository of downtown and commercial district development resources for communities to use to promote their own unique events and assets. | Region | on-going | https://planning.bradd.org/community-resiliency-toolkit/ | |||||||||||||
Downtown Development | BRADD DT.2.1 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, provide assistance to local governments and public agencies as they construct, expand, and/or renovate visual and physical assets of their downtown and commercial districts by providing training/educational opportunities, technical assistance with funding application development, and administrative assistance with funded projects. | Region | on-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Downtown Development | BRADD DT.3.1 | By April of 2023, build partnerships among downtown stakeholders, local government officials, and community residents across the BRADD region by hosting regional events, trainings, and meet-ups to share best practices, form collaborations, and promote ongoing downtown revitalization efforts across all ten counties. | Region | on-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Downtown Development | BRADD DT.3.2 | By December of 2023, identify areas that could be categorized as Brownfields throughout the region for the purpose of seeking funding to address those areas, including funding to conduct Phase I and Phase II Assessments, Brownfield Clean-up/Redevelopment Efforts, and Brownfield Education/Planning opportunities (Also Supports ED.4). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Economic Development | BRADD ED.1.1 | By December of 2027, increase and expand access to capital for regional business and industry by identifying grant and loan programs that could be beneficial for the region’s businesses but are underutilized and determine if they can be made more accessible. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Economic Development | BRADD ED.1.2 | By December of 2027, enhance regional business support services including promoting the various revolving loan fund programs administered by BRADD (Also Supports ED.3). | Region | https://www.bradd.org/revolving-loan-fund/ | ||||||||||||||
Economic Development | BRADD ED.2.1 | By December of 2025, work with Economic Development leaders and stakeholders to identify economic development facility and program needs within the ten county area, including industrial parks, spec buildings, incubators, and other infrastructure needed to attract and expand economic opportunities. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Economic Development | BRADD ED.2.2 | Using the list of needs identified in ED.2.1, and working with local officials, economic development personnel, and other community leaders, seek funding to address identified economic development gaps by December of 2027. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Economic Development | BRADD ED.2.3 | By December of 2023, and annually thereafter, sponsor and convene economic development training for elected officials in order to increase local capacity and identify areas of need in economic development throughout the region. This training should include, but not be limited to, “how to list property on the state database,” “What to say/do when a prospect is interested,” and other key topics (Also Supports CLD.9). | Region | On-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Economic Development | BRADD ED.2.4 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, work with local economic developers to cultivate the state’s inventory of available sites and buildings including offering technical assistance with entering/maintaining records on the state inventory. | Region | On-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Economic Development | BRADD ED.2.5 | By December of 2027, work with local communities to establish an economic development strategy focused on promoting innovation, collaboration, and sustainability of aging and disability network partners. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Economic Development | BRADD ED.3.1 | By June of 2026, work with the Small Business Development Center to host training, disseminate information, and provide technical assistance to both entrepreneurs and communities seeking to be more entrepreneur-friendly. | Region | On-Going | https://kentuckysbdc.com/bowling-green/ | |||||||||||||
Economic Development | BRADD ED.3.2 | By December of 2027, enhance regional business support services including promoting the various revolving loan fund programs administered by BRADD. (Also Supports ED.1) | Region | https://www.bradd.org/revolving-loan-fund/ | ||||||||||||||
Economic Development | BRADD ED.4.1 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, retain and/or expand BRADD’s knowledgeable and trained community and economic development staff to undertake coordination, planning, assistance and training for the region’s leadership. | Region | on-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Economic Development | BRADD ED.4.2 | By December of 2027, seek funding to build upon the existing BRADD CEDS website in order to strengthen regional economic planning efforts and serve as a reliable source of information for marketing and recruitment. This website should include information on agriculture, tourism, education, health, manufacturing and other sectors to provide a planning and analytical tool to enhance and support regional economic development efforts. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Economic Development | BRADD ED.4.3 | By December of 2025, identify areas that could be categorized as Brownfields throughout the region for the purpose of seeking funding to address those areas, including funding to conduct Phase I and Phase II Assessments, Brownfield Clean-up/Redevelopment Efforts, and Brownfield Education/Planning opportunities (Also Supports DT.3). | 12/01/2025 | Region | ||||||||||||||
