BRADD Regional Overview
The performance measures outlined on this page are used to track progress in the BRADD Region and each of our 10 counties. By using the same data points across all counties, we are able to establish a baseline in order to evaluate the impact of our CEDS over a five-year time period.
For a look at the Regional Action Plan and Objectives, click on the yellow button above titled, “View All Objectives.” There you will find a comprehensive listing of specific action items and projects meant to be stepping stones to positively impact the performance measures listed below. For example, while there are no specific objectives targeting life expectancy alone, there are numerous objectives that have proven impacts on increasing life expectancy (e.g. safe housing, access to healthy foods, access to physical and mental healthcare, etc.). Thus, it is expected that if each of these objectives are achieved, an increase in life expectancy rate will follow.
BRADD has also put together a Resiliency Toolkit to help meet both regional and local objectives. To view resources by objective category, check out the toolkit also linked above.
Baseline Data
The following data points are used as baseline data to track trends across all 10 counties in the BRADD footprint. Data points are sourced from U.S. Census Bureau and 2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates.
Additionally, BRADD tracks projects impacting Opportunity Zones in the Region. See the map to the right for an overview of Opportunity Zones throughout the BRADD Region. To learn more about Opportunity Zones, check out the below linked Opportunity Zone Dashboard by StatsAmerica.

Current Projects in Opportunity Zones:
Caveland Environmental Authority: Horse Cave Regional Water Reclamation Facility: $2,836,000 in Federal Funding
BRADD Disaster Resiliency Coordinator: $285,368 in Federal Funding.