Workforce Development | BRADD W.1.1 | By December of 2027, support local steering committees and other county-led efforts to obtain/maintain WorkReady Community status by assisting with data collection/analysis, promotion of efforts in regional outlets including newsletters and/or social media, and bridge supporting resources together. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Workforce Development | BRADD W.1.2 | By June of 2026, work with the South Central Workforce Development Board and other subject-matter experts to create a repository of training and resources for local leaders, steering committee members, education stakeholders, and regional employers regarding county and regional patterns, best practices for increased workforce participation, and innovative approaches to workforce development (Also Supports W.2). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Workforce Development | BRADD W.2.1 | By December of 2025, identify existing efforts to connect youth, post-secondary students, and adult job seekers to potential employers and make a plan for how BRADD can actively engage with those efforts to enhance the workforce of the BRADD region. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Workforce Development | BRADD W.2.2 | By June of 2026, work with the South Central Workforce Development Board and other subject-matter experts to create a repository of training and resources for local leaders, steering committee members, education stakeholders, and regional employers regarding county and regional patterns, best practices for increased workforce participation, and innovative approaches to workforce development (Also Supports W.1). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Workforce Development | BRADD W.3.1 | By December of 2025, working through local steering committees and the South Central Workforce Development Board, identify barriers to workforce participation in each county (e.g. lack of childcare, transportation, etc). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Workforce Development | BRADD W.3.2 | By December of 2026, using the inventory of barriers created in W.3.1, begin seeking out funding opportunities or other mitigation resources to remove identified barriers. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Workforce Development | BRADD W.3.3 | By June of 2023, partner with the South Central Workforce Development Board, area technical schools, and other regional workforce leaders to provide educational and training opportunities around key workforce issues for the membership of the Barren River Area Development District’s Board of Directors. | Region | On-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.1.1 | By December of 2027, preserve the mobility and capacity of the district’s existing transportation system by supporting initiatives to implement access management programs, and continue to participate in planning educational programs pertaining to highway access management and the inter-relationships between land development and highway system. | Region | On-going | https://www.bradd.org/transportation-planning/ | |||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.1.2 | By December of 2027, improve and expand the capacity of the District’s highway system to accommodate future increased traffic by supporting highway projects designed to alleviate traffic congestion and improve overall mobility of people and goods. | Region | On-going | ||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.1.3 | By December of 2027, participate in the prioritization of transportation needs for the Statewide Transportation Plan, Highway Plan, and the Unscheduled Highway Needs List, and off-system Bridge Replacement Program. | Region | On-going | https://www.bradd.org/transportation-planning/ | |||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.1.4 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, work closely with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet’s District 3 and 4 concerning the maintenance and development of the district highway system, including bridges and the development and implementation of corridor and other types of transportation planning studies. | Region | On-going | https://www.bradd.org/transportation-planning/ | |||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.1.5 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, work with the Regional Transportation Council, Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the ten county committees in the development of the district’s transportation system. | Region | On-going | https://www.bradd.org/transportation-planning/ | |||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.1.6 | By December of 2027, support the establishment of electric vehicle infrastructure across the region by researching funding options, providing training/education opportunities and materials, and convening regional focus groups. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.2.1 | By December of 2027, support the maintenance and enhancement of the movement of freight to markets between and within the District, Commonwealth, Country, and World by expanding the National Truck Network System. | Region | On-going | https://www.bradd.org/transportation-planning/ | |||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.2.2 | By December of 2027, support the maintenance and development of a transportation system (including bike and pedestrian transportation modes) that promotes maximum tourism access and enjoyment by assisting local governments to secure adequate signage on major routes or routes directing visitors to the tourist attractions of the area. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.2.3 | By December of 2027, work with KYTC Districts 3 and 4, local elected officials, and other area stakeholders to increase access to recreational and tourism facilities within the district including exploring public and pedestrian transit options to assist with connections. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.2.4 | By December of 2027, work with KYTC Districts 3 and 4, local elected officials, and other area stakeholders to fully develop and maintain regional scenic highways. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.2.5 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, provide information and training to interested parties including local elected officials, transportation stakeholders, and others regarding the development of complete streets, best practices for the management of traffic congestion, and the benefit of conducting road diet measures among other best practices. | Region | On-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.3.1 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, utilize Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding to maintain and improve transportation for the elderly and handicapped, including acquiring, rehabilitating, and operating (public and semipublic) transportation systems within the BRADD region. | Region | On-going | https://www.bradd.org/brloo-public-transportation/ | |||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.3.2 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, provide information and training to interested parties including; staff of public and semi-public providers within the District, local elected officials, transportation stakeholders, and others regarding the development of community transit options and best practices for public transit operation. | Region | On-going | https://www.bradd.org/brloo-public-transportation/ | |||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.3.3 | By December of 2027, work with regional partners to create and disseminate a toolkit for developing vibrant neighborhoods in rural communities, including resources related to walkability, transit, neighborhood greenspace and greenways, and placed-based initiatives (Also Supports SP.2 & H.3) | Region | |||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.3.4 | By December of 2027, seek out funding to support vibrant neighborhoods in rural communities, including funding projects related to walkability, transit, neighborhood greenspace and greenways, and placed-based initiatives (Also Supports SP.2 & H.3). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.3.5 | By June of 2025, work with communities to identify locations for potential creation of or enhancement to neighborhood greenways in order to provide park-like connections to natural areas, parks, schools, business districts and other community destinations. These attractive neighborhood streets and trails make it safer and more fun to walk and bike in the community, while also treating stormwater (Also Supports I.2). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.4.1 | By December of 2027, support maintenance and development of the railroad system of the district for both freight and passenger transportation by providing technical support and researching funding opportunities for implementation. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.4.2 | By December of 2027, work with railroad companies and cities with abandoned rail lines to develop Rails to Trails non-motorized pedestrian trails throughout the region. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.4.3 | By December of 2027, work with railroad companies to remove obsolete rail crossings and upgrade all other rail crossings to meet current safety standards. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.5.1 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, provide assistance to cities and counties within the district in the development of pedestrian and bicycle paths by providing technical assistance, training, and research around funding opportunities to support related initiatives. | Region | On-going | ||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.5.2 | By December of 2022 and annually thereafter, provide assistance to local governments in implementing an integrated strategy of trail development including Blueways, Trail Towns, and local waterway designations by utilizing the funding resources and selection criteria of the Recreational Trails Program Fund, Land and Water Conservation Fund, Transportation Enhancement funds, and other sources. | Region | On-going | ||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.6.1 | By December of 2027, work with local airport boards, cities, and counties to upgrade existing airports in the BRADD Region in keeping with existing comprehensive airport master plans. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Transportation | BRADD T.6.2 | By December of 2027, work with the Bowling Green-Warren County Airport to secure commercial air travel for the airport and support funding of necessary improvements for commercial air traffic use (both passenger and freight). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | BRADD T.7.1 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, identify highway projects that would eliminate or minimize hazards on roadways within the district for the purpose of seeking funding to remove those hazards. (Examples would be improving drainage to remove flooding from roadway or improving intersections to eliminate a safety hazard). | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2022 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.7 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | BRADD KYTC Regional Emergency Managers | FEMA, OTD, IIJA | On-going | https://www.bradd.org/transportation-planning/ | New to 2022 Plan | |||
Transportation | BRADD T.7.2 | By July of 2024, provide education and training on implementation measures that improve operating efficiency, crash management, and motorist information systems. (An example would be the intelligent transportation system highway message boards in Warren County). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Transportation | HMP | BRADD T.7.3 | By December of 2025, develop and maintain programs that will prepare local jurisdictions to address the operation of our transportation system during natural disasters, hazardous materials spills, or other emergencies of local, state, and national significance. | 01/01/2023 | 1.1, 1.2 | T.7 | Drought, Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | BRADD KYTC Regional Emergency Managers | FEMA, OTD, IIJA | New to 2022 Plan | ||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.1.1 | By December 2024, work with each water system to identify existing capital improvement plans and/or asset management plans to establish a baseline of future needs. | 12/01/2025 | Region | ||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.1.2 | By May 2025, using the baseline needs determined in I.1.1 work with each water district to develop or implement facility maintenance plans to identify gaps or areas of need in facilities. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.1.3 | By December of 2027, using the areas of need listing identified in I.1.2, seek out funding to mitigate gaps and support the upkeep of water systems in the BRADD region. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.1.4 | By May 2024, work with each water system to identify areas of likely future expansion/development and what infrastructure/assets are needed to accommodate that expansion/development with a focus on longevity. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.1.5 | By December of 2027, using the listing of needs for future expansion/development, seek out funding to secure assets and infrastructure to provide 24/7 access to safe drinking water. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.1.6 | By January of 2024, assist each water and wastewater provider with creating a lead/copper inventory in accordance with EPA’s lead/copper ruling (40 CFR Part 141.1). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.2.1 | By May 2024, work with each wastewater system to identify existing capital improvement plans and/or asset management plans to establish a baseline of future needs. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.2.2 | By May 2025, using the baseline needs determined in I.1.1 work with each wastewater district to develop or implement facility maintenance plans to identify gaps or areas of need in facilities. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.2.3 | By December of 2027, using the areas of need listing identified in I.1.2, seek out funding to mitigate gaps and support the upkeep of wastewater systems in the BRADD region. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.2.4 | By May 2024, work with each wastewater system to identify areas of likely future expansion/development and what infrastructure/assets are needed to accommodate that expansion/development with a focus on longevity. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.2.5 | By December of 2027, using the listing of needs for future expansion/development, seek out funding to secure assets and infrastructure to provide access to adequate sewage facilities. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.2.6 | By June 2026, create an educational resource for the best practices of septic tank maintenance/management. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.2.7 | By 2024, assist each water and wastewater provider with creating a lead/copper inventory in accordance with EPA’s lead/copper ruling (40 CFR Part 141.1). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.2.8 | By June of 2025, work with communities to identify locations for potential creation of or enhancement to neighborhood greenways in order to provide park-like connections to natural areas, parks, schools, business districts and other community destinations. These attractive neighborhood streets and trails make it safer and more fun to walk and bike in the community, while also treating stormwater (Also Supports T.3). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.3.1 | Increase attendance numbers and diversity of attendee representation at quarterly Water Management Council meetings by 10% annually, until December of 2027. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.4.1 | By August of 2024, coordinate with other Area Development Districts to establish a network of infrastructure planners across Kentucky for the purpose of sharing best practices and other resources. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.4.2 | By June 2026, create a regional asset listing resource and educational materials for utility system best practices, including but not limited to, septic tank maintenance/management, utility cybersecurity, and succession planning and utility workforce development. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.4.3 | By August of 2023, develop a resource for utility stakeholders to keep current on legislative tracking/mandates/expectations impact local utility systems (e.g. a regular newsletter or other outreach tool). | 08/01/2023 | Region | Available upon request | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.5.1 | By December of 2022, work with each county to set a county-specific training on how to use and implement suggestions provided in their county-level broadband feasibility study. | Region | complete | https://planning.bradd.org/county-broadband-feasibility-studies/ | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.5.2 | By July 2023, convene an annual regional broadband forum to discuss and exchange information and ideas on broadband in the region and to develop possible partnerships. | Region | complete | https://planning.bradd.org/county-broadband-feasibility-studies/ | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | BRADD I.5.3 | By December of 2027, work with each county to conduct a Cyber Vulnerability Assessment. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 6.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | High | High | BRADD, City/County Government, Emergency Managment | Local Funds, KOHS | In progress | New to 2022 Plan | |||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.6.1 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, efficiently comply with KIA contract set forth by the agency annually and the duties within including, but not limited to, entering projects in WRIS; maintaining project profiles in entity databases; conduction annual system visits to provide technical assistance to water/wastewater providers; distributing information regarding funding opportunities; providing GIS mapbooks to systems annually; aiding in the ranking/scoring of projects to be submitted to KIA for funding; assisting with the admin of KIA programs including SRF loans/grants; cleaner water programs; and other state/federal funding programs; and being the point of contact for KIA in the region. | Region | on-going | https://www.bradd.org/water-wastewater-planning/ | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | BRADD I.6.2 | By December of 2027, conduct a regional feasibility study to determine cost-effective areas where overhead power lines could be buried in order to reduce outages from hazard events and improve beautification of downtown/park areas. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.2 | Earthquakes, Tornado, Winter Storm, Severe Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | Medium | Medium | BRADD, County/City Governements, Utility Providers | HMGP, Lcoal Funds, BRIC, TVA, USDA, ARC, | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | BRADD I.6.3 | By December of 2027, conduct a vulnerability assessment for critical facilities and infrastructure in the region. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 6.2 | 1.6 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | High | High | Emergency Management, BRADD | KYEM | In progress | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Infrastructure | HMP | BRADD I.6.4 | By December of 2027, work with each county to conduct a physical security infrastructure vulnerability assessment for critical facilities. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 6.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | High | High | BRADD, City/County Government, Emergency Managment | Local Funds, KOHS | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | HMP | BRADD I.6.5 | By December of 2027, work with each county emergency manager to conduct a Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) Also Supports PH.4) | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 6.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | High | High | BRADD, City/County Government, Emergency Managment | Local Funds, KOHS | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.6.6 | By December of 2027, work with area fire districts to support the creation of fire hydrant inventories for the purpose of identifying feasible areas for new fire hydrants/increased hydrant coverage. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.6.7 | By December of 2026, develop a plan for upgrading communications equipment for emergency services on a regional level, including studying the need for any regionally owned/shared equipment. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.7.1 | By December of 2027, provide education training and assist local governments in the development of applications for each Division of Waste Management grant program. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | HMP | BRADD I.7.2 | By December of 2027, conduct a karst and floodway study to determine the cause of flooding in areas that are not considered flood zones by FEMA, but are regularly flooding with rain events. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 6.2 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, | Region | All Jurisdictions | High | High | BRADD, Emergency Management, WKU | HMGP, Local Funds, BRIC, FMA | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.8.1 | By December of 2024, work with KYEM, FEMA, and other Emergency Service Partners to provide education and training to local elected officials and decision makers on the benefits of regionally-enabled emergency communication equipment and systems (e.g. P25 radios and other cross communication systems). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Infrastructure | BRADD I.8.2 | By December of 2023, research funding opportunities for implementing emergency communication equipment and system upgrades in order to ensure the most effective technology is in use throughout the BRADD region, and develop a resource of available funding options for local use. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Sense of Place | BRADD SP.1.1 | By December of 2023, and annually thereafter, assist local governments in the development of Comprehensive Plans and other tasks as required by KRS Chapter 100 for all city and county planning commissions. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Sense of Place | BRADD SP.1.2 | By June of 2024, develop a repository of planning & zoning / land-use resources including sample ordinances, codes, and implementation strategies for cities and counties to utilize in bolstering their own community growth efforts. | Region | Available Upon Request | ||||||||||||||
Sense of Place | BRADD SP.1.3 | By June of 2023, develop and deploy training, educational, and outreach materials and programs relating to land-use, zoning, code enforcement, subdivision regulations, and other key community growth topics. | Region | on-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Sense of Place | BRADD SP.1.4 | By December 2025, and annually thereafter, assist local governments in the development of Capital Improvement Plans, Continuing Operations Plans, Floodplain Management Plans, and other plans as requested in order to support the efficient and effective use of local government resources. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Sense of Place | BRADD SP.1.5 | By January of 2023, and annually thereafter, establish a quarterly steering committee schedule, facilitate committee convening, and provide technical assistance to support the continuation of local planning efforts (Also Supports L.3). | Region | on-going | ||||||||||||||
Sense of Place | BRADD SP.1.6 | By December of 2022, develop and maintain a GIS open data portal for use in planning efforts including transportation data, demographic data, and other relevant topics. | Region | on-going | https://gis-bradd-ky.opendata.arcgis.com/ | |||||||||||||
Sense of Place | BRADD SP.2.1 | By December of 2027, work with regional partners to create and disseminate a toolkit for developing vibrant neighborhoods in rural communities, including resources related to walkability, transit, neighborhood greenspace, and placed-based initiatives (Also Supports SP.2 & T.3). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Sense of Place | BRADD SP.2.2 | By December of 2027, seek out funding to support vibrant neighborhoods in rural communities, including funding projects related to walkability, transit, neighborhood greenspace, and placed-based initiatives (Also Supports SP.2 & T.3). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Sense of Place | BRADD SP.3.1 | By December of 2027, strengthen the effectiveness of the Biosphere Region by providing coordination, staff assistance, and website development assistance for the Mammoth Cave Biosphere Region (Also supports TCD.1). | Region | https://www.bradd.org/mammoth-cave-biosphere-region/ | ||||||||||||||
Sense of Place | BRADD SP.3.2 | By August of 2025, continue BRADD’s partnership with the Mammoth Cave Biosphere Region Advisory Council to achieve common goals regarding natural resources in the region (Also Supports L.3). | Region | https://www.bradd.org/mammoth-cave-biosphere-region/ | ||||||||||||||
Sense of Place | BRADD SP.3.3 | By December of 2027, work with state and regional subject-matter experts to offer quality training that includes accurate and timely technical and regulatory information; provide resources that clarify environmental requirements and offer technical solutions to common challenges; and encourage environmental stewardship by making the public more aware of the opportunities they can act on to make their communities stronger and healthier. | Region | On-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Sense of Place | BRADD SP.3.4 | By January of 2027, work with the KY Environment Cabinet to create and disseminate communication tools that empower the regulated community to determine the environmental obligations that apply to their location and the resources that are available to make it easier for them to comply. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | BRADD PF.1.1 | By December 2024, provide training and resources to encourage the inclusion of recreational facilities and programs in the development of Comprehensive Plans. | Region | Complete | https://planning.bradd.org/ceds-summit-2/ | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | BRADD PF.1.2 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, assist local governments with the creation of projects meeting Land & Water Conservation Fund, Recreational Trails Program, and/or other recreational funding program requirements by providing application development, training/educational resources, and other technical assistance. | Region | on-going | https://www.bradd.org/grants-program/ | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | BRADD PF.1.3 | By June of 2026, develop a regional mapping resource identifying recreational deserts throughout the BRADD region with regards to access to play facilities, passive green space, indoor recreation facilities, adventure recreation facilities, aquatic recreation, etc. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | BRADD PF.2.1 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, provide assistance to local governments and public agencies as they construct, expand, and/or renovate public facilities and services by providing training/educational opportunities, technical assistance with funding application development, and administrative assistance with funded projects. | Region | on-going | https://www.bradd.org/grants-program/ | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | BRADD PF.2.2 | By December of 2027, work with local chambers and IDA Boards to identify large-scale employers in need of safe room facilities in order to apply for funding for the construction of those facilities. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 6.2 | Tornado, Severe Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | Very High | Very High | County/City Government, Emergency Servcies, BRADD, Chambers, Private Industries, IDA Boards | HMGP, Local Funds | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | BRADD PF.2.3 | By December of 2024, work with area emergency managers and critical facility administrators to assess critical facilities and infrastructure in the region in order to identify areas in need of mitigation measures to bolster resiliency. | 01/01/2023 | 12/01/2024 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 5.1, | PF.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | BRADD, Regional Emergency Managers, Elected Officials | FEMA, OTD, IIJA | In progress | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | BRADD PF.2.4 | By December of 2025, identify areas that could be categorized as Food Deserts throughout the region for the purpose of seeking funding to address those areas, including funding to support and promote local food providers, local farmers markets, local farmers, and value-added farming opportunities (Also Supports PF.2 & L.3). | 12/01/2025 | Region | ||||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | BRADD PF.2.5 | By July 2025, construct a single point of entry facility that can serve as a ‘front door’ for an advanced crisis services system for the Barren River Area Development District. The facility would have the capability to accept, hold, assess, treat and refer persons in crisis across the acuity continuum, including those experiencing substance use disorders. | ||||||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | BRADD PF.3.1 | By December of 2027, conduct a regional needs assessment/feasibility study for locating a mental health hospital within the BRADD region. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 6.2 | Tornado, Severe Stormm, Winter Storm, Earthquake, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, | Region | All Jurisdictions | High | High | County/City Government, Emergency Managment, Public Health, Emergency Response Services, BRADD, WKU, Area Hospitals, | Local Funds, | Complete | https://planning.bradd.org/opioid-summit/ | New to 2022 Plan | ||
Public Facilities and Services | BRADD PF.3.2 | By December of 2025, identify areas that could be categorized as Food Deserts throughout the region for the purpose of seeking funding to address those areas, including funding to support local farmers markets, local farmers, and value-added farming opportunities (Also Supports PF.2 & PH.3). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | BRADD PF.4.1 | By June of 2022, and annually thereafter, continue existing contractual relationships with the Department of Aging and Independent Living and seek new programs, grants, and opportunities to expand current services benefiting AAAIL clients. | Region | on-going | https://www.bradd.org/area-agency-on-aging-independent-living/ | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | BRADD PF.4.2 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, develop outreach and educational materials promoting the services of the Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living such as an annual resource guide, printed promotional materials, and radio/billboard ads, among others. | Region | on-going | https://drive.google.com/file/d/17LI9It_6O-vR7-OEstRXEI5_ohypT1gS/view?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | BRADD PF.4.3 | By December of 2023, identify key regional accessibility stakeholders who should be involved in the development, maintenance, and updating of the goals and objectives outlined in the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and Regional Multi-Hazard Multi-Jurisdiction Mitigation Plan to ensure that barriers to participation by these populations are identified and reduced (Also supports LD.3). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | BRADD PF.4.4 | By December of 2024, work with the BRIGHT Coalition and BRADD’s AAAIL to promote an annual physical activity challenge or event for BRADD residents. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | BRADD PF.5.1 | By December of 2027, establish a regional stock hold of supplies to be distributed to shelters in the event of an emergency. (supports BRADD.5.2) | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 6.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | High | High | Public Health, BRADD | Health Prepardness Program, Local Funds | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | BRADD PF.5.2 | By December of 2027, work with local governments to support the purchase and installation of generators for critical facilities that serve multiple jurisdictions. (supports BRADD.5.1) | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 6.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | Very High | Very High | County/City Government, Emergency Servcies, BRADD | HMGP, Local Funds | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Facilities and Services | HMP | BRADD PF.5.3 | By December of 2027, establish a regional cache of personal protective gear and response equipment/supplies to prevent stock expiration and to better utilize resources. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 6.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | High | High | Public Health, BRADD, Emergency Response Services, Emergency Management, City/County Government, HEART Group | Health Prepardness Program, Local Funds | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | BRADD PH.1.1 | By December of 2024, work with each Health Department in the BRADD region to identify and incorporate overlapping goals & objectives into the 2023-2027 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. | 12/01/2024 | Region | ||||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | BRADD PH.1.2 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, designate a BRADD Agency representative to regularly participate in Quarterly BRIGHT Coalition and HEART Group meetings. | Region | on-going | ||||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | BRADD PH.1.3 | By December of 2026, work with the BRIGHT Coalition to provide template ordinances to communities lacking smoke-free regulations in the BRADD region. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | BRADD PH.2.1 | By June of 2023, seek out additional funding mechanisms to be able to continue to provide staff assistance to apply for funds for the acquisition of vehicles, equipment, supplies, building construction, and other emergency service enhancements. | Region | on-going | https://www.bradd.org/grants-program/ | |||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | BRADD PH.2.2 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, ensure that staff obtains training in public safety and other relevant disaster response and mitigation programs. | Region | on-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | |||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | BRADD PH.2.3 | By December of 2027, create a unified website for public emergency management and disaster preparedness. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 6.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | Medium | Medium | Emergency Management, County/City Government, BRADD | Local Funds, HMGP | In progress | https://www.bradd.org/grants-program/#economic-development-programs | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | BRADD PH.2.4 | By December of 2023, obtain three-foot contour maps (LIDAR) for each jurisdiction in the BRADD region. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.2 | Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide | Region | All Jurisdictions | Medium | Medium | County/City Government, Emergency Management, BRADD | Local Funds | Complete | Available upon request | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Health and Safety | BRADD PH.3.1 | By December of 2025, provide more access and opportunity for our residents to eat healthy by identifying areas that could be categorized as Food Deserts throughout the region for the purpose of seeking funding to address those areas (Also Supports PF.2 & PF.3). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | BRADD PH.3.2 | By December of 2024, provide the BRIGHT Coalition with a resource that highlights parks and their amenities located in each BRADD county for the purpose of promoting physical activity in the BRADD region. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | BRADD PH.3.3 | By May of 2025, work with the BRIGHT Coalition and BRADD’s AAAIL to promote an annual physical activity challenge or event for BRADD residents. (Also Supports PF.4.4). | Region | |||||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | BRADD PH.3.4 | By December of 2023, coordinate with BRIGHT Coalition to host trainings and develop educational outreach materials on topics related to public health in the BRADD region, including but not limited to, urban gardening techniques and creating/maintaining community gardens. | Region | on-going | ||||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | BRADD PH.4.1 | By December of 2027, form a regional Hazardous Materials/Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high yield Explosives (CBRNE) Response Team to aid in events. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 6.2 | Tornado, Severe Storm, Flooding, Winter Storm, Earthquake, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, | Region | All Jurisdictions | High | High | Emergency Management/ LEPC, BRADD | KOHS, LEPC, KYEM | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | BRADD PH.4.2 | By December of 2027, increase training, recruitment, and integration for All Hazards Incident Management Team. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | Very High | Very High | Public Health, Emergency Management, WKU, BRADD | KOHS, Local Funds | On-going | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cTClZ-PJceI2l67CXBwyauk8gv63ex-_?usp=sharing | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | BRADD PH.4.3 | By December of 2027, develop a plan for upgrading communications equipment for emergency services on a regional level, including studying the need for any regionally owned/shared equipment. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | Very High | Very High | County/City Government, Emergency Servcies, BRADD | KOHS, Local Funds | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | BRADD PH.4.4 | By December of 2027, establish a Citizen Corps Regional Program (Also Supports CLD.1 & CLD.8). | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 6.1, 6.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | Very High | Very High | Public Health, Emergency Management, WKU, BRADD | KOHS, Local Funds | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | BRADD PH.4.5 | By December of 2027, increase training, recruitment, and integration for Citizen Corps Programs. (Also Supports CLD.1 & PH.4). | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | Very High | Very High | Public Health, Emergency Management, WKU, BRADD | KOHS, Local Funds | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | BRADD PH.4.6 | By December of 2027 work with White Squirrel Weather to secure a Doppler Radar system for regional use. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 6.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | High | High | Emergency Management, WKU: White Squirrel Weather, BRADD, WKU: Disaster Science Operations Center | Local Funds, HMGP | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | BRADD PH.4.7 | By December of 2027, identify locations for flood gauges, seek out funding to install gauges at those locations, and identify partners for maintaining both the gauges and the resulting data. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 6.2 | Flooding | Region | All Jurisdictions | Medium | Medium | County/City Government, Emergency Management, BRADD, Army Corps of Engineers, Division of Water, KY Mesonet | HMGP, Local Funds, FMA | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | BRADD PH.4.8 | By December of 2027, identify low water ford locations in the BRADD region in need of light-up warning signs. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 6.2 | Flooding | Region | All Jurisdictions | Very High | Very High | County/City Governemnt, Emergency Management, BRADD, KYTC | HMGP, Local Funds | Continued from 2017 Plan. Objective is currently in process. | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | BRADD PH.4.9 | By December of 2027, establish a regional first responder training program to include responding to mental health calls, vulnerable populations, and other special incidents arising from unique circumstances. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 5.4, 6.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | Very High | Very High | Public Health, Emergency Management, WKU, BRADD | KOHS, Local Funds | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | BRADD PH.4.10 | By December of 2027, conduct an in-depth earthquake analysis for the BRADD region to determine needed earthquake mitigation actions. | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.2 | Earthquakes | Region | All Jurisdictions | Very High | Very High | BRADD, Emergency Management, WKU | HMGP, Local Funds, BRIC | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | BRADD PH.4.11 | By December of 2027, work with each county emergency manager to conduct a Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) Also Supports I.6) | 02/01/2022 | 12/01/2027 | 1.1, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 6.2 | Drought, Earthquake, Extreme Temperature, Flooding, Karst/Sinkhole, Landslide, Severe Storm, Tornado, Winter Storm | Region | All Jurisdictions | High | High | BRADD, City/County Government, Emergency Managment | Local Funds, KOHS | New to 2022 Plan | ||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | BRADD TCD.1.1 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, develop and promote the recreational opportunities that are associated with tourism by assisting in the development and administration of Land and Water Conservation Fund grants, Recreational Trails Program grants, and other recreation grants by June of 2022, and annually thereafter. | Region | On-going | https://www.bradd.org/grants-program/ | |||||||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | BRADD TCD.1.2 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, assist in the development of funding applications for the enhancement of local tourist attractions, including but not limited to the creation of maps, comprehensive community event calendars, strategic tourism planning, and tourism resource inventories. | Region | On-going | https://planning.bradd.org/tourism-cultural-development/ | |||||||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | BRADD TCD.1.3 | By December of 2027, strengthen the effectiveness of the Biosphere Region by providing coordination, staff assistance, and website development assistance for the Mammoth Cave Biosphere Region (Also supports SP.3). | Region | On-going | https://www.bradd.org/mammoth-cave-biosphere-region/ | |||||||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | BRADD TCD.2.1 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, assist in the development of funding applications for the enhancement of cultural and heritage assets, including but not limited to the creation of maps and marketing materials, strategic planning, and resource inventories. | Region | On-going | https://planning.bradd.org/tourism-cultural-development/ | |||||||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | BRADD TCD.2.2 | By June of 2026, create a repository of resources and materials on best practices for preserving historic resources, including but not limited to incentive programs, funding opportunities, and criteria for historical importance. | Region | |||||||||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | BRADD TCD.3.1 | By December of 2022, and annually thereafter, assist in the development of funding applications for the enhancement of ecotourism assets, including but not limited to the creation of maps and marketing materials, strategic planning, and resource inventories. | Region | On-going | https://planning.bradd.org/tourism-cultural-development/ | |||||||||||||
Tourism and Cultural Development | BRADD TCD.3.2 | By December of 2022 and annually thereafter, provide assistance to local governments in implementing an integrated strategy of trail development including Blueways, Trail Towns, and local waterway designations by utilizing the funding resources and selection criteria of the Recreational Trails Program Fund, Land and Water Conservation Fund, Transportation Enhancement funds, and other sources (Also support T.5). | Region | On-going | https://www.bradd.org/grants-program/ | |||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | Monroe PH.2.1 | By June of 2023, research funding opportunities to enhance the Humane Society including options to construct a permanent facility and fund operations. (PF.3.3, SP.2.3) | 11/01/2022 | 06/01/2023 | Monroe | |||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | Monroe PH.2.2 | By December of 2027, develop a substance abuse support group for abusers and family members. | 05/01/2024 | 12/01/2027 | Monroe | On-going | ||||||||||||
Public Health and Safety | HMP | Edmonson PH.2.7 | By December 2027, construct a new EMS building to be able to house all ambulances as the current facility can only house 3 out of 5 existing vehicles. | 11/01/2023 | 12/01/2027 | Edmonson